New Invoicing - Time stamp in History & Notes
In the classic invoicing history, we can see the date and timestamp, this is not available in the new invoicing - see attached screenshots.
We use this time stamp a lot for trouble shooting - like what time or XPM and what time was the invoice approved. This helps if there is an integration problem or double up, or payment query.

Well that was quick! 😉 It turns out along with an entry when an invoice is sent, our product team also managed to release time stamps 🎉
In history & notes of new invoicing, next to the date you'll now see a time stamp of when an entry occurred. Thank you all who voted and shared with us on the idea, here.
Andrew Syme commented
Need the exact timestamp in Local Time not UTC. Created Invoice today at 8.00am and the history and notes show it as created yesterday !!!!
Refer attached snapshots of History for same invoice taken same time.
Karen Goodger commented
Please can we have the timestamp back .. so handy when chasing customers being able to tell them the exact time to look in their emails to find it.
Claire Barning commented
Xero - please set this up the same as what Classic Invoicing previously showed = it is critical to see what email address an invoice has been sent to along with the date and time. Seeing "email sent" and a date, does not give us the information we need.
Verena Scott commented
Good morning,
This "update" is unwanted and user unfriendly.
Time stamp and who was emailed is imperative, for accountability and checking purposes. -
Accounts - South Pacific IT commented
Here is edited history output for classic invoicing.
Invoice sent 26 Mar 2024 9:01 am
Approved 26 Mar 2024 9:01 am
Created 26 Mar 2024 9:01 amHere is edited output for the same invoice in "New Invoicing"
Sent by Accounts 25 Mar 2024
Approved by Accounts 25 Mar 2024
Created by xxxxx 25 Mar 2024Two questions.
1. Why can't a timestamp be included?
2. Why does the date displayed not honour local timezone like classic invoicing?Come on Xero. Please fix this before classic invoicing is retired.
Or leave classic invoicing as it is.
Leonie Kershaw commented
Why would you release an update when it's not what people are actually asking for? We need the timestamp! Work on getting that done instead of **** arsing around doing updates has asked for.
Vanessa Gillard commented
Also, in History instead of only recording something as Edited, it would be helpful to say what was edited.
Finance Wills Health Services commented
Wow, is this update a joke? We are not asking for new functionality here. It is a cosmetic change. The webpage currently retrieves the history using an API call that returns the history data that includes both the date and the timestamp. The webpage then throws away the timestamp data and only displays the date! All we want is the webpage to display the date AND the timestamp. This requires a tiny change to the webpage and is super easy to do. WHY aren't you listening?
Angela Forman commented
A workaround we use for this issue is:
Send a copy of the invoice to ourselves by selecting the checkbox at the bottom of the email dialogue box.
In email programme manually move the "copy" to a separate folder, OR set up mail rule/s to move these "copies" to a delegated folder.
On the emailed copy, it is possible to see what other email addresses this has been sent to. If a customer says that they have not received an invoice, we can forward the "copy" directly from our email programme (and put a note on the invoice in Xero).We do not have a lot of invoices though, and this would be rather clumsy for businesses with a large volume of invoices. Also, the email rule needs to be carefully set up so that if a customer replies to an invoice email with a query, then the customer query doesn't also get moved to the folder.
It does at least provide some place where a copy of the invoice along with who it was sent to and when is recorded.
Just sharing in case this is helpful for someone. :)
James Beylotte commented
Xero needs to fix this now. There must be a time stamp and email sent to address in the history. I'm out of cash with $100k plus overdue invoices and customers claiming they did not receive them.
Jan Ross commented
In the event that you need to take a client to Court for non-payment of invoices, it is critical that there is an audit trace to show who said what to whom and when. I would have also thought that the ATO would have made it mandatory for any bookkeeping software to have timestamping in order to detect fraud. For the life of me, I cannot understand why Xero would remove a perfectly good feature by deleting the time and then putting the date on the wrong side of the page.
Karen Burgener commented
Absolutely agree - the history & notes need to be the same information that was available on classic invoicing. All information of what changes were made to an invoice, by who and when is essential! This is a backwards step Xero!! Telling me a staff member has amended an invoice 8 times is not helpful at all. For audit and business security purposes I need to know exact details of invoice amendments. Can we get an update of when this will be available on the new invoicing system please?
Heather Croxon commented
Definitely need the time to show please. I use this daily to see when invoices were sent, approved etc etc.
Finance Wills Health Services commented
This is a cosmetic change, the timestamp data is already present, your interface is simply hiding it. Making the interface display it is a tiny, tiny change that would require almost no effort or testing to achieve. Why is this incredibly easy-to-implement request being ignored by Xero!
Matthew Mason commented
Hi team, this feature really is mandatory for auditing purposes. The only reason I am still on the old invoicing is because of this. Looking forward to it being added so I can start using new invoices!
Salena Round commented
100% agree. We need the History back. Looking through different threads of complaints and comments to different problems people have come across very quickly when switching to the "New Invoicing". A lot of people are commenting "If it ain't broke don't fix it."
Please listen to your customers. This is not an improvement from a paying customer's point of view. -
Sandy Westlake commented
100% agree - REALLY need to have the time stamp and email address showing. Why take it out? PLEASE put it back!!
Rachel Taylor commented
100% support this suggestion. This information is necessary for anyone invoicing in Xero.
Neil Todd commented
I use the notes as an audit trail when following up clients or checking invoices that have been sent to the correct email.
It took me some time to figure out why there was no audit trail in some clients and it just comes down to the view that staff member used to send the invoice.I don't get why the view would affect the audit trail. even when I use classic
this needs to be changed urgently. I have told all staff that they need to send using the classic view but I can't control this for all staff and i want't know if it being followed.
is this in the pipeline to be update soon
Kyle Southam commented
Agree pretty fundamental stuff here for auditing in and out of business hour activity, clustering of activities and tie ins for unwinding data issues.