Xero Expenses - Combine Expenses into a single claim
Currently Xero Expenses creates a single expense claim for each individual item.
Normal practice for an expense claim is it contains multiple lines (different expenses), such as parking, a restaurant bill and a hotel.
I would like to have the ability to group individual expense lines into one expense claim.
I would then have a single bill to pay (an expense claim with multiple lines) appear in my Bills to pay, rather than one for each line.
We appreciate the support in being able to combine multiple expenses, here.
At present, this isn't something we have planned, but we'll continue to keep a pulse on the interest for this here.
Currently, from the web there is an option to 'Approve all' expenses for a single employee. 🙂
Deliana Jooste commented
it would be great to do 1 payment for multiple receipt without having to add them separately as a refund on each receipt
Karen Melville commented
Totally agree here, endless individual bills for $3 coffees is just madness - Xero Me for expenses might save the submitter time & admin, but it creates a headache for the accounts team.
Submitters and/or administrators should be able to combine individual lines into one submission, resulting in one, multi-line, bill. -
Fiona Show commented
This is total madness. Who on earth wants to see 20 individual lines in their accounts for each trifling line on an expenses claim.
Not going to be using Xero expenses unless they sort out this and the equally bonkers approvals free-for-all. -
Sheena Waring commented
Plus a reference field for the approver would be helpful