New Invoicing - Hyperlink Contact to go directly to the contact record
The company name used to be a hyperlink to take you back to the contact main page when you are viewing an invoice. Now it gives you a summary box of the company address - really dont see the value of this change. It has introduced yet another change to the flow of work that creates more clicks per action. You cant get out of the invoice unless you use the browser back button or Control-enter on the company name (twice) to open a new tab of the contact. Please restore the company name hyperlink to the company contact page. Its the first hyperlink in the whole system that does this type of action and just seems very strange

Thanks for sharing, Sally. This pop up that appears when clicking on the contact is the contact card. While not a lot of information is held here atm our team are looking into developing that out to show and enable users to edit more of their contact information without having to leave the invoice.
Appreciate this does add an extra click into the contact card before you can go across to the contact record and we'll leave the idea here open to gather interest in a one click option directly. If there's any change we'll update you on this here.
Sally Stubbs commented
Thank you for the update and I can see the value of having a short cut pop up to the account contact info, perhaps as a suggestion to maintain the cohesiveness of the system it would be a god idea to maintain the hyperlink as a link back to the main contact page (like all the links work throughout the system) and add a small 'i' - info icon in the invoice template to access info as a pop up.