UK Payroll: Run reports on draft pay runs
To allow the payroll team to run reports to runs checks on the payroll before submitting the payroll. This would avoid sending numerous automatic FPS reports to HMRC.

Yehuda Neuberger commented
This is really critical. It's a bit crazy that it doesn't exist and puts Xero payroll behind other providers.
Hollie Burns commented
This would make our payroll process run so much more smoothly
Michele Furlong commented
Absolutely agree! Ideally I need this for sign off before we post and submit FSP
Pauline Sowemimo commented
Yes draft gross to net report in excel format will be great to review pay runs before final submission to HMRC. The current pdf is quite cumbersome to check especially where you have large numbers of employees.
Sarah Emm commented
ive just switched to Xero payroll after telling my manager how good Xero is, and now I find I can't run a draft Gross to Net report for her to review for payroll. Embarrassing!! Please fix this Xero!! It's essential to have a draft report for review before filing, in order to have good financial controls in the business.
Bethany Haughey commented
I need Excel reports for DRAFT payruns.
In order to work through my balance sheets recs, get approval from senior management and to run my monthly reporting vs budget, I need payroll data from the DRAFT payrun in Excel format.
All that is currently available is the Payroll Details report in PDF (hopeless as even with Adobe conversion to Excel, it comes out as a total mess) or I have to wait until I have posted the payroll with HMRC and made it available to employees through Xero Me, at that point I can use the Gross To Net report.
Please Xero, make the payroll details report available in Excel (ideal) or, failing that, allow me to run a Gross to Net report for a draft payrun. Thanks
Danny Toledano commented
Xero should have the option to view the payroll gross to net report ahead of it being posted. It's impossible to do any kind of checks or review using a PDF. Most softwares allow you to pull this report in excel before payroll is finalised so that you can compare any anomalies to the previous month. I would expect this report as standard and am very surprised it doesn't exist.
Claire Gough-Rhodes commented
Reports are required in Excel format whilst in Draft, there is no way to check and reconcile the payroll without this, as manually checking each payslip or going line by line on a PDF report isnt really an option if there are more that 10 employees on the payroll.
Never known a payroll software that doesn't offer this option.
Diana Heywood commented
We would like a Gross to Net report that can be produced whilst the payrun is in "draft" before being finalised. This is so that the report can be sent for client approval prior to the payroll being finalised. Is this possible.
Although there is the detailed report, it is not in an easy to read format ie all on one page as with the Gross to Net report that can be generated for all Posted payruns. -
Pam Angiletta commented
We all need draft reports by groups, to enable authorisation and checking purposes, all other payroll software provide this basic principle. Why do Xero not do this?
Charleen Anthony commented
Prep-post Gross to Net rept is Critical its not a good idea to revert pay runs as I've done it before to correct a mistake on Xero's advice but tax codes change & it automatically updates in Xero changing the Net Pay, at this point the employee has already seen their payslip, the advice was to pay/deduct the difference. I don't think this is a viable option.
Linda Morrison commented
UK Payroll: Pre-posting report required in the same format as the Gross to Net report. As there is now an issue with amending a payroll after you've posted it, but before pay day, this report is now essential as many of us send payroll reports to clients for authorisation or perhaps employees spot an error on their pay and want it fixed in time for pay day. When resubmitting an FPS prior to payday, this might cause duplicate files. If that's the case then we need a similar report to the Gross to Net but in pre-post mode.
Linda Morrison commented
"We recommend that you keep your pay run in draft until the payment date and you’ve finalised all your payroll details.
This is because HMRC are aware of issues with duplications if pay runs are reverted before the payment date of the pay run has passed."
Well, who knew?! With this in mind, the gross to net report can only be produced after posting the payroll. But if, like me, you want to send clients a copy of the gross to net so that they can make payments on or before pay day, it looks as though this is NOT recommended by Xero. Yet no other report is available in a decent layout. Come on, Xero, get this issue fixed. Other software providers don't seem to have any problems!