Payroll | Employees - Upload/attach files in notes section
Ability to attached files to a pay run and employees
Natasha Evans commented
Please implement this as soon as possible. This would assist with keeping payroll records private also. If we were to create a contact in the system to allocate the records to this would be accessed to anyone. Keeping it in payroll eliminates the risk of anyone seeing sensitive info
Jody Middleton commented
Huge benefit for supporting data (eg overtime hours)
Kaitlin Thompson commented
This will provide great convenience when sending memos to employees
Audrey Connelly commented
Ability to attach documents to employee's files
Susan Voutier commented
As Helen Price has just commented - so many of us want to see this, and SOON!
Helen Price commented
I am constantly getting emails from Xero saying there is a new comment on an idea you supported - regarding uploading files to employees.
From what I can see this started back in early 2022 - and Xero lastest response was in March 23.
Is it possible for Xero team to give us an update on this request - a time frame would be great. Sorry if I have missed an update from Xero.
There has been alot of support for this update so I am sure Xero members might appreciated it. Thanks -
Freya Pieroz commented
Being able to add an employee's signed TFN dec and Super Choice Form to their Notes would assist greatly in the requirement by Fair Work Australia to keep these documents for seven years, while still maintaining confidentiality requirements under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
Cassandra McAllister commented
For small businesses like many of my clients, it would be advantageous to be able to store things like employment contracts and all other sensitive employee information in a folder for each employee. Accessible only to users with Payroll Admin access. This would work well without having to invest in additional payroll management software external to Xero.
Glenda McAllister commented
Adding documents to an employee's file would be great, there contracts, doctors certificates and documentation for employees. This would be the most important recommendation I would have to add to xero payroll.
Maria Dedakis commented
We should be able to write on this app as well, like if we took a longer lunch hour or why we had to work back and get over time, this is a simple app that makes so much more work for all. It’s just common sense we should be able to comment or attach files to our time sheet!
Debbie Fisher commented
Having supporting documents to leave would be a time saver and an easy reference checker.
Margaret Henderson commented
I feel like I should be able to LIKE all these comments supporting this idea to show my support. Thank you to all those who continue to push this very worthwhile and time-saving idea.
Sarah Knuckey commented
Are there any revised plans to consider this feature for development soon?
Joanna Jaques commented
surely should be a very simple fix to add documents to a system that already allows you to upload documents elsewhere!
Robyn Tighe commented
We act as payroll administrators for a lot of our clients. Being able to file medical certificates along with personal details, tax file declarations direct to xero employees would greatly assist with legal requirements.
Melissa Solomon commented
Add a file attachment section into Employee 'Notes' section so we can upload Licenses, medical certificates, contracts etc
Chau VU commented
This will provide a great convenience, very efficient.
Lara Blake commented
This would be a huge benefit for us if we could attach documents to payslips, please could this be considered
Paul Steinberg commented
Tomos Clark commented
Agree with Joelle's comment. And using files will not be appropriate as it is open to any user, not just users with payroll access.