Billable Expenses - Ability to add margin/mark-up
Ability to add a mark-up in the billable expense.
Purpose: Because some clients will ask additional expenses to users’, this will help them easily add mark-up price in their expenses.

Hi team, appreciate your interest of this idea. While we don't have direct development for this planned right now we wanted to share a workaround that may help you here.
When adding the billable expenses to an invoice, you can override the unit price. Using Xero's inbuilt calculator, you include margin/mark-up by multiplying the unit price by the percentage you wish to mark up.
We understand this doesn't cover all situations of needs expressed. We will continue to monitor this idea and share if there's any progress.
Tasha Longmire commented
This really needs to be added. It is extremely time consuming to check if a mark up has been applied for numerous line items on invoices.
I have noticed when assigning a billable expense to a contact, the cost price is what is used on the invoice, regardless if the expense is in the product/services list with a set sell price.
However, when assigning a billable expense to a project, the sell price is applied if the billable expense is in the product/services list. Though if it is a line item that is not a product/service, there is no markup added.
This causes a lot of confusion and drastically increases the possibility of incorrectly charging customers when invoicing. This needs to be fixed.
Clayton Bennett commented
Need to include both markup and margin when this feature is added as they are different.
cost x markup = total costMargin:
cost / (1 - margin) = total cost -
Bethany McLennan commented
It is amazing that this is not a feature yet. Every product in our system has the sell price listed. Why bother with this when the billable expense pulls through at our buy price? We are never going to charge it out at cost.
Even when you then overwrite the price and account, it then doesnt properly clear the billable expense from the client.This is so critical to our work - we source items from a multitude of suppliers and install everything on one site for one client, so we are constantly needing to triple check we havent missed charging for anything. PLEASE Xero consider adding this functionality.
Christopher Wood commented
I have been wanting this feature ever since I starting using Xero 8 years ago.
The workaround i use is to override the quantity to add the markup and then copy the calculated amount back into the unit price before resetting the quantity.
Jacinta Clifford commented
The feature is vital to our business, the time saving benefit it would give our business when oncharging to clients is essential.
There is a add% dropdown in projects - why can't that be added to billable line items. -
Teagan Cheep commented
We have a construction company and this feature is needed to prevent double handling.. We are considering moving over to Quickbooks purely because of this.
Surely this feature isn't that hard to implement. It would be similar the GST column though an adjustable percentage! -
Benjamin Yeager commented
We really need this option because the mark up IS our business at port agents.
We purchase goods and shop items for vessels prior to their arrival and deliver to the port. We charge an agreed upon 22% mark up. I need to show this to the vessel so they can categorize this in their accounting app called Voly as an “agent fee”
This is really frustrating to not have an “add %” to an item
Justin Poppi commented
This would be a great addition - sooner rather than later. :)
Katey Ritchie commented
Surprised Xero still has not added this very basic feature. Critical for our business where all billable expenses require margin/mark up to be added, currently very time consuming when invoicing updating every line manually.
Bethany McLennan commented
This is a hugely needed feature, especially in construction based industries where you buy specific parts for specific jobs all the time. Why do billable expenses not have the option to add at your set sale price?
Liza Horowitz commented
This is basic.
What business anywhere wants to show their clients their markup.
Unheard of.I wish I knew that Xero didn't offer the most basic service of marking up freelancer, subcontractor and other services without the client seeing it. I would have never wasted the hours to learn it.
I've never heard of a software program that does not do this.
Karen Taylor commented
re Mark up on expenses. Why can you not have the discount on a sales invoice so you can add a negative. This way you can add the markup's according. I have different mark up for different customers.
Timothy Doyle commented
This would make a lot of things so much easier for me. +1
M Liebenthal commented
Critical for us
Marisa Damiano commented
@Xero team - Can you advise if this is going to be added as a feature in the close future? I'm considering another accounting software option, but would prefer not to if I know Xero is adding this much needed feature. Other systems have it, don't know why this isn't already a part of Xero.
Andrew Weller commented
Surely with the increase in subscription fees you can get on with fixing these issues
Julie Wong commented
This is an essential functionality for my clients to ensure that they are fully billing clients for freelancer services that they have taken on to deliver client projects. Also vital for other expenses that are passed on. This is an essential function for so many business models for their profitability.
Cath Lyons commented
It's so odd that Xero lets itself down with such an obvious requirement/function. I use Xero for 4 companies. so my vote should be quadrupled
Marisa Damiano commented
This feature would be beneficial to so many companies, especially construction. I thought Xero was already onto this given the fact you can add the sell price in the same window, but apparently not.
We have employees and subbies that fill out dockets each day they are on site. To have a capability (like in MYOB AccountRight) where you can enter the dockets into bills and assign them as a billable expense, add them to an invoice to the client with the sale price already there, specific to that job/contractor would be extremely beneficial!I read below that Quickbooks already has something like this so I may have to move our data over there if Xero cannot offer something better than what they have, asap. This is super essential to our business and I'm sure a lot more like it. Please get onto it Xero.
Sebastien Thomas commented
The ability to mark-up materials or other expenses incurred that would typically be passed on to the client I.E. building materials purchased for building work and cost passed on to customer with 10% increase to cover costs plus a margin of profit. Like the discount % box but reversed.