30 results found
Personal Tax (UK) | Tick boxes to show which sections have been completed
Have the option to have a tick box to show a section as completed, as if you have to leave a return part completed and then return to it, (which could be nearly 2 months later) as you have requested additional information, you have to go through it all again to check what you have done whereas a tick box would show which has been done and save you some time.
3 votesThank you for raising this idea, Ruth. Our Product team can definitely see the benefits of adding support for this. As you will know personal tax has some permanent schedules (Client details, Attachments etc). Would you only expect to have the completed tracking against the schedules that are added or the permanent schedules as well?
Personal Tax (UK) | Add ability to track capital allowances
In personal tax there appears to be no provision to enter capital allowance for self employment in the form of a schedule which personal tax can keep year to year. This would help when writing down existing assets as well as adding and claiming for new assets differentiating the assets between main pool/special rate pool and assets with a personal use element to enter the percentage to apply.
20 votesHi everyone, Xero is committed to supporting the tracking of capital allowances claimed on capital expenditure. We understand how this will save with partners and remove manual tracking of written down allowances. At the moment we don't have confirmed date when this will be picked up, but as soon as we do we will let you know here.
Xero HQ | Report Templates - Increase number of Director & Partner fields
Currently there is only the ability to enter 4 Directors names into the Report fields in 'Advanced accounting › Report fields and schedules'
So when we run the advisor reports, on the Director Declaration's page we have to manually type in the extra directors.
Can you increase the fields for more than 4 directors and even more than 4 partners.12 votesThanks for engaging and sharing the idea here - Having a deeper read to interpret, there's the ability to add more client report fields that can be included in your report templates yourself (such as Director 5, Director 6 etc) - See detail in our help here.
A couple of pointers to note, are;
- ensure you have the Edit report templates permission, then
- add the new client report fields at Xero HQ level first; this'll make them available to add in your Report templates. Then, add the names of the directors at the client level.
We hope this helps you overcome the idea here, let us know if this doesn't quite accomplish what you're asking.
Xero Tax (UK) - Support for custom notes in Financial Statements
When preparing the statutory accounts in Xero Tax it would be great to have the feature to create your own "freeform note". For example, I need to add a secured debts note to the accounts however Xero does not currently provide this note amongst the list, therefore I need a freeform note where I can determine the heading and body of the note to feature in the notes to the financial statements. Currently the workaround is to declare the secured debts note as a line with the creditors which makes the presentation of the accounts weak.
18 votesHi team, reviewing this idea our team are exploring the possibility of adding the ability to add a number of Freeform Notes in some of the Financial statements for FRS102 1a as part of our plans to improve the Notes & Disclosures and offer greater flexibility. We'll round back to share once we have confirmation for you all. 🙂
new title mx
XPM does not cater for titles for non-binary individuals. We have an individual who is non-binary. Their title is MX. This is currently not an option that is available in the Title drop down menu. Can this be added by Xero please?
6 votesThanks for sharing your idea here, Tanya. To check would this be for a client or staff's details? Just want to make sure we're sharing back with the right product team.
Comparative on all reports
On the first page where you can select to have comparative or only current year showing, option to tick and apply to all reports – would be handy for first year clients where they don’t have comparatives, instead of updating on every report
2 votesSorry Zoe, just trying to understand the page you're referring to here - When you say 'on the first page', is this within a specific report that you're running at present?
Are there particular reports you'd find most useful to add comparatives too? Thanks
Xero Tax (UK) - SOIRE for FRS102 s 1A accounts
Love Xero Tax for FRS105 but don't use it for FRS102 s1A accounts. Are there any plans to be able to select to include a SOIRE (not just a SOCE)? This is critical for a potential switchover to Xero Tax for these accounts for me.
8 votesThanks for your feedback and support in ideas, everyone.
We've been exploring opportunities for expanding UK tax capabilities for our partners and are considering the ability to include a SOIRE for FRS102 1A accounts. We'll shift to Under review and share more when there's updates with you here. 🙂
Xero Tax (NZ) | Include [Payment] Payment Since Approved [START] field in Tax Payment letters awaiting approval report
TAX - Payment letters awaiting approval report in XPM to include [Payment] Payment Since Approved [START] field
1 voteHi Debbie, the 'waiting approval' report only contains unapproved letters. And the field you've references would only contain payments 'since approval' so even if included, would always be 0.00.
Could you share a little detail of any underlying pain point you're looking for this idea to help you solve? It'd help in sharing back with the team and considering how this could be tackled. Thanks!
Xero BAS - Finalise BAS in a Xero file connected to the ATO, without submitting to the ATO
Problem: Xero connected to the ATO for activity statements. Client prepares monthly IAS (PAYGW only), Adviser prepares quarterly BAS (GST and one month's PAYGW). Adviser has to disconnect from ATO to finalise BAS in Xero and import into Xero Tax (to be able to send to the client for electronic signing and then making lodgement to the ATO).
Solution: make it possible to finalise the AS in Blue Xero without disconnecting from the ATO, allowing Client to continue submitting IAS to ATO from within Xero and Adviser to import into Xero Tax to send for e-signing and lodgement.
3 votes -
Hubdoc - Document Merge
Ability to merge documents in Hubdoc.
Purpose: To easily combine separated pages of a document into one.
174 votesThanks for your input here, everyone. Our team is currently looking into adding a document merge feature into their roadmap. However, no dates are planned for when this will be implemented.
That said, we’ll move the status of the idea into ‘Under review’, so please continue to add your vote and give us your comment on how this feature can improve your workflow.
For now, you can merge your documents outside Hubdoc, then upload/email it into Hubdoc. Feel free to also share some options here on how you merge the documents before you put it into Hubdoc.
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