Bills - Highlight bills due to be paid by Direct Debit
It would be great to have a Direct Debit flag on the Bills area. Especially on the ones waiting payment.
That would allow us to know if a bill that is waiting payment is Direct Debit and we don't need to act, just wait to reconcile.
I created a (terrible) mockup and attached it.

Jonathan Shepherd commented
I agree, this would be handy. My workaround for this is to mark DD bills as paid with payment coming out on the day of the direct debit.
Mr Sol commented
Hello, If you are using Go Cardless please vote for this feature request
Mandy Lund commented
If a supplier is paid against DD option even making the SUPPLIER'S name BOLD and in RED could help. As we have multiple departments updating Xero at various stages it would be helpful to avoid potentially paying suppliers twice, as not all members of our teams are aware which customers are on DD basis. Also, when checking through O/S payments not all team members understand some payments will be collected by DD and therefore no point to flag me to make a bank transfer to clear the debt. Thanks in anticipation.
Alex Skipper commented
This would be extremely useful as an extension if we could then filter to exclude or include...
In my team where we operate payment runs and managing the bills to pay for some clients what we have started doing in luie of Xero doing the above is marking the bill as paid where we know it is paid by DD based on the due date / DD cycle then when it clears the bank just matching the statement line with the forward dated spend.. This at least ensures that the bills to pay area is as clear as possible and no one double pays invoices.
Rory Lloyd commented
Sensible option to have and improves control. Simple tick box on the vendor that would remove loaded invoices from bills page, or put in a separate DD tab on bills page perhaps, then to be reconciled.
Lisa Height commented
Agree, this should be a feature that works alonside the planned date so that you can effectively blockout that bill so that it is not caught up in batch payments, and it shows in cash flow reports. Should also be option for bills paid by BPAY.
Debbie Marton commented
Adding a tick box, search box or similar to be able to visibly and simply identify automatic / direct debit payments against payments we need to make manually, to be able to identify them easily and search for those bills easily.
Siew Cheong commented
In the Bills to Pay-Awaiting for Payment-Planned Date, if Xero can add two more features for 'disputes/pending' and 'direct debit/SO' options this help to ease to browse again and again who's not scheduled to pay.