New Invoicing - Reduce the amount of empty space on screen
Have less white space on new invoicing as it fills screen. The notes section which is in contacts 4000 chars make visable and editable on the new invoice page so we can see it whilst creating and invoice. We dont then have to keep jumping from one page to the next.

Thanks to everyone that participated in and shared back on the team’s research in the new invoicing layout. Taking your feedback on board our teams have made some improvements to the layout of new invoicing, including changes to the layout of fields and buttons.
By rearranging and condensing space between fields, you’ll find there is less white space than previously shown, making it easier to navigate and tab through fields when entering your invoices.
We’re actively looking into changes within the invoicing grid that’ll go further to condensing information on the screen and reducing actions when entering your invoices. We’ll update as there is more information to share on this.
Kimberley Lamb commented
New Invoicing invoices are too big and the white space needs reducing to stop unnecessary scrolling -
Keith Poole commented
Seconded that - like the Bank Rec screen that I had to write custom CSS to un-clusterfk (which was so successful that Xero implemented most of it as 'compact mode').
This bloated shiny rounded **** just wastes time and space.
Add this detail to any TrustPilot reviews you leave!
Shannon McMonigal commented
I agree with the comments here about an option for a compact view
Jordana Gray commented
Could we have the option for a compact view? It takes up too much space on the screen.
Jenny Draper commented
Despite our continuous comments, complains and sheer despair over the amount of added white space in the screens, and the HUGE, USELSS WHITE SPACE in the screens new "Features" seem t be getting worse and having more big fat stupid white space everywhere.I AM GOING INSANE., JUST TO ADD A NEW CODE WE NOW NEE DTO MOVE AND SCROLL THE CREEN.
SERIOUSLY??????????????????????????? STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David Sellar commented
Regarding the new invoice. I'm sure a lot of the features are fine, but why is it so ugly? Can't you keep the old compact, well spaced invoice, and then add the new features. Why is it so big?
Emily Aspden commented
Two additional points I'd like to add:
- Is it possible to reduce the font size back to what it was on classic invoicing. Currently having to zoom out to make the scrolling up and down more efficient.
- I like that you have the ability to hide columns. Could we also have the option to increase/reduce column size? For example, it would be much better use of screen space and easier on the eye to reduce the size of the quantity and unit price columns, and increase the size of the description column. It looks like you've reduced the size required by the quantity column by using the qty shorthand in the title, but not actually reduced the size of the column to go with that change.
Lucy Cook commented
While I absolutely dread having to use the new invoicing once it becomes compulsory (what a complete balls up!), can you please give us the option of a compact view like you did with bank recs a while ago? The new setup makes the view much wider than classic and this is ******* the eyes
Emily Aspden commented
Old invoicing worked just fine, allowed for speedy working, was intuitive and efficient.
New invoicing is clunky beyond belief.
I echo my comment on a previous suggestion - have the product development team actually sat down and created an 80 line invoice?I dread the day we no longer have the option for classic invoicing. How can something so good be made so bad in the name of development? I embrace change, but there needs to be a positive improvement in work flow.
- Online payment box. Please give us a tick box that allows us to untick it, so it no longer shows up as an option to 'set up' every time I create a new invoice. We don't need the upsell. For companies using invoice finance this is completely irrelevant. Yes we know it's there to go into the settings and set up if needed. Get off my invoice.
- Talk about blank space... the item lines are way too wide (in both directions) and spread out. Our invoices contain 70+ lines and it takes forever to drag and scroll through, it's inefficient.
- If I want to add another line in the middle of the invoice, I can't drag it up until I've entered information into it. This also creates inefficient working. I want to drag the lines up into their place first, then enter the data. This worked fine before.
- When you do drag item lines up and down, the lines you're not dragging move about. This is incredibly distracting, especially when they move whilst you're trying to read them. This adds to the clunk. And also adds risks of human error.
Gary Young commented
I see all this comments about the white space involved in the new entry - but has no one else noted that what is entered is not what is stored.
I do not know how to get across to everyone that the descriptions entered into the invoice entry screen is altered before it is stored into the database.
This is not something that should ever be allowed.
The entry is removing carriage returns and spaces before any printable characters - this does not allow you to format the way you want to display your invoice. (This applies to description only lines as well as invoice lines.)
This seems to be the only idea that continues to report comments - so once again I shall raise it here, even though it has nothing to do with the terrible new screen layout. -
Sarah Jacobs commented
On new invoicing:
We can see the 'to' column contains customer name and address, so if both are populated then there is always going to be wasted real estate under issue date etc. a good way to use this would be to allow the reference, branding them and currency fields to text wrap.
Also why is 'online payments' column so wide when the only possible responses are 'None' and 'Yes' (I'm guessing as I don't use online payments).
Also, why does the 'repeating' information take up a whole row? surely that could be condensed and moved into the row above it.
There's still a lot of different font sizes on this screen which makes it a) jarring to read & b) difficult to zoom lower than 90% as some fonts are large and some are tiny -
Sarah Jacobs commented
More new invoicing wasted space feedback:
1. the sent box takes up a whole row, but could be moved up next to the 'paid' box.
2. why is the 'paid' font tiny, but the 'sent' font huge? they should be the same size.
3. when viewing a currency invoice on a narrower screen, the currency gets wrapped to under the customer address, when it should get wrapped to under the issue date.
4. Listing the currency code and name takes up a lot of real estate. Why isn't this field wrapped, as there's so much empty space below it.
5. Why does the 'amounts do not include tax' note take up a whole row? We know this already if we show the tax rate in the line columns. If we have to show this at all, why isn't it included either a ) next to the currency field, or b) at the bottom under the total
6. on currency invoices, after an invoice is paid, why does the currency loss/gain take up a whole row, just move it up next to the exchange rate
7. why are the font sizes for exchange rate so tiny? This means that I can't zoom this screen to fit it on one page -
Sarah Jacobs commented
Hi Xero, there's still a lot of unused real estate on the new invoicing which needs to be condensed so that a user can see more line items on one screen without having to scroll ... see attachment.
Please note that the screenshot shows the screen already zoomed to 90%; the scrolling issue would be even worse at 100% -
Simon Tarling commented
The new Invoicing has a poor User Interface (UI). The form takes too much space, requires too many clicks and mouse mileage is higher than on the Classic form.
I suggest you extend the period users can continue to use the Classic (and superior) form whilst you correct the mistakes. In a perfect world you would allow users to keep both, but if you cannot do this, at least allow us another year.
More over, Xero needs to improve it's functional QA and these types of mistakes should never go live.
There are other examples in the New Xero approach which display the same failings.
Adell Rose-Leigh Fox commented
New Invoice screen layout - Inefficient & Frustrating
Echoing Claire Annals comment 5 Sep 2024 - The new invoicing layout seems to be designed for widescreen monitors and not for those working on laptops (for example, self-employed bookkeepers, small businesses etc.) resulting in lots of scrolling to enter details into the invoice and can't see the whole thing at once as can be viewed in the previous version. This is very frustrating and time-consuming. Please make the layout more accessible for laptop users.
Attaching screenshots for reference.
Sarah Jacobs commented
Why are there only 2 options for issue date in new invoicing, but 6 options for due date? I would like issue date to have the last day of the previous month and the first date of the next month as options
Maggie Kavanagh commented
The cut off date for removal of the original layout must be postponed to give the developers time to fix the glitches. I regularly try the new layout and it's definitely not yet good enough for hard launch. The builders don't actually use these layouts in practice, so they need much more testing time to understand the necessary functionalities - then the new layout can be an improvement on the original, as it was intended.
Claire Annals commented
The new invoicing layout seems to be designed for widescreen monitors and those of us working on laptops (for example, self-employed bookkeepers, small businesses etc.) have to do a lot of scrolling to enter details into the invoice and can't see the whole thing at once. This is very frustrating and time-consuming for us and our clients. Please make the layout more accessible for laptop users.
Tropical Waste commented
How long will Xero Take to get this one right? "working on it" flagged on July 11 people. You mob are worse than a Government Department!!!!!
Tim Sneller commented
"New Invoicing" - A possible explanation for the changes....
Because people have been asking for extra functionality for invoicing, such as different addresses/email addresses etc etc for invoices, statements, and other documents, a lot of extra data fields and probably extra data files have had to be added to the system. These additions mean that the OLD invoicing screen (PROGRAM), will not work in the future, and still allow access to existing data.. The developers have therefore had to write a new program, which will allow historic AND future invoices to be accessed.
Unfortunately, they have somewhat failed in the implementation, and some old features are still not available. The layout is awful, the implementation timeline keeps slipping, and we all feel that we are not being listened to.
UNFORTUNATELY - Without a new invoicing module, the other desperately needed changes probably cannot happen.
There is one really horrendous issue with invoicing, where a historic invoice is altered if the company address is changed. Is this ever going to be fixed, as it is probably illegal in many jurisdictions. If we are asked for a COPY invoice from a long time ago, we cannot be certain that it is an IDENTICAL copy. Once an invoice has been printed and SENT, it should be impossible to edit it, or change it in any way.
If I am wrong, perhaps someone at Xero could treat us like the ADULT CUSTOMERS that we are, and offer us a FULL EXPLANATION as to why Classic Invoicing needs to be deprecated, as all that users see, is that the new program does not work nearly as well as the old one.