Bank Reconciliation - Account Transaction / Bank Statements - Pagination at top of page
Instead of having to scroll through the account transactions / bank statements to get to the bottom in order to change the page number you are on. Either having this bar at the top as well or also having this bar move wiht you so you can always change the page as needed.

This will save a lot of time in big bank reconciliations
It will be a great new feature if we can have page numbers at the top of the bank reconciliation (exactly the same as the numbering at the bottom tight of each bank reconciliation page) to avoid having to scroll all the way to the bottom each time we want to move to another page
Stewart Anderson commented
Please put back/forward/page arrows at the top of the bank reconcilation page as well as at the bottom.
Helen Thompson commented
Please can you put page forward or back at the top of the page on Banking, invoices and bills, etc. rather than at the bottom, going all the way down so you can back or forward is annoying, most accounts packages have it at the top and bottom
Laura Simon commented
While in the Bank Statements or Account Transactions tabs, it would be awesome if we could select other pages from the top of the screen as well as at the bottom.
Cathy Drew commented
The reconciliation page is now so long that when you are at the top of the page and need to go to the previous or next page you have to scroll right down to the bottom of the page to do so.
Also, it's extremely annoying that there is now no start and end buttons to take you to either end of the reconciliation pages.Please add a pages link at the top of the page as well as the bottom and Start and End click buttons like we had previously as this was much easier than scrolling down the pages numbers to get to the end.
Stephen Chadwick commented
Can the 'jump to a new page' option on the bank reconciliation screen not be at the top as well as the bottom? Would save scrolling all the way to the bottom of 50 entries every time!
Kerri Ruge commented
Now that there are 50 transactions per page I think this would be very beneficial
Daniel Krasenstein commented
On the Bank rec (reconcile and transactions) and payables and receivables (all and awaiting) screens it would be helpful to have the "jump to page" also at the top of the screen to save having to scroll all the way to the bottom to move to the next page when I know that's where you need to go.
Joanne Geary commented
This is essential. Especially now we have 50 transactions on one page. Its even further to scroll down now.
Lisa Gyzen commented
Very small little idea - but oh so annyoing - please add the page number jumps to the top of the page as well. The continual scrolling down to go to the next page is very time consuming.
Marissa Cruz commented
Could you please explore the possibility of including page numbers, as well as 'Next' and 'End' buttons at the top of the page, in addition to the bottom on the Account Transactions section?
John Ridout commented
I like the new 50 lines per page bank reconciliation.
Can you please add the page navigation tool to the top of the page as well as the bottom. -
Jane Whitman commented
On the bank reconciliation page the ability to move between pages is at the bottom of the page, is it possible to also have this at the top of the page? So that you don't have to scroll the page first to move through the pages?
Tony Inggs commented
Would it be possible to add page numbers to the top of the page when looking in pages such as "contacts" "bank account recocilliations " Etc
Anthony Biddulph commented
Sticky header/footer for bank reconciliation (cash coding, bank statements and account transactions tabs). The idea is to not have to scroll down all the way to jump to a specific page or navigate to the next page. The option to navigate between pages must be easily accessible at all times.
Ray Antonino commented
There is a better way. Simply update the footer to be a 'floating bar' and insert one line of code to fix the position (Ex. position: fixed;) where you currently have the paginate footer. A perfect example of this was done by, one of your marketplace companies.
Wendy Lacey commented
Please add page numbers on account transactions tab in bank accounts - top AND bottom, so you can skip to the next page without having to scroll down tons of bank data to get to the "next" page! Thanks
Sarah Stuart commented
We need to get this 'out there' for voting! It drives me mad to have to scroll to the bottom of the page all the time.
Chetna Shah commented
On Bank reconciliation page Xero has page number and a drop down menu of page numbers is only at the bottom of the page. So if you want to got next page, you need to scroll down to go to next page or to choose next page number.
So i would like to request to Xero technical/program management team to add this banner on top of the page too.
I have uploaded the pic to see the banner. Please vote if you agree with me and if you are tired to scroll up and down on the computer