New Invoice - Cursor Default Position
In the old Invoicing, when creating a new invoice the cursor would default to contact field so as soon as the screen opened you could start typing to bring up the contact. With the new Invoicing you have to click on the screen in the desired field to be able to type anything.
Please fix this, it is extremely frustrating.

Hi team, rounding back on this one again. Thanks for raising this with us, our team have confirmed they have been looking at this behaviour and are looking to make a change to default the cursor to the Contact field. I'll move to working on it and we'll keep you updated here :)
Ross Persson commented
I created a help ticket for this problem. It seems that their Auto-save feature is causing them problems, which is very frustrating because the auto- save feature is causing a lot of users problems too. Below is the reply I got:
Hi Ross
Thank you for giving access to your organisation.
We understand if the cursor starts with the contact name that would be convenient. In the new invoicing, the cursor doesn't start with the contact name because once you enter the contact name, the invoice will be automatically saved as a draft.
If the other information, such as description, price, quantity have been entered but the contact name hasn't been selected yet, in this case, if users cancel out this page or exit it, this invoice will not be recorded as a draft.
We can see this is a request that's already been raised with us and our Product Team is working on it according to the idea status. Our community manager has also commented in the post. Xero Product Ideas is a Xero website where our customers can share and support ideas for change.
TPSFC Inc. commented
Can you also correct the cursor position in the price box - it defaults to the end of the placeholder 0.00 figure so for example when you start typing $100 you end up with 0.00100 instead. Have to remember to correct the cursor position before entering every figure which is time consuming and ridiculous.
Osher Posen commented
Why has this issue cropped up, and not been fixed?! Basic programming!!
Marc Le May commented
The new system is very tedious in general, takes longer all around. Working on it all day is tiring compared to the old layout.
Kristi Hourigan commented
I hope this is fixed soon as I can be typing 'nowhere' only to realise I have to select the field manually, I much prefer when the Contact field is automatically selected when creating a new invoice!
Lynette M Carson commented
New Invoicing change - I now have to click in Contact Field of every Invoice.
Has Xero made a change here?
When I create a new invoice, it used to automatically take me to the Contact field so that I can add the contact.
I now have to Click in the contact field for me to input a contact for the invoice...
This is messing with my muscle memory again...I thought Xero were trying for less clicks, not more clicks?Am I going insane?
Sally Stubbs commented
Thank you for the update and I can see the value of having a short cut pop up to the account contact info, perhaps as a suggestion to maintain the cohesiveness of the system it would be a god idea to maintain the hyperlink as a link back to the main contact page (like all the links work throughout the system) and add a small 'i' - info icon in the invoice template to access info as a pop up.
Sally Stubbs commented
The company name used to be a hyperlink to take you back to the contact main page when you are viewing an invoice. Now it gives you a summary box of the company address - really dont see the value of this change. It has introduced yet another change to the flow of work that creates more clicks per action. You cant get out of the invoice unless you use the browser back button or Control-enter on the company name (twice) to open a new tab of the contact. Please restore the company name hyperlink to the company contact page. Its the first hyperlink in the whole system that does this type of action and just seems very strange