Document Packs - Edit sent pack
Be able to edit sent document packs.
Purpose: for when clients ask you to send the pack to a different email address or you want to rename the document pack, or add another document.

Hi community, thanks for your support and sharing in the idea here. Diving into your comments, there are a few different ideas that we're picking up on within this one thread;
- ability to change the email address/contact of a sent pack
- ability to add additional documents to a sent pack, and
- the ability to edit metadata of a sent pack
For the first, we'd like to better understand what is driving the need to change the email address? is it down to a typo when entering it? or if its on a tax return, is it wrong on the client record etc?
Although it's not possible to add additional documents to a pack right now, creating and sending a new document pack is essentially the same - Is there any reason this isn't suitable?
Lastly, it'd be good to get more substance of how the ability to rename a pack would be of use. Are there any instances you've needed this and can share?
Deeper understanding from you all will help the team determine what could be. 🙂
Lisa Favelle commented
Sometimes a client has changed their email address and not advised us, or there may be an issue with logging in to a certain account so they request it be sent to another instead. The fact that the whole pack that has already been complied and sent, can't just be resent, means extra time (that no one has) must to be spent to start the Doc pack all over again. These doc packs can often contain a long list of various document types, so it's often not a quick thing to do.
Also, the option to NOT send a cancellation notice to the client if a doc pack has to be cancelled, is something we identified as an issue from when we first started using Xero years ago. For various reasons, this may be necessary, and the cancellation messagejust confuses / concerns clients and results in follow ups to us to explain, as per Sonia Diacono's recent comment.
Sonia Diacono commented
Also with document packs, if one signature isn't collected by the document pack, the pack remains active unless you cancel it. The big issue here is that when the pack is cancelled, the clients get sent an email to tell them the pack was cancelled and they get in a terrible panic that their tax returns haven't been filed. They then call or email and I have to talk them through the fact that the email that was sent to them is nothing to worry about, their tax returns haven't been cancelled, but that the document pack has been cancelled as there was one signature missing that isn't really relevant - this is time consuming and also can make some clients quite anxious. To have the choice to NOT send the cancellation email with the pack is cancelled would be sooooo valuable. I have had to create a template email to send out to clients to explain the cancellation email, but even though I take the time to send this extra email out, I still get some concerned clients contacting me about this. Such a time-waster, from a product that is meant to SAVE us time!
Debbie Savill commented
Yes, also agree, Sonia.
The template feature is available under the Ask feature also. It would be amazing to have it hear instead of copying and pasting the wording we want or typing it in each time. -
Sonia Diacono commented
It would also be nice to be able to save a different default wording to the email that goes with the document pack, as the wording in the current email is clunky at best, so I usually manually rewrite it if I'm not in a crazy rush! With most other xero stuff, we are able to make our own templates for emails, so I have no idea why we are told it's not possible with doc packs
Debbie Savill commented
Also, being able to set up a contact for clients in this module would be really helpful. It was available under the Ask module. This would also assist in making sure we send to the right email address, as at present you have to search for the client's details to enter a fresh one each time you send something which can be extra work if you are sending out frequently.
Diane Mayhall commented
This is really important for us as you can see.
The fact that this was forced upon us as a chargeable module when the PM version of this was working fine and free is in itself a bug bear, but then to not have the ability to change emails when needed and have to create a new, or additional Document pack to be charged again.
Please can you see your way to fixing this -
Sonia Diacono commented
I agree that to be able to change an email address on a document pack would be great, as clients often tell me at the last minute that they need it to go to a different one to the one I have on file. I also think it is extremely unfair that, if an email address need to be changed after having sent the document pack, we get CHARGED DOUBLE - once for the original email address that never gets any signatures used against it, and secondly for the correct email address. This is a complete rort I am sure you are all aware of.
Michelle Cock commented
In response to point one. After first confirming with the client which email address they would like their document pack sent to (they have several). They have now changed their mind and would like it sent to another email address. This document pack currently contains 11 documents (including 4 sets of financial statements and 4 tax returns). This will take up 15 minutes of my day. Whereas editing the email address and resending would take less than a minute. This type of situation happens a lot.
Carol Corlett commented
To be able to edit the document pack email addresses would save so much time - I have had to cancel so many packs due to needing to change the email address and then the cost of having to set up a new one and use more transactions adds up.
Sonia Diacono commented
Sometimes, after sending a document pack, the client tells you they need it to go to a different email address, or you realise that you needed to include another signatory or something. It would be great to be able to edit the doc pack after sending, rather than having to cancel it and start all over again, loading each item for a second time and adding the signature link etc etc. All very time-wasting.
Renee Gamble commented
Agree with your three summary points above. Its a time sink not being able to edit
Dani Bennett commented
We use workpapers not just for accounts but for all work that requires review. Such as a new Xero conversion project. We have tailored our own checklist and use to ensure staff complete all steps. However we can't name the pack and so it can get confusing as we may have an accounts pack and a Xero conversion pack for the same client.
Diane Mayhall commented
More over a charge in my opinion should not apply if the document pack is cancelled as a result of this not being available where proof can be given that a new document pack is also raised.
I myself have many cancelled document packs and have then been charged for the new document pack for the same items.
As this feature was compulsory (as the signing in PM was no longer available) which worked find and was free of charge) i would suggest that consideration be given to have flexiblity and only charge when the document pack is signed would make more sense. -
Elli Hennessy commented
I completely agree with all of the reasons listed by others in this thread. Document packs are an extremely important way to streamline business practices. But the issues brought up here show that it can actually end up being inefficient if you make a small error and don't realise until after sending.
Davina Perry commented
The time and cost of creating a whole new document pack when it consists of multiple documents to be signed by multiple people seems a bit excessive when an email address could easily be edited when all it was was a typo. In creating a new pack, everyone needs to resign the original documents as embedded signatures are unsupported. So editing a document pack would assist greatly.
Lynette Gray commented
If one sends a document pack and the client cannot open it for signing for some reason, we then need to send it a different way and the document sits on our list with 'sent'. The only option is to cancel which then sends an email off to the client and they then contact us asking why is has been cancelled. It would be great to have a 'delete document pack' option.
Also a typo error in the email will not inform you that it has not been sent to the recipient and no way to correct it on the document pack once it has been partially signed. -
Sam Corbeau commented
Agree with all comments.
If I have the wrong email address for one signee and donwload the partially signed document to load into a new pack, this leaves the old one unsigned forever. The new pack also doesn't like the partially signed document because it has existing signatures embedded, so we have to go through a rigmarole to bring this into the new document pack.
Wastes a lot of time.
Colin Harvey commented
Often clients just want to use a different email address for security purposes, we send to one address and they say, that address is now accessed by staff, please use another.
We will sometimes have the wrong signee on a document, for example Dad when it should be Mum, this is usually where we have added a signature box on a pdf rather than a Xero generated document. Currently we don't want to cancel the document pack as other members have signed their documents, so the only option is to set up a new document pack to send the updated document through, but then the original document pack does not get completed as the client doesn't decline the signature.
Being able to add additional documents to a pack is helpful from a storage perspective, for example, we leave one tax return off a group, then need to set up a new document pack to send it out, later when looking for the document pack it is not named correctly. -
Kayla Hardie commented
I 100% agree with all the other users and comments below.
The extra addition I would like to add would be the total file size to send in a doc pack
it would be a great feature if we could implement Trust deeds to be signed or Superfund financials and tax return Documents the exceed the file size limit.
Abe Schuback commented
This would be a great feature to update, it's a very common occurrence