Reconciliation - Adding undo option
Adding an undo option when users are doing reconciliation in Xero.
Purpose: Undo button will make users reinstate the transactions easily if they remove it by mistake.

Fiona Hall commented
Just removed an entire month's transactions.
About 190 transactions.
I need to 'undo' my mistake. -
Anne Robson commented
I've had a nightmare following inadvertently deleting a long list of accounts in the budget widget which I assumed was just a reporting tool. A better warning sign and an undo button would have saved me a very bad night's sleep
Flora Keiller commented
It's really frustrating that there isn't a way to do this. I accidentally click the OK button quite a lot but I don't always see what I clicked it on so I have to go and try to find the transaction
Joseph Twist commented
It is ridiculous that there is no way to undo. It’s so easy to quickly hit OK and then remember hang on that should go in another account or it needs some more detail or something. Then you have to go to your computer and login and undo and do it all over again, it wastes so much time. I find myself doing this often. Please please please Xero add this essential feature
Dianne Coleman commented
Xero NEEDS and UNDO button!
We need to be able to undo last action, regardless of that action whether its a recon (like when you press the reconcile button too quick and then realize you forgot to add some details) -
Ronan Browne commented
And why are there only 15 votes on this essential feature request...?
Ronan Browne commented
Again and again, we all need this...
Alex Gibson commented
How is an undo button, requested since 2014, not implemented?
Current advice to search the bank account for the relevant transaction and un-reconcile is not helpful in the likely scenario of an accidental click, as the specific transaction may not be memorable.
Having ADHD I consider 'undo' a basic accessibility feature in any app.
The ideal would be to respond to ctrl-z as standard elsewhere.
Thanks. -
Laura Butler commented
an undo button in the bank reconciliation for when you just realise you've done it wrong otherwise it depends on you be able to find the transaction to remove and redo it which can be difficult
George Bozonelos commented
I would like this feature added as well.
Helen Fletcher commented
This is a really good idea - I don't understand why it's not already available! It's so easy to accidentally click to reconcile a transaction and then finding it to un-reconcile can be so hard!
Please add this functionality! -
Jacqueline Kalab commented
MYOB has some really great features that win over Xero with conveniences like this.
If it weren't for all the apps I need, I think I'd be going back to MYOB for making reconciling sooooo much easier
Nick James commented
I've been wanting this for such a long time, glad to see its been suggested
sayer Lauchande commented
This is critical needs to be done ASAP!
Vanessa O'Connor commented
Essential idea