Bank Rules - Ability to import and export
Allow users the ability to import and export bank rules.
This would save time having to manually create similar bank rules in Xero, and ease with new client organisation setup

Hi community, sometime on since my last post we wanted to provide an update for your all here and appreciate the continued attention this idea is receiving.
We want to be upfront that at this time focuses for the team are in other areas of bank reconciliation and we don't have any current plans for developing the ability to import and export bank rules from an organisation.
We understand and know this is important to everyone that has voted for the idea and will continue to review and pay close attention to the feedback and votes here. When there is more opportunity for the team to refocus efforts here we will keep you informed of any progress.
Dale Pinn commented
How about you do this instead of re-doing features already available like invoicing? This is more time-saving than 'Invoicing Faster'.
Christian De Bortoli commented
The more help accountants have to save time, the better
Wendell Beuke commented
Absolutely agreee this would save lots of time! Not only when taking on a new client but also to cross polinate between clients.
Ben Jordaan commented
Dear Xero team
Please advise where you are with adding this feature?
Seems like a simple task to be honest?
Kind regards
Ben -
Monya van Zyl commented
I have 15 companies with retail stores including Debonairs, Steers, Wimpy, Fishaway, Mugg & Bean, Barcelos & Galitos.
In sort i have 120 bank accounts that needs bank rules set up with tracking categories on each bank rule. Creating this manually is a huge task and very time consuming, i need a solution to either copy a bank rule and edit or export a batch rules, edit and then import again. -
Alison Hogg commented
This would be amazing for clients who are sole traders and have to incorporate or have to migrate to a new subscription for whatever reason - it would save so much time than having to copy 40x bank rules from one sub to another sub.
Andy Ford commented
Since some clients use many of the same vendors, it would be nice to be able to either transfer bank rules from one client to another, or to be able to export bank rules previously created in one client, and then import them into a different client. This would be a huge time saver.
Peter Miles commented
Import and export would be great.
Also, when you view you cannot see the value if it is a fixed amount, would be useful if when viewing you could see the value or the % ? -
Barry White commented
This feature would be a massive time saver for all CA firms that have groups of clients in the same industries. It is very time consuming to have to create duplicate rules across every individual client ledger.
Matthew Whitingbird commented
I'm not sure if this has been previously mentioned, but bank rules that could be setup as universals across all clients I think would be a very useful function.
Sarah Jacobs commented
Yes, all set-up screens should have import/export functionality
Hein Kuenen commented
'you say you are a premium product'
It once seemed to be and/or intended to be but now the most premium about Xero is the price (and lack of support & development action is pretty good to ;-))
Hein Kuenen commented
Well put Carol Dufour!
Richard Millar commented
This really is a MUST feature that should be at the top brass level asking tecjh bods how quickly can we sort.
If top bods cannot see this they shouldnt be running the buisness as customers will go elsewhere
you say you are a premium product but this is abasic request - even sage allows you to import and export and xero would be the fisrt to say they are superior to sage - in this vital area they arte delinquent ion basic customer service.
Note Kelly Munro - sometimes ignoring the question and glosijg over the real need here is liekly to make people slightly irate. If you arent going to fix teh issue say nothig or tell us straight. This is a nota new gripe by any means.
Hitesh Halai commented
No expectation of this coming any soon:(
@xero - use chat gpt to give you more ideas -
Carol Dufour commented
I save the emails when there is an update on a post I am interested in
We have been asking for this since before 2017........!Shameful Xero! - you really don't listen to us anymore!
Bank Rules - Ability to import
Very keen to see this implemented and released. Any ETA on this being on the roadmap? Last official update 2017? Now currently June 2020.
Ross Nicol commented
Silly question, but if you are short of resources (as the last sentence of your comment implies) then would it not have been better to use the resources you did have to implement something we are asking for, ie exporting and importing rules, rather than change things that no one really seems to have been asking for at all?
Xero could be such a great product if only you could / would respond to user ideas and suggestions rather than seemingly persuing your own ideas that no-one seems to want / ask for.
It's got to the stage where I've got ideas of how you could improve (ie like being able to duplicate a client or 'reset' a client - ie remove all accounting and / or contact data to 'start again' but I don't see the point in posting them as this time next year they'll still be getting considered!
I've got an introduction meeting to our new account manager coming up so I'll 'vent' a little to him as well - not that it will do much good!
Carol Dufour commented
I do not want AI to suggest a code to me! I deliberately turn off the 'suggest previous entries' as I want to know that if a code comes up then it is because I have made a judgement to set it to do so.
I think AI should stand for 'artificial ignorance'! -
Jason Grant commented
"We're also enhancing the suggestions and auto matching when you reconcile which overtime will help to decrease the amount of rules a business may need"
Interesting. Looks like AI is slated to make Using your own Brain obsolete (what we once called "Bank Rules").
This debate aside, here's a similar idea to exporting rules: -
That the Bank Rule screen should show more information other than the name of the rule and the condition, such as - wait for it...key information on the output side eg 2 The Contact 3 Line Items (Account Code and Tax Rate) and 4 Set the Reference, so you could see AT A GLANCE what the rules do, without editing them one by one.
But have no fear, I am not going to lose sleep on this and will leave this for a generation or two once Xero have sorted their "priority" ideas.
Alex Nye commented
What Carol Dufour said 😂
sadly time wasted implanting this over what people actually wanted