4650 results found
Quotes - Feature for customer to select which items to accept
It would be great if when a customer receives a quote, it were possible for them to select which items they wanted from the quote and to deselect the ones they didn't want.
12 votes -
New Invoicing - Change tabbing behaviour
Hey Xero, there seems to be a lot of issue and complaints about new invoicing. How about giving us all a break and re-enable the old invoicing till you get thing sorted out.
- Cant stop auto save , there is no undo button if you make a mistake.
- Tabbing between fields is not the same.
- Can't add expenses and leave them un-allocated to a GL, I know that the expense is @ cost price and needs to be completed. -Cant change the Customer with Billable expenses assigned without loosing the billable expenses and have to re-assign them
1 voteAppreciate your feedback, Selwyn. We try to keep each idea separate so it's clear to others in community what they're adding their vote for, we can gauge the interest in a particular feature, and we can keep everyone updated of any development.
In relation to the points you've shared here we have an idea you may like to join around being able to switch off autosave, and another around the auto suggest feature that current fills in the account GL field for you and relates to your second point on leaving this blank.
Our team did make some changes to the flow of tabbing, so this should be more logical however it'd be good to get more detail on what's causing you issues when tabbing in new invoicing atm.
It might help to get a bit more detail about the billable expense scenario you're running into, too. In terms…
Invoicing - Show Delivery Address on invoices by default
Enable the option for invoices to by default display both billing and delivery addresses.
19 votesHi team, while not a 'default' option for this within Xero, you could achieve this using a Custom DOCX branding theme, with an advanced invoice template.
With the template open in Microsoft Word, you can add the ContactPhysicalAddress merge field where you want their Delivery Address to appear.
You can add your logo and make any other changes you'd like, before saving the file and uploading it back into your branding theme in Xero.
You'll then want to select this custom branding theme for your invoices.
Contact filtering
We are a small business that has just started using Xero, but already have 400+ contacts. Would love the ability to filter the contact list. For example, filter by country (show me all contacts in the UK, USA, etc.), filter by creation date or updated date (show me all contacts created in the last 30 days), etc.
There is no way to sort and filter the contacts, just endless scrolling through a long list.
Functionality feature that may not be critical to business operations, but it would make life a bit easier!
1 vote -
Account Transactions Report Related
Reporting - Account Transactions Report - Add Related Account to the options for Grouping/Summarising
1 vote -
Batch Email
When creating invoices there should be a box that when ticked adds the invoice to an email cue. So that at the end of the day you can send the invoices you made and ticked that day to customers. It's really annoying having the invoices separated into several different sections and then having to go and select each individual customer to then send the emails to.
2 votes -
Xero Expenses - Adjust width of Categories field
Expenses, the Categories field should be wide enough to display the text on the website. Note that the mobile app works fine.
Or there should be the ability to nest categories.
As a web developer, widening the Categories field should be trivial. Apparently not according to Xero support....3 votes -
Bank Reconciliation - Option to disable the "Suggest previous entries" feature for users
Please add the ability to switch off the suggested reconciliation entries for individual users or for all users if easier. It is a setting that shows an OK button that looks a lot like the OK for rules and other matches, and it makes users trigger happy with the OK, which leads to reconciliation account coding errors.
1 vote -
Job Card Creation
Job Car Creation with Check list for empployees
Having the Ability to do all things in one app without intergration would be ideal and more cost effective and productive.
1.Creating Jobs
2.Add Customer
3.Add Vehcile/Vessel
Port & Starboard - Model Numbers, Serial Numbers
Generaor Model Number, Serial Numbers
4.Add Fault Description
5. Engine Hours
6.Trailer Brand
7. Trailer Details - VIN, Model Number, GTM, ATM, Overall Length, Overall Width, MaterailEverything needs to revolve around job Numbers
1 vote -
New invoicing - Use persons name from Contact record (rather than contact name)
We would like to see customers contact person's name appearing on the invoice we send. One customer can have different people/contacts for different projects/invoices. Currently we can only pull out the PRIMARY contact's name to the invoice, which means if we would like to add a different name, we have to REMERMBER to edit customer's primary contact to a different person. It is very time consuming and easy to forget too.
Is there any ways we could simply add a contact person against each invoice instead of against each customer? It could be any extra fields we can use, even…8 votes -
NZ Payroll - Turn off notification for employee bank accounts change
There needs to be a feature to turn off automatic notifications when an employee changes their bank account,
Every time this changes in our system our Accountant gets an email.
Apparently there is currently no way to turn this feature off.
A bit irritating for him to say the least...25 votes -
UK Payroll - Link payroll with expenses
I think it would be fantastic if expenses were able to be linked to payroll/ pay run. Expenses are great and the app is really easy to use but from a processing point, most firms pay with their the payroll. You currently you have to create a expense suspense and clear the expenses to that and then manually add the expenses to payroll which also get posted to the expense suspense- it all a bit of a hassle and would be fantastic if the expenses could just be added to payroll, in the same way the leave does.
3 votes -
CIS calculated after retention
Currently it is not possible to correctly account for retentions on invoices as Xero only calculates CIS on values coded to "CIS Labour Expense".
Therefore meaning that the retention element also needs to be coded to "CIS Labour Expense" for the CIS to be correctly calculated. This results in an understatement of CIS Labour Costs and understatement of retentions in the balance sheet of the same value.
Our workaround is that for each subcontractor invoice with retention posted we need to post a manual journal to increase CIS Labour Expenses (debit) and increase retention liabilty (credit). But when you have…
1 vote -
Loan Interest
Xero should have a built in daily interest rate calculator/application on both inward and outward loans with a global setting and an ability to vary on individual accounts. It would be ideal if the system just automatically uploaded changed balances on a daily basis with the ability to actually invoice it either automatically at monthend or manually during the month.
1 vote -
Bills - Enter Tax Amount instead of calculating from a tax rate
Enable tax AMOUNT instead of the rigid tax rate in Bills.
If you consider a Zoom phone bill, there are 3 different taxes that apply to the bill (1 Federal + 2 City). Tax rates simply DON'T WORK, Xero is too rigid.
Why not offer a simple tax AMOUNT box where we can type a USD amount, instead of forcing some tax rate?
And it's exactly the same for INVOICES.
The ability to set a tax AMOUNT rather than a tax rate is indispensable.1 vote -
Able to automatically have interest calculated based on the company's rates, and an invoice for said interest created.
1 vote -
Invoices - Checklist templates to print and attach
allowing users to create proffessional comprehensive mechanial & electrical checklists, printable files attachable to jbs cards
job card creations with details on faults
parts sheets for parts used & ordered1 vote -
AU Payroll - Wage Withdrawals Sole Trader Tracking
Track Sole Trader Wage Withdrawals
1 vote -
Nab BookKeeper Intergrations
Intergrating with Nab Bookkeeper
1 vote -
Many of our Contacts now use a Portal to submit queries statements etc It would be good to have a section similar to the E mail section on t
Many of our Customer and Suppliers now insist we use their portal to submit queries statements remittance advices etc.
It would be useful for there to be a portal element like the E mail contacts in the Contact record. If this could be visible and actionable from the header it would be nice so we can click it and go straight to their portal from the contact.1 vote
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