User Permissions - Access to reconcile without viewing balances
It would be really useful if you could give a user permission to be able to reconcile and post bank transactions, but not see the bank balance.

We thank you all for sharing in the idea here, and understand there are many permissions that our Xero customers would like to provide on a more incremental basis. As you'll all know access to bank accounts is available to users with Adviser, Standard or limited access to those with Read Only roles - You can see more of the breakdown in our article here
With much of the teams resource drawn to work on the platform that'll continue to help us with the 'building on beautiful' experience for our customers we want to be upfront that there are no direct plans for altering the user permissions in this space just yet.
User roles and individual permissions within a bank account will be in the limelight once much of the platform upgrades are complete, but this is some way off atm. We'll return to share when there's any steps made to begin digging into bank account permissions.
Sarah Brown commented
I would just like the team to be able to raise invoices and bills but no have access to the dash board only the standard or advisors should see this.
Andrii Ivanyshchuk commented
Awaiting this feature!
Amanda McNamara commented
Come on Xero, this is incredibly important. We can't hand over these roles if they can see the bank balances. It doesn't matter what a business has in place for confidentiality - it can't be enforced, even if the owners know about breeches.
Eric Adatia commented
It would be super helpful if users can be restricted from seeing balances on certain bank accounts in the dashboard. It seems as though you can hide accounts on Android/iphone but not on the web portal.
It should be possible to restrict permissions for Junior users so they can only see some (or none) bank account balances. -
StudioHub Billing commented
It is crazy that this is yet to be implicated. I'm amazed that a platform like Xero does not have a user permission that allows people to carry out administration tasks without having complete company overview.
Like many of the below comments, the delay and disregard of completing what seems a simple yet vital update will result in our companies having to look at alternate options.
kinson southwell commented
Has the status of this missing basic capability been addressed by Xero recently? I am trying to decide on a new accounting system for multiple companies that I own and this is a major concern to me. Is this response indicative of how Xero treats its users? Is Xero really that arrogant and user hostile?
If so, its a shame because Xero met many of my needs but this kind of response tells me that if my requirements ever change, it isn't likely that Xero will be willing to support those new ones.
Support NewChurchTek commented
Great thanks - I will give Infusion Accounting a try.
Chris Curlett commented
Try Infusion Accounting Software however I do not know how their permissions are BUT unlike Xero they are very approachable on improvements!
Support NewChurchTek commented
Unfortunately, I don't think 257 users are not enough for Xero. They would rather lose 257 clients than risk changing something that could upset the thousands more users they have. I've actually given up.
Can someone here tell me an alternative bookkeeping software?
Chris Curlett commented
This would be tremendous for us as well.
If this is something that is needed to comply with Government regulations, then XERO you need to make this happen URGENTLY!
Come on XERO it is time to stop writing excuses and GET IT DONE.
257 users needing it should be an indication that this is IMPORTANT.
Michelle Hoo commented
With the new e-invoicing system that Malaysian government is implementing, we now need to rely on Xero to issue receipts. However, it’s impractical for us to give all staff who are on shift to access to our bank accounts information. We are considering to quit Xero and migrate to another system if this can’t be solved. It’s such a pity as we’ve invested time and money to learn and train staff how to use Xero.
Can you please help to just allow us to create a category or role to create invoice & receipts without giving access to view our bank or any other account details?
Jacquelyn Marshall commented
Hi Kelly,
I agree with all comments that have gone before on this thread. Can you please provide an update on the progress made in relation to these requested functions?
Nathan Tichy commented
I agree with previous comments and it's not just this string, there are several other strings related to user access levels, none of which have been addressed either, ie Sales staff for invoicing, to obtain sales reports need access to the bank accounts? Really? This issue creates problems with delegating tasks and limits growth of the business as owners and managers are time restricted by being required to complete data entry and reconciliation and provide reports even if sales and admin staff are available, or as mentioned below it requires outsourcing to a bookkeeper in which you need to pay their margin on wages also forcing up costs.
This would appear to be a very large oversight by Xero and would make the software appear to be really designed for sole traders or very small companies not for larger enterprises as the software is pitched to and pricing would indicate.
Making it prettier (really no difference) doesn't make it any better to use of improve it's functionality to evolve and grow with the business.
This should be a priority.
Luke McDade commented
Our business has been following this for a few years now. Again, we really need this feature. We see no reason why a user cannot reconcile a transaction while requiring to see a bank account balance.
As others have noted our concern is employees see how well the company is doing without the full picture of taxes and other expenses.
We note the price creep in the subscription cost but not the features to justify it.
Xero, listen to your customers! They're getting noisy!
Chris Curlett commented
Michael - I do so agree with your comments and sentiments.
This is a very basic issue and should have been incorporated from the outset - the whole permissions structure is frankly lacking any depth. It seems to almost have been designed to require a third party (Accountant) to do some work and charge fees - perhaps this is why they like it so much!
XERO's whole approach seems to be to talk down to users and ensure their suggestions are NOT implemented. When there is something with so many supporters and is ignored in such a condescending way insulting.
Michael Hutchens commented
I'm sorry Kelly but your response to this feature request - which has received over 250 votes - is hard to read without feeling patronised.
None of us care about 'building on beautiful', we just want the platform to include features that add value, and this is an example of an obvious feature which is extremely valuable and should have always been in the platform had Xero's product managers thought about the user experience properly.
For perspective, not having this feature means that business owners are unable to have their internal staff perform time consuming reconciliations without them having access to financial data that they should not and do no need to access.
So business owners are instead forced to either do it themselves, instead of running their business, or outsource it to expensive bookkeepers, even if they have admin staff with the capacity to do it internally.
Your reply of 'no and perhaps never, don't hold your breath', is very hard to read without feeling offended, and the angry comments below are a testament to this.
Big picture, it feels like many of the best Xero people have taken their money and left the company, while us users are stuck recommending obvious feature improvements (or I would argue 'fixes') and being told not to hold our breath.
I really hope this dynamic turns, but I won't hold my breath.
RV Fix commented
this needs to happen ASAP
Phil Whitehorne commented
It is vital than I can hide certain bank accounts from certain users view. Also the balances. A pretty basic option really.
J Prescott commented
It seems that Xero has its priorities wrong. Users are clear that this is a priority. Prettying up the interface isn’t
Brendan Watt commented
xero arent going to listen until new subscriptions slow down.. post these issues on their ads that pop on facebook or instagram so new users see the massive downfalls...
#User Role - Restrict access to specific Settings