Bills - Add line in a paid bill
Ability to add a line in a paid bill.
Purpose: To meet requirements of break up bills at a later point in time after being paid or if clients are processing the bills and payments and you may need to modify the accounts allocated to

Hi all, appreciate there's some interest in the idea here and the needs somewhat relate to those represented in the idea across here.
To note, where needing to change the account of lines of a bill at a later date, one option would be to post a manual journal if for an individual bill. Alternatively, you could look at using Find & recode to update the account of bills that have been paid if needing to do this on more of a bulk basis - we'd recommend connecting with your advisor and testing in the demo company before actioning this.
River commented
If it's a single payment on the bill, it would be a minor hassle but most of the time bills are paid via batch payments. I am not going to delete the payments of multiple bills just to edit a single bill. Also applies to sales invoices.
David Avery commented
As a single director, I need to create internal monthly bills that contains car mileage, home usage and expensed costs. At the moment I need to create a bill per transaction and two entries per car mileage in order to reclaim the VAT (Crazy!).
Much better to add a simple Bill structure that enables each item to have a date which can then accommodate monthly detailed internal Bills.
It just needs to an optional field (e.g. date) in each item line within the Bill.
The workaround for imported old data is to use the Inventory Code but you can change it once it has been imported because, changing the inventory code, changes the Description, price etc. (Crazy!)
Melissa Lee commented
YES!!! We often need to add more lines to bills from our supplier once we have already started paying them, as we tend to add on more requirements and also shipping costs later in the manufacturing process.
We pay a deposit and then several instalments over a number of months until the bill is fully paid - so there are often multiple payments attached to each bill.
It is super annoying to have to delete, re-enter, and re-reconcile all the payments (esp with different exchange rates) just so we can add a few more items to the bill!
Admin Operator commented
How Annoying & Time consuming is this for Bills & Invoices with payments applied having to remove the payment !!!!! What I have noticed is we are all wasting our breath posting thing that are ESSENTIAL, day after day, minute after minute - Units of measures, 30 60 90days etc - all Basic requirement - no customer service you can phone - "Building Beautiful" how about just Building the BASICS ?
Pam van Muijen commented
Kelly- oftentimes we have bills that come in over time for manufacturing. I believe this directly affects construction companies or anyone that does progress billing. Currently the only way to add a new line, which the request asks for (not just adjust a line that already exists), requires removing payments, updating the bill, and then re-applying payments. It's a massive work around.
Emma Grima commented
Due to requirements to break up bills at a later point in time after being paid or if clients are processing the bills and payments and you may need to modify the accounts allocated to