Practice Manager - Regular syncing of "Clients" to Xero Blue "Contacts"
The current sync of "clients" from XPM to "contacts" of the practice Xero Blue file only updates when an invoice is sent across.
Surely this could be made into an immediate sync, or at the very least an overnight sync?
Given XPM doesn't integrate with a whole lot of software and doesn't integrate with Zapier, many add-ons practices use are linked with the Xero Blue file and require that data to be accurate. Debtor collection software for example, marketing software, etc, all require contact details to be accurate, and if clients change details, there can be a large delay before it passes through.

Appreciate your feedback on the idea here. As a grounds to start from we thought it would help to confirm;
- There is a two way sync of your clients between Practice Manager and your practice Xero organisation Contacts
- The sync between XPM and your practice Xero organisation contacts is different - we’ve explained this more below
Differences between Xero Practice Manager(XPM) and your practice Xero organisation sync
- Client will sync with your organisation’s Contacts depending on your Xero connection setup - more on Xero Central
- This is controlled by users with the Administrator role and can be set to ‘Never’, ‘Only when uploading invoices’ or ‘Every time client or supplier details are updated’
David Wang commented
I see that the feedback was initially raised on 28th April 2022 and acknowledged by the Xero Community Manager on 3rd May 2022. Since then, there has been a strong and ongoing appeal within the Xero community for improvements to the sync function between XPM and Xero Blue. However, Xero has yet to act on this issue. This has become a significant pain point for many Xero clients. Please listen to your loyal users and implement the necessary changes.
Betsy Kirk commented
When we update a client's primary contact email address this should automatically update their email address in Xero Blue. Currently all other client info updates instantly if it is changed in XPM (eg: physical address). So why doesn't their changed email address automatically update Xero Blue?
Alastair Abbott commented
This is a constant and annoying issue for staff that the details between XPM and Xero blue don't sync well or regularly. Can't understand why, after so many years, this still hasn't been fixed. e.g. contact name from XPM syncing to client last name in Xero blue. We had so many instances of old contact first name still showing next to new contact full name in the last name box that I've stopped using those fields to populate emails to clients.
Address, email for billing, etc there is no reason that these should only update when an invoice is created, or in the case of email not sync at all. -
Vanessa Spargo commented
When adding a contact in XPM, there is no separate first and last name field, only one for 'name', where we put the full name (Joseph Bloggs), then add the Salution (Joe). This means that when the contact is synced with Xero the name ends up as Joe Joseph Bloggs (if the ‘Every time client or supplier details are updated’ is enabled in Xero Interface settings). To fix this, Xero suggest manually editing the contact in Xero - this is great if you only have 20 contacts, but for thousands it's just not feasible. Especially if it's just going to sync again the next time something is changed in XPM. I'm not sure how this effects XPM if the edits in Xero are made. How about making the Contact people in Xero and the Contacts in XPM use the same fields?
Daniela Depetro commented
agree, this needs to be looked at immediately. We have had so much trouble with contacts being duplicated etc when we turn on the ‘Every time client or supplier details are updated’ that we have had to switch to 'never' and make the changes manually in Xero. Very frustrating. Xero should sync with XPM and HQ.
Mariah Urso commented
The contact details in XPM should be the same contact details in Xero Blue for invoicing purposes. Currently, when we invoice from XPM, we have to also go into Xero Blue and update the email address which is double handling.
This should be a single client record. -
Marelle Isaac commented
This is incredibly frustrating that if someone changes their email address/we update it in XPM it doesn't sync over to Xero. Email addresses change a lot. It's archaic for this NOT to happen. Looks like people have brought this to your attached years ago. Please fix it along with populating the first and surname fields.
Thank you. -
Troy Tatam commented
Will the new HQ to XPM client details sync resolve the entire name being incorrectly populated into the surname field and not first name so we dont need to manually go and add First name so it populates in the invoice email salutation?
Sue Brown commented
Have been advised by Xero that only changes to Addresses and names flow from XPM to Xero - not email addresses when this is the main way that invoices are issued from Xero. There is no current project by Xero to correct this so all data changed in XPM in the client/Contact field flows through so currently have to manually change in Xero - so much for all being under the same system!
Jenny Calvert commented
when changing an email address or postal address in XPM these changes need to be reflected in Xero otherwise it is simply double handling
Michelle Geldenhuys commented
The syncing between XPM and XERO Blue is problematic for us as the XPM only updated its primary email to XERO Blue. We use Xero Blue for our invoices & statements . So the primary contact in XPM is not necessarily the contact/email address we need for invoicing in XERO Blue
Derryn Orlando commented
It is a bit of an admin headache, particularly if you are trying to go paperless. We really just want a single source of truth rather than having to dedicate man hours to something that should be a straight forward process.
Colin Veurink commented
When exporting an invoice from XPM to Xero, the client name, addresses (postal & physical) and phone number all sync to Xero. But not the email address.
Xero has the functionality of Invoice Reminders, emailing statements and payment services which are all great, but completely redundant without an email address.The process of having to manually identify exported invoice and then manually check/enter the email address in Xero is counter productive! Surely it can't be that difficult to export the email address along with all the other data.
I do note that the email address of a contact will export, but this will only happen if:
1. a contact is added to the client; AND
2. that contact is selected as the contact when preparing an invoice.
And the result is that this contact is also included in the postal address that appears on the invoice in Xero. As such, this is not a viable solution. -
Shario Baghaei commented
I would be great if contacts are synced in XERO, XERO HQ and XERO XPM so that you don't have to archive in 3 different database. I am amazed no one has thought about this before?