Reporting: Aged Payable/Receivables - Invoice description column
Adding description column for Aged Payable/Receivable report.
Purpose: To easily identify which invoices that need to be actioned.

Nicola Scofield commented
this has been requested a few times now by clients as well as internally where we run weekly / monthly reports, it would be useful to have this column on the reports as standard
Ellen Roberts commented
Yes a good function for month end payment runs for a final review of invoices before payment by senior managers/directors to cast their eye on without having to go through each invoice.
Misbah Khan commented
Adding invoice description column to the report gives a more indepth view to the user. I hope its added sooner.
Joanna Tang commented
Yes! We need this functionality too please.
Sheila Jeffery commented
A number of our clients have asked for the "description" to be an option to be added to the Aged Receivables report. This will enable them to easily identify the "type" of invoice on their aged receivables report. We currently have to add details into the reference line of the invoice to be able to view a description on the report, as the "reference" is picked up as a column on the report.
Simon Chrispin commented
I would really like this feature for our customers, who are asking for this.
The workaround I have for Receivables is to run and customise the Receivable Invoice Detail Report - include description, invoice total and balance. Then filter = "Approved". That gives a receivables report where the total of the balance column agrees to the Aged Receivables Report.
The thing to watch out for is when you have a part payment of an invoice with multiple lines. I think Xero assumes the receipt is split prorata the total on each line (it can't assume otherwise without more info which). In practice a part payment may relate to one line item and not another.
Szilvia Vitoris commented
Hiya Xero, This is not an new idea - it was available in the old Aged Payables report
Can you please add back to the description to the Aged Payables report so that we can see PAO details on the report - Ie: DD or S/O or double payment or Deposit or Payment related to INV 1234
This information is very important for me and I am sure for many users !
Many Thanks -
Niran Khanal commented
Hi guys, until this function is enabled - you can produce two reports- Aged Payable/Receivable details and Payable/Receivable Invoice details.
Then apply INDEX and Match Formula ;
Make sure you remove all the duplicates from P/R Invoice details. -
Sharon Edwards commented
This is a requirement for our customers to be able to easily identify the "type" of invoice on their aged receivables report. We are currently adding this detail manually which is time consuming and inefficient.
Antonietta Corte commented
adding this feature would avoid clicking into each invoice separately and would help move meeting along quicker as the description would be easy to view and discuss.
Gillian Hawes commented
I would like to add the description field from sales invoices into the Aged Receivables report as this information is important for chasing the debt.
Edna Cortez commented
This will lessen the time in preparing the AR aging.
Rachel Mann commented
This would be really helpful as at the moment I have to go in to each invoice that is due for payment to see the description which includes our job number and then enter this manually on to the report that I've exported to Excel. As you can imagine, this is rather time consuming.
Edelyn Sanchez commented
It would be very helpful for businesses under construction industry to have a column for retentions as department of housing usually withheld amounts under retention before the jobs are complete and only then these retentions are released
Ellie Bloomfield commented
It would be really useful if there was an 'Aged Receivables' report that you could run which also includes a column of each customer's payment terms. The current report seems very difficult to read and you don't know which customers are overdue
AdminXero Team (Admin, Xero) commented
Adding transaction description column into Aged Payable/Receivable report.
Purpose: To easily identify if there’s any special circumstances in some transactions.