Sales Invoices | Templates - Extra formatting options (Bullets, Bold, Italics)
Ability to have a format option for sales invoices.
Purpose: To make sales invoices appear more professional.

Hi team, appreciate the feedback here and it appears there are 2 differing ideas being bought up here. This idea was originally started relating to the invoice branding theme. Being open, while we will look at improvements to invoice templates down the line this isn't planned just yet.
More recent conversation appears to be related to the new invoicing send modal and formatting of emails sent from Xero. We have a slightly different idea those who are interested in this can join and you'll see I recently updated - While the tool bar has been removed from the send window, you can still use html tags to format and preview how these look in your email.
Jodee Carter commented
Need the option to Bold, Italic, Underscore words in any field in an invoice/quote & also in emails on a per email basis. eg using a template but being able to edit the formatting in the body once selected.
Tracie Bailey commented
I can't actually believe or understand that you would not have an option to make fonts bold or italic on Sales Invoices or Quotes! How hard would it be to have this as an option?!
Michelle Hurst commented
Why Xero would you remove the ability to format text at the sales/invoice emails? What were you thinking?
Please bring it back, surely you can see the importance of this. -
Jacqui Slater commented
Why was is taken away?Sales Invoices | Templates - Extra formatting options (Bullets, Bold, Italics)
Jacqui Slater commented
Having the functionality to format text at the before you send email and invoice to client is of extreme importance as this is where I am able to personalise the Invoice especially when sending reminders to late payers. It give me the control of what I need to send.
WHY did Xero take the ability to format text at this stage away?
Emily McRorie commented
Yes, I agree this is important. My invoices look misaligned and there's nothing I can do within the standard templates to fix it.
The customer address always sits in further from the margin than all the other information. Making the padding 0 does not help. It would be good if the product team can adjust the layout so it looks neat and all in line. -
Firehouse WA commented
Format text in description field of invoices.
Insert a blank line would be handy also. -
Sally DABLE commented
Ability to format text in invoices to clients is critical.
Brooklyn Kraskov commented
Have the ability to add in a column for the date and adjust column widths in the Standard Invoice Template.
Melinda Coetzee commented
Can we please have the option to make the Logo size small/medium/large - the small Logo looks like it was a "spare thought"
Scott Roberts commented
This would help immensely, particularly when it comes to sub headings. Thanks!
deri jones commented
This is gap in Xero functionality that comes up regularly in the forums (some examples below)
The exact feature desired:When I am within any ONE field (most commonly in the Sales invoice "Description" field)
* I want Some words to be Bold, others Italic, some in a different Font Color
The CRUCIAL detail here: is that this is text all within the ONE field - yet DIFFERENT formats per word.A) Xero does NOT allow this.
--------------------------B) You can prove to yourself that Xero lacks this:
--------------------------------------------- ---
In Xero when you type into say the Description field: you wil see there is NO row of icons above: no icons for bold / italic / bullets etc. Without those icons - the users could NEVER control which word gets which format.
Compare that to your normal email software or other Web apps - that DO offer those icons above.C) Resolvng a common confusion: the above can NOT be achieved using Xero's 'Custom Templates' feature
The forums show regular uncertainty - people suggesting to try Custom-Templates.
BUT that feature does NOT do the above. 100% not.I) It allows 100% of the words in any one field - to ALL have the same, customised format that you decide (eg ALL words are bold)
I) it does NOT allow words inside that field, to have varying formats.D) But Custom-templates CAN achieve a DIFFERENT need - that some people want:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------IF: they do not want different formats for different words in the SAME field
But they want: "sometimes Description field to be red-font: and in other Invoices to be black"That can be achieved: by creating 2 custom-templates: in one, Description is red=font. In the other, Black.
Then as you edit any one Invoice, you can select from among the custom templates you created - as needed (NB- one custom-template is Default and so new Invoices always start with it==========================================================
Some recent forum questions on it:
Katrina Hayward commented
Please Xero, make this happen! Your invoices are so boring when unable to put in defined headings e.g. bold & underline.
Emily Wheatley commented
This is a fantastic idea
Tracey G commented
Invoices - Edit font, bold or underline, with a pop out feature
Be nice to be able to do light text edit in the invoices sent to customers as entering the invoice.
Eg. I invoice multiple facets of a job and underlining or bold each section 'heading' would be useful.
A pop out similar to how it is now handled with online emails with a pop out would be very helpful.
I understand that you can use seperate lines but nothing that stands out to the eye when you are skimming a multipage document.
thank you.
Kerry Stokes commented
How can I format where my company address sits as the Company Name is dropping down onto the next line. Also I have DL windowed envelopes and there should be a default setting for UK customers to easily have their Sales Invoices formatted to print correctly so the Customer's address shows in the window of the envelope.