NZ GST - Keep separate Late Claims tab
The New GST layout needs to keep the "Late Claims" separate on the transaction details report. Lumping them all together with income or expense and then the totals don't tie into the numbers on the face of the GST return is frustrating. I can see you can filter by "late claims" but we don't want to have to export and manipulate the data when sending the documents to clients.
It doesn't make sense that the detailed transaction report doesn't match the face of the GST return without manipulating

Thank you for your feedback on the changes for NZ GST returns here, everyone. Late Claims display in the body of the return, to review them. If you click on this the Transaction tab will open and to toggle Late claims on and off, select the 'More' option.
Late claims have been separated into their own section in the Transactions tab, and if needed you can also use the Filter to choose to only view Late Claims. We'll soon be updating the export to PDF to allow late claims to be excluded.
We want to be open that we don't have plans for separating these back into their own tab and will close this idea. We still very much appreciate your feedback and will continue to iterate on this overtime to make filling and filing GST for an organisation simpler and more efficient.
Karen Stevens commented
I totally agree with others comments, its so time consuming especially then clients have alot of data to search through.
If the Late filing was at the top of the first page of export to excel, this would assist until Xero have a fix. We could then just capture Late filing easier than now. Sorry Xero but this has been a real oversight on your part not to have it split out for Accountants and Bookkeepers. Hopefully there is some priority on this to fix! -
Annie Thorne commented
Extraordinarily disappointing response from Xero.
What was the rationale for changing it? Was it something users asked for?
You say that you "appreciate the feedback", which seems to be code for we ignore our longterm, valued users.
Xero wouldn't need to "iterate on this overtime to make filling and filing GST for an organisation simpler and more efficient." if they maintained the already simple and efficient process that was in place and serving users perfectly well, given the comments on the subject so far.
Jo Bosson commented
I feel it is completely unfair to close this idea. There is so much frustration out here with users and how Xero is moving forward with so many changes that aren't enhancing the use of the program at all, yet our voices are just being hushed and not heard.
You give us the option to put forward these thoughts and concerns yet when the going gets too tough Xero won't actually listen.
Please explain the testing process before these changes are implemented so we can understand more as to why Xero are continually changing things that AREN'T broken and that EVERY end user is really happy with.
Kathy Skinner commented
Now you can't even vote for this. Seems this is their response when they don't like push back on things that they are implementing even when users don't like it.
Maybe we should find a way to start billing Xero for the extra work instead of our clients. Obviously they don't care any more about their end users otherwise they would listen and work with them not against them with these enforced changes. -
Joanne Rennell Malloch McClean commented
I have to say that the constant need to make astetic changes over changes that actually improve the product is disturbing. the same thing happened to other reports - they were working fine but didn't look astetically pleasing therefore lets change them - there are more important parts of Xero that need to be improved and GST return reports was definitely so low on the list that it shouldn't have even been looked at - disappointing response from Xero - would be better to unwind the change and focus on more important items
Jo Bosson commented
I completely agree with Arran Stone. I don't understand why there has to be constant changes to items in Xero when they are working perfectly fine and giving the end user EXACTLY what they need. Why now cause EXTRA work for everyone having to filter, drill down further etc etc.
PLEASE explain why these changes have been made. AND how these were tested by the developers? Because I can't believe any accountant, bookeeper would've tested these for them and agreed these changes were for the better.
Arran Stone commented
I think you are going to find that this is going to annoy accountants and bookkeepers immensely, let alone causing confusion to clients as to why they cannot easily see where the numbers on the front page come from
You are now causing us extra work having to open extra tabs, formatting reports to be able to report to our clients.
The format of the Classic GST return was working perfectly fine and it is frustrating that you are removing functionality that was working well.
Do the developers at Xero ever test these changes before going live?
Annie Thorne commented
I agree.
The new report format is absolutely dreadful and difficult to view/use.
I really don't need (or want) (yet) another new "experience" ... -
Alicia Thompson commented
I agree, the new report is much less user friendly, creates extra work trying to work out where transactions come from. Please revert back to the original report as there was nothing wrong with this.
Kathy Skinner commented
The new layout is horrible, who came up with this version? Not user friendly, horrible to read and why the landscape view for the income etc. What's with all the white space yet again? Is the person who created the layout partially blind that they couldn't see it under the old layout. I don't even remember seeing a request/suggestion that this even be touched.
Just noticed a pop up message that the old version is being retired at the end of June. Also exported the new version and an increase in pages to print if for some reason you need a hard copy compared to the number of pages you would print under the old version. So much for trying to reduce printing of things.
I made sure to put a feedback comment as to why I reverted back to the classic version. Again no thought on what their users are saying just disregard everything and go ahead and do what they want and think is best for everyone. -
Rebecca Schaab commented
Xero - This is the worst news. Please do not retire the old version until you have improved the functionality of the new version
Gail Murray commented
Definitely confusing all lumped together.
Please can this be changed back to a separate tab for the late filing.
Please keep the old version layout. -
Michael Parker commented
I prefer the old view with late claims shown separately.
DRK-Wendy van Tiel commented
The old version is more user friendly. Please keep it as is.
Hollie Williams commented
The new layout is awful and not user friendly at all. Multiple tabs for multiple returns is far easier to reconcile and review returns, Late claims are better suited to their own tab for easy checking and viewing.
Bev Brown - Malloch McClean commented
Please leave the GST return view as the old version, the new version is futile.
We require user friendly please. -
Tania Stringer commented
You need to be able to identify the late claims in one place not have them all mixed up in the return
Sarah Soper - Malloch McClean commented
Definitely preferred the old GST view with the Late Claims shown separately
Leave the GST layout as it was, it would be more beneficial to be able to open multiple GST Returns up at a time..
Joanna Ladley commented
Why remove it? Why?
Trina Eade commented
I also prefer the old version of the GST returns. Important that we see the late claims