Settings and activity
14 results found
1 voteDani Bennett shared this idea ·
14 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
166 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
94 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
100 votes
Hi community, thanks for your support and sharing in the idea here. Diving into your comments, there are a few different ideas that we're picking up on within this one thread;
- ability to change the email address/contact of a sent pack
- ability to add additional documents to a sent pack, and
- the ability to edit metadata of a sent pack
For the first, we'd like to better understand what is driving the need to change the email address? is it down to a typo when entering it? or if its on a tax return, is it wrong on the client record etc?
Although it's not possible to add additional documents to a pack right now, creating and sending a new document pack is essentially the same - Is there any reason this isn't suitable?
Lastly, it'd be good to get more substance of how the ability to rename a pack…
An error occurred while saving the comment Dani Bennett supported this idea · -
150 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
23 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
189 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
9 votesDani Bennett shared this idea ·
61 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
149 votes
Hi community, thanks for all your inputs and support in this idea so far.
💡Our product team have a keen interest to understand more around the purpose this field would have to each of your business.
If you can a share any detail through your feedback to this idea this will be valuable to the teams discovery. Thanks and we'll keep you updated here.
Dani Bennett supported this idea · -
38 votesDani Bennett supported this idea ·
152 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate the continued interest in the timer in Practice Manager. As mentioned in my last update, work for a Pause option would require a lot of work, and it's not something we have plans for right now.
However, we understand this is important to our customers and when our team have more capacity we'll explore how we might develop solution for this.
We will keep let you know if there is any progression to share here.
Dani Bennett supported this idea · -
1 voteDani Bennett shared this idea ·
We use workpapers not just for accounts but for all work that requires review. Such as a new Xero conversion project. We have tailored our own checklist and use to ensure staff complete all steps. However we can't name the pack and so it can get confusing as we may have an accounts pack and a Xero conversion pack for the same client.