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  1. To be able to have a short cut to be able to print pdf straight from report screen without having to click multiple times to get there

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    Thanks for your feedback, Sadie. We don't have any direct plans for a PDF / Print shortcut atm but we'll feel out the interest from your idea here and let you know if there's any progress.

  2. My EOM reports include PL, BS, Receivables AND payroll. Management report doesn't allow payroll reports to be added. Please allow this to be added to minimise time generating additional reports.

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  3. When entering expense claims, the program should be set to retain the date entered in the last expense claim item. When catching up on accounting, it is cumbersome to be working on July in December and have to go back and change the entire date for each entry. I should be able to retain the last entry date on the next and simply be able to edit the day.

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  4. It would save a lot of time if it would be possible to edit the VAT code on paid and reconcilled invoices, just like you can change the nominal code. The VAT return is done at the end of each quarter, which means that the majority of invoices and expenses have been paid, by the time you are running your VAT return and double checking that all invoices and expenses have been correctly coded for VAT. At the moment, if an item is miscoded I need to go to that item, unreconcile the paymemt, go back to the item and…

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  5. Please reconsider integrating Venmo, the paypal “hack” isn’t working for me! I’m sure a lot of users rely on Venmo as a form of payment, this would be really useful! Thanks for considering!

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  6. We have grant funding so wages as well as super needs to be applied with the tracking code to acquit grant correctly. Presently, there is no availability to apply tracking codes against the superannuation, as well it is only available through timesheets for the wages.
    It would be very helpful if tracking codes could be applied directly with pay items in employee template (similarly like other software) so this can be applied when leave is taken also

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  7. Import the sales invoices to Xero with the PDFs being attached to the invoice automatically. I understand we can import sales invoices through CSV files but to provide relative documents to customers, we need to attach pdf manually. Would be great if this could be possible. This action can save time and possible error of attaching a wrong pdf.

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    Appreciate the interest in the idea here. Being open with a lot of work focused on iterating and adding features to new invoicing atm we don't have plans for this in the short-term. We'll continue to track the interest of the idea and if there is any change to share we'll update you here.

  8. Recording refund through bank reconciliation tab rather than doing a cash refund on the bill/invoice

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  9. Xero features a handy inbuilt calculator on its invoices. However, this feature is rather useless if one is populating the invoice with inventory items ("Products and Services") where the Cost Price and Sale Price have already been set, or migrating said items from Projects to a new invoice.

    Having the inbuilt calculator in the Sale Price text box when setting up or updating Inventory Items would eliminate the need to keep switching from Xero to a calculator app to apply the correct markup for each item. Better yet would be a dropdown menu feature like is found in Projects to…

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  10. It would be great to be able to edit the detailed time report similar to how we can edit the P&L and balance sheet reports.

    We simply want to add a timesheet sign off area at the bottom of the report, which would be easy to add if that feature was available.

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  11. Last week, against my wishes (and against Xero Support's own knowledge), Xero System Generated a second Stripe bank account in Xero.

    I already had a Stripe bank account in Xero that was working fine, it had a bank feed for payments processed via Stripe from other software, and it would have the bank feed and create the payment and fee Xero transactions for payments processed via Stripe on Xero invoices.

    I don't want two separate Stripe bank accounts in Xero for my one Stripe AUD account.

    Why does Xero do unhelpful things like this?

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  12. Ability or setting to default include files attached to an invoice when sending from Xero

    Purpose | Steps are currently involved to include files that are on an invoice when sending the invoice to a customer, an option like this would ease the process of including files that a customer needs to have access to and see when they received their invoice

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  13. Xero has removed the ability for casual employees to apply for annual leave if that leave is available to them. Annual leave is part of my casual employees employment contracts. The employees and I have agreed that they will receive annual leave and sick leave.

    These leave types were catered for in the past and the employees were able to apply for them when required. Now, despite still accruing those leave types, they are unable to apply for them.

    This change by Xero restricts my business's ability to determine what conditions I offer to my employees. While the terms of…

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  14. It’d be awesome if the last column “total price AUD” was an editable field in the invoice template PDF so I can edit and print an invoice when doing home visits without wifi

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  15. It would be good if you could you could add an option where you can enter a batch of invoices from the same supplier without having to add each one separately and approving them, and then have to enter the supplier name each time.

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  16. I often have difficulty reading numbers due to the font choices Xero have made. I would like my instances of Xero to use the fonts I have chosen in my computer's settings and/or the fonts chosen in my browser settings. I have tested by changing the fonts in the computer settings and refreshing, and by changing all the browser fonts and refreshing, so I am certain that Xero is not getting its font choices from the ones I have chosen as most Accessible for me.

    The attached screenshots showing the problem are from the History section of a Spend Money;…

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  17. When reconciling bank account, then publishing it should display the bank details as setup in chart of accounts - it just just says bank reconciliation. So makes it hard to know which report is which. Once reconciled it should default to the the next date so you don't have to change dates continuously.

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  18. So simple but not available. To record an absence i.e. sickness (unpaid) IN DAYS and to have a simple report showing dates and number of days sick.

    The payroll reporting is so seriously lacking in all areas

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  19. Repeating Invoice - Bulk update next invoice date

    I am an accountant with clients who make use of repeating invoices. The current problem is that in certain months they want to run their invoices on different dates due to public holidays or festive season. In these situations they have to manually go and update the "next invoice date" in each invoice.

    I want to suggest a bulk action for this as it would end up saving hours for the businesses.

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  20. Currently the bill payments from Xero option does not support the Co-operative Bank (business). I would like this to be extended to the co-operative as soon as possible. The co-op bank tells me that they support - can you consider supporting this?

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