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17 results found
171 votes
Hi community, appreciate your feedback on the new GST return and detail of how the Publish feature is useful to you. While we don't have immediate plans for developing this in the new return, this is something we're monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. If there is any change around this we'll share this with you all through the idea here.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Fully agree Diane & Paul.
This has created extra steps this month when producing GST Returns and now we are missing this from the client's audit trail record in published reports.
Please provide us with the functionality that we had before the update.Also, please put the client's name on the exported PDF file name - again something we had before the update.
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Also, when we print the GST Return to PDF can we please have the name of the client in the document title as we once did, rather than just GST Return 30.06.24, as this saves us typing the clients name when we save the PDF file.
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
@Kathy - totally agree.
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Also, I have just printed a client report to PDF and it has gone from 34 pages under the old style to 94 pages under the new style. Why landscape? It is a lot harder to read.
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Agree, Freya.
Then you can also see what the changes have been between the older reports published and the revised GST Return.An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Agree, Arran.
We usually publish and then attach to a document pack from published reports also.Debbie Savill shared this idea ·
42 votes
Debbie Savill supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Yes, this is critical to workflow. Especially when you need pdf or photos to accompany quotes.
Debbie Savill supported this idea ·
6 votes
Debbie Savill supported this idea ·
105 votes
Thanks for sharing and supporting the idea here, Community. We understand the needs and desire to set a default mileage rate for Xero expenses, however want to be upfront that this is not something we have plans for in the short term.
Our product team are staying close to the feedback, and will continue to review this idea, so if there's any changes planned we'll update you of this, here.
Debbie Savill supported this idea ·
644 votes
Hi community, first off thank you for the continued interest and feedback surrounding this idea. We’re continuing to build on the bank reconciliation experience in Xero and recognise the ways this feature will help improve the efficiency, flexibility and transparency of transactions in your business. Our team have done a lot of exploration into being able to surface and match Credit Notes when reconciling your bank account in Xero, and this is now in development.
We’ll shift the idea here into ‘Working on it’ and continue to update as there’s more detail of this to share.
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Yes, please much needed feature!
Debbie Savill supported this idea ·
100 votes
Hi community, thanks for your support and sharing in the idea here. Diving into your comments, there are a few different ideas that we're picking up on within this one thread;
- ability to change the email address/contact of a sent pack
- ability to add additional documents to a sent pack, and
- the ability to edit metadata of a sent pack
For the first, we'd like to better understand what is driving the need to change the email address? is it down to a typo when entering it? or if its on a tax return, is it wrong on the client record etc?
Although it's not possible to add additional documents to a pack right now, creating and sending a new document pack is essentially the same - Is there any reason this isn't suitable?
Lastly, it'd be good to get more substance of how the ability to rename a pack…
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Also, the ability to be able to add and save contact details like you do in Xero ask - so that you are not typing in the email address for the individuals who sign each time. Particularly when sending documents to an organisation, the person signing may be different to the main contact which is on the client record i.e. a general email vs a personal email that they sign into Xero with. These are very often different emails.
Adding documents to a pack is less confusing for everyone, as there is only one pack in the system. Setting up a new pack means there is an additional canceled pack in the system. The whole setting up process can take longer than adding a document as well, if you have to enter all the client details for signing again (can be multiple people) and the cover email etc.
Also, please can we have a custom cover email for different situations - ie. GST, Income Tax, Minutes etc. There is the ability to set up custom templates in Xero ask, so why can't we have this feature in document sign?
An error occurred while saving the comment Debbie Savill commented
Yes this. Also, to be able to have a customisable template for the covering email. And being able to set up and save contacts, that sign documents often. These features are both available under Xero Ask.
152 votes
37 votes
20 votes
10 votes
Hi everyone, right now our team are doing lots of work in the bills space to help you streamline your accounts payable. Soon, we'll be adding a quick view so you can review bills and make changes on the fly without leaving the list view. Read more on other changes coming to this space on our blog.
I'll keep you updated when this is released and you can try it out for yourself.
206 votes
176 votes
106 votes
149 votes
379 votes
251 votes
Agree, Georgie,
The GST process is taking a lot longer here as well this period than it did in the past. Bring back the efficiency of the publish function, as well as the audit trail benefits.