Settings and activity
13 results found
48 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Claire Wilkinson commented
I genuinely don't see why this wasn't added as a feature at the outset of invoice reminders ... it's an option when sending out the original invoice, so why not the reminder? Surely it's a simply fix (and therefore 'quick win') for Xero? It would be lovely to actually have a response from Xero on this!
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
434 votes
Hi everyone, thank you for all the interest and we appreciate the needs for those using foreign currency to have more efficiency in how you process these bills for payment. Your feedback and votes here have not gone unnoticed - We have a team that have been doing some ground work in this space and at this time we have beta that we'd like to invite any UK customers to join and feedback to our team on the experience. If you'd like to be a part of this please fill in our form here and we'll be in touch.
We appreciate this idea is farther reaching than UK alone and while the beta is limited to this region for the time being, based on results we will look at expanding this to other places.
We'll keep you updated of further developments here.
An error occurred while saving the comment Claire Wilkinson commented
We don't need to make actual payments via Xero (these are set up and approved separately in our bank), however we do need to mark multiple foreign currency bills as paid in Xero (and send out a remittance advice). Is this covered in the fix you are working on?
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
65 votes
Hi everyone, sending invoices via SMS is now available to all Australian users that have connected Stripe. With great uptake we're now looking to extend this feature, and the next region SMS will be launched to is the US. I'll keep you updated on it's release here. We'll continue working toward making this feature available to more users so any news of other regions will also be shared through this idea.
Just to confirm for everyone here - It's not currently possible to set up send SMS for invoice reminders, to send an invoice via SMS you'll need to open each invoice and select this option from the 3 dot option menu in the top right of the invoice. Developing a more automated means may be something we look to do over time but isn't in the plans just yet.
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Claire Wilkinson commented
You would have thought that this would already have been thought about as it is critical for any business to ensure they are invoicing customers correctly. Repeating invoices are suppose to make life easier, but if the latest inventory selling price doesn't feed through the wasted time and mistakes just add up!
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
1 vote
Claire Wilkinson shared this idea ·
7 votes
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
79 votes
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
28 votes
If the payment is occurring at a different time to the transaction being entered is there a reason why the transaction is not being recorded as a bill, Anne-Marie?
There are lots of efficiencies in how bills can now be created in Xero without much manual intervention so would be good to understand more of the detail behind your business needs, here.
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
569 votes
Thanks for your support on the idea, everyone. We thoroughly appreciate your participation, and letting us know where you'd like to see change across Xero.
Customer statements, is an area of Xero that needs upgrades to it's technology in order to make ideas like this one here possible.
Currently, while we have plans for modernising this space soon we cannot commit to any new developments for Statements until this work has been complete. Once this has been done I'll round back to the idea here when we can reset the objectives.
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
70 votes
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
4 votes
Claire Wilkinson shared this idea ·
234 votes
Hi everyone, we thank you for your support on the idea here. We understand the needs of being able to attach documents when sending Purchase Orders, however we want to be transparent that this is not planned work at this time.
To begin, purchase orders need an update and this will be a focus for the team before enhancements like this can be considered. We will keep you updated of any related changes, here.
Claire Wilkinson supported this idea ·
221 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Claire Wilkinson commented
This just seems like common sense, I don't understand why it's not already a feature.
I agree. It would be really nice to at least have a response from Xero on this... there are requests/ideas with far fewer votes that are under consideration. Plus, I believe this would be a really simple fix as it's just the addition of a tick box (a bit like the tick box when sending invoices)!!