Multicurrency- Batch payments of Foreign Currency Bills.
Batch payments of Foreign Currency Bills.
Dear Xero,
Please consider the feature of being able to batch up foreign currency Bills. We often pay multiple invoices in one go, having to reconcile and mark as paid 10 invoices is extremely time consuming.
Hi everyone, thank you for all the interest and we appreciate the needs for those using foreign currency to have more efficiency in how you process these bills for payment. Your feedback and votes here have not gone unnoticed - We have a team that have been doing some ground work in this space and at this time we have beta that we'd like to invite any UK customers to join and feedback to our team on the experience. If you'd like to be a part of this please fill in our form here and we'll be in touch.
We appreciate this idea is farther reaching than UK alone and while the beta is limited to this region for the time being, based on results we will look at expanding this to other places.
We'll keep you updated of further developments here.
Tanya Holtham commented
Very frustrating for many of my clients whom use foreign suppliers and have to manually pay each one via their banking, so time consuming.
Jo Hansford commented
I don't understand why this isn't considered essential. Who doesn't buy at least some things from overseas these days? Even if its only packaging.
Stuart Grostern commented
I wholeheartedly agree with the comments below, it is such a basic function to be able to pay and send remittances for foreign currency invoices and payments and I actually cannot believe it has not been prioritised and developed already.
Stephen James commented
As you offer Xero as a multi currency accounts package it doesn't make sense that I can't batch pay multiple invoices in a foreign currency.
I am not creating payments/files from XERO, simply posting a batch payment in another currency. I would also like to email remittance advices in a foreign currency as well.
Please make this available.
Ag Stephenson commented
People have been asking for this for a long time. For us it is not possible to continue using Xero without this functionality. Are you targeting domestic companies only? certainly seems that way.
Shannon Rands commented
Here's a conversation from Xero Support. Great timely communication, but the answer is hot garbage. Seems like people have been asking for this: Batch Payments for Foreign Accounts for a long time here, and Xero has no answers.
14 Feb 9:50 PM
Hi SThanks for reaching out.
As you've found, currently it's not possible to include foreign transactions in Batch Payments or Batch Deposits, or pay them to a foreign currency bank account in Xero. This is a request that's already been raised with us and I've found an idea that's similar to what you’re suggesting in our Xero Product Ideas. This is where our customers can share and support ideas for change.
I’ve included a link to this where you can view and support the current idea or create a new idea to share your thoughts.
Xero Product Ideas: Bills: Batch Payments - Batch pay multiple foreign currency bills
Kind regards
27 Feb 3:29 PM
Thanks, but when will foreign currency payments be available in batch form? I sincerely hope this is extremely high on the list of the developers and would like to see this implemented before Spring.27 Feb 6:31 PM
Hi SAs we make such a wide range of changes based on such a wide variety of factors, we can't always provide firm dates for when new services will be developed.
I’ve included some links to some Xero Central articles and the Xero Blog for more information.
Xero Central articles:
Xero releases
Partner Product releases
Xero Blog: How does Xero prioritise product improvements and feature requests?
Kind regards
Today 11:32 AM
Hi, is the batch payment option something that is currently being worked on/address/going to be added in 2023 to Xero? This is a new accounting system for us, and we are incredibly frustrated that foreign currency batch payments are not an option. I see many people complaining about it on the forums. I would hope that this is top priority for Xero developers. I do not find the answers given to me thus far to be even remotely acceptable.
Today 2:24 PM
Hi SCurrently, we're unaware of any updates, development roll out dates, or what stage of development this feature is in.
We suggest adding your comments to the Product idea surrounding creating Batch payments in foreign currency as they're directed to our Product team.
Also adding your vote to the Product idea helps flag that this feature is in high demand.
Kind regards
Jimmy Hempenstall commented
Where functionality exists for the base currency it should be available for all in a multicurrency system.
The only variable should be the exchange rate and gain/loss posting.
Shouldn't be that complicated and should be standard for a global software solution.
I also need to be able to send remittance advices in foreign currency as well and this is connected I presume.
I am not creating payments/files from XERO, simply posting a batch payment in another currency.
If the batch were single currency restricted, this would be acceptable if that made the code simpler.
Claire Parker commented
This would be super useful for our business too. I guess the contacts bank account details would need to include fields for SWIFT codes etc. We have several freight forwarders that invoice in both AUD & USD. Would be great to do one batch payment.
Jo-Anne HAEUSLER commented
I so agree Nicola. Does Xero get these messages? It's like they completely ignore everything that is requested/said!
Nicola Droogmans commented
I'm really disappointed this is not an option. We have received EUR payments into our EUR bank account that pay up to 1000 invoices at once. I have spent up to 5/6hours allocating one payment, just so that it will crash on me a few minutes from the end of the allocation. I can't afford to waste time like this, especially as the task is back to square one as I can't complete the allocation. What other solution is there?
JIHAD SALIBA commented
Xero always claims its Product Development Team listens, however, it is clearly not the case.
A Product Development Team that designs and develops an accounting software without a foreign currency batch is gravely unaware of basic user functionalities of accountants and bookkeepers.
A Product Development Team does not need to milk their brains to develop good user functionality modules, it just requires them to look around in the market and check the fantastic products competition has. Unfortunately, they prefer to remain secluded in their cocoons...
As an accounting and bookkeeping services company, though we had previously adopted Xero as our exclusive software partner about 5 years ago, for the last 2+ years, we have been onboarding new clients to different accounting solutions given that Xero is not evolving in the direction that suits basic operational needs of a business like ours.
Sonya G commented
Agreed! However it would appear that Xero is not actually paying attention to the requests of actual users as this has been going on for years and it is a real need unlike the cosmetics!
Jo-Anne HAEUSLER commented
Thank you Jihad I so agree with you. The foreign currency batch payment is a simple urgent need far more important to general accounting than all the other cosmetic gimmicks xero is wasting their time developing.
JIHAD SALIBA commented
We all need those Einstein software developers at Xero and their Managers (who obviously had never worked in accounting themselves) to listen once and for good and to accept developing proper core user functionalities instead of wasting their time on silly cosmetic gimmicks for iPhone and Android.
Unfortunately, they are quite resiliently obstinate, it has been almost 5 years now and they are still refusing to do it.
Jennifer Ellis commented
We had a client pay 11 invoices today in our non-default currency and it took 20 minutes to reconcile. Pay each one, then go back into the paid file and upload the remittance 11 times. Could have taken me less than one minute. It's also super handy to see the total deposit to make sure the bank deposit matches the invoices being reconciled.
Delene Keyser commented
I have to reconcile 150+ bills in THB. I have to start and repeat this process in the bank reconciliation as Xero and I can't keep track of where in excel we are. I tried a bulk payment, but it is in a different currency. Is there a workaround? It would save so much time weekly.
Man Sze Cheung commented
we have more than 90% oversea suppliers , and we have a month credit, so every month when I paid , I need to settled the invoice one by one , waste a lot of time
Robert Hill commented
This is an integral accounting procedure. By not allowing foreign currency batch payments, the software adds more time to the reconciliation process. We can do this in QuickBooks.
Nicole Spiridon commented
All of our foreign client are paying in bulk so it is time consuming to allocate currency receipts to each individual invoice, it would be so efficient to mark a client payment in batch.
Patty Robertson commented
What if a business issues USD cheques? We used to do that and this would have been a major issue. As it is, we do many USD and EUR payments that are paying multiple invoices at a time and it is very inconvenient to have to wait until transactions go through the bank as I am unable to send remittance information to my suppliers.