Practice Manager - Highlight/banner for notes
I would love to see an improvement with Xero XPM NOTES.
We seem to leave 2 types of notes.
TYPE 1: is URGENT, we want people within the firm to see it and read it. It would be good if you could select this note to be a banner across the top of the clients screen. Similar to how if the client has a debt it shows at the top. (love that function)
TYPE 2: is just an ordinary note that is sufficient with the current design.
It would also be great if you could share notes across multiple clients or the client group

David Maher commented
I agree with these ideas.
In particular a note for the client group would be particularly useful -
Bec Purczel commented
Notes for the group is critical update we need please
Ali Skipworth commented
Notes for the Group - so we can have notes that are about the whole group not click through each entity to find the notes would be very helpful.
Laura Jacobs commented
This would be so useful with messy marriage breakups to highlight to all staff that look after the clients and give them a heads up.
Putting a note there if you're waiting for the client to call back with information reception could see notes and let them know who called and what was needed. -
Lee Balfour commented
This idea or something similar would be great so that if there is important info that staff need to be aware of for a particular client that it is shows up in the clients details at top either in a differernt colour or as a banner that cant be missed. The current notes work well for general info but not for anything more important.
Aroha O ' Brien commented
This feature would be really useful and its important for our organisation. At the moment I have to follow up with a lot of phone calls or specific emails
Kirsten Hammersley commented
Pop up notes / Reminders for clients when opening their file or tax return
Katie Bentley commented
I would really appreciate a banner near client name to display they are on stop and approval needed before commencing a job. Possibly even a lock function so no time or job can be added.
Fiona Hollands - Hunter Withers Limited commented
Would be great if you could see the notes made in the blue client - or have a notes tab in the individual client as I don't go through Xero HQ
Melanie McPhillips commented
Would also like the option to add a note to the profile, underneath contacts.
Currently we need to use the contacts field for notes that are important / need to be visible on the profile. However, this affects integrations, as then the notes get copied across as contacts. If there was a notes section on the main page of the profile, that would be very handy. -
Claudia Marziano commented
When going into Xero HQ and, more specifically, when going into individual clients tab, as you are well aware there is the notes tab for that specific client. Whilst the notes tab is extremely helpful, I think something that is missing from it is the function and feature of updating all advisors on that specific clients account, about when a note has been added; whether it's by email, app, notification on the website etc.
As a Xero user, I can admit that I don't regularly check each individual client tab and their notes. This feature would be extremely helpful, especially for those firms who have 100+ clients, so that important things won't be missed, and in general, everyone who works on that client in the firm will be more advised on the clients' needs, wants, plans etc.
Thank you,
Kind Regards
Ellie-Maree Geary commented
The ability to message clients, send requests and upload documents (with signing features) and both ways between bookkeepers/clients and staff. A special screen or tab designated just for messaging and customer contact.
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
To be able to enter the note and share/notify someone else in the team.
Purpose: To be able to discuss some actions that each member of practice need to action for their clients.