Batch Payment | PDF - Print invoices in logical order
When you print a batch payment to PDF it currently prints the invoices in a random order (not by supplier name, not by date, not by amount, not by invoice number, not by Details -- completely random by the looks of it).
It would be great if the invoices on this PDF could be sorted in the following order to make the PDF easier to read:
Supplier Name
Invoice Date
Due Date
Invoice Number
If you are trying to use this report to check all invoices from a statement have been included, its currently very difficult/waste of time.

Amy Scardina commented
I agree! I have several clients that share this complaint. A batch of checks should print in a logical order, preferably alphabetical. Also, the reference numbers on the check stub are in a random order. The remittance advice is correct, but not the check stub. Very frustrating!
Helen Hogan commented
I agree, My work around is once the batch has been created I go to edit the batch and sort by ref, so that my supplier gets a nice remittance in some sort of order, where they don't have to jump around the report to match their transactions. Extra time needed for something that should work automatically.
Lorraine Swan commented
It makes no logical sense whatsoever to have the invoices in a batch payment in such a random order. Very difficult for reconciling - takes time to scan through the whole document to find the list of invoices required. I can't believe a computerised system is so illogical/random!
Natascha Natke commented
Currently when you have created a batch payment from Bills to Pay, once the invoices have been batched they don't appear to be in any logical order. They aren't in supplier order, not in reference/invoice number order, not in date order, not in dollar amount order. This makes it very hard to use the PDF for anything, except looking at the total amount paid.
It would be so helpful if the bills on the Batch Payment Summary could be grouped or ordered in some way. My suggestion would be to sort first by supplier name A-Z, then by invoice number/refence from A-Z.
If we could also have sub totals per supplier on the print off that would be helpful as well, as that is how the batch file gets sent to the bank, as 1 total per supplier.
Carolyn Adams commented
Prior to the very final step of creating a Batch Payment the suppliers being paid are in alphabetical order. It's only in the final step that they revert to being random - very bloody annoying!
Rachel Rook commented
and this is a downgrade from the original
Andrea Robb commented
Currently both the ABA and batch report are not in alphabetical order. When running a large batch this is very frustrating - the only way to fix this it to edit the batch and sort by alphabetical order - it does not work in the initial batch. This is time consuming to need to do each and every time a batch with multiple suppliers is paid.
This is discussed constantly on the Xero Partners page on Facebook - I am very surprised at the small number of votes in comparison to the number of complaints I see about this issue. -
Rachel Rook commented
This drives me crazy each time I have to run a batch payment. While there is a workaround (edit batch, click on the Supplier heading to sort by supplies, save batch payment) it is ridiculous that we have to do the workaround, when the previous version could already do it. Support's excuse for why it no longer had the capacity to sort in the update was very unhelpful
Esther Hughes commented
I see that nothing has been done about the order in which the batch payment summary is printed. I go in and edit the supplier column which puts it in alphabetical order.
I note that Yasmin Boroja's comment regarding supplier totals on the summary report would be extremely helpful. -
Leni Benton commented
Nice to see someone else noticed! It's become part of my payment process to create a batch, make a payment, then edit the batch just to alphabetise the list so I can then save and proceed to exporting the .ABA file and send remittances.
Please alphabetise the Transaction: Batch Payment screen Xero!
Jennifer Steinberg commented
I often import upwards of 40 bills per week. In a batch import. And when I select them all to make a batch payment - they are completely scattered in a random order. It would be extemely helpful (and a time-saver) to have them show in the order in which they were imported - and if that's not possible - to have the headers clickable to sort - so I can look for a name, rather than hunting and pecking - to assign their check number. If they were in order of import - their check numbers would likely already be correct.
Helen Langlois commented
Currently the supplier batch payment windows and pdf Batch Payment Summary Report list paid bills in a random order. There seems to be no way to change the order. It would be so much easier to read and refer back to if the supplier contacts were listed in alphabetical and then date order.
Yasmin Boroja commented
Batch Payment Reports - Need to show supplier in alphabetical order with totals.
Leigh Fletcher commented
Yes, I agree. After the batch has been sent to the bank it would be great to be able to export the batch record in a format that would allow the supplier names to be sorted alphabetically.
Vicki Bradshaw commented
I agree!. We have thousands of invoices per month for different suppliers and trying to select the correct invoice from the Supplier statement is such an unnecessary time waster as you are up and down the page dozens of times. If you only have one supplier to pay it's fine you can get it in date order but not a full batch with multiple suppliers. Could you please fix so the invoices for each supplier fall in date order - at present there is no order. totally random