AU Payroll - Change reply-to email for payslips
Hello. Keen to have the Auto reply email address that is used for invoices to also be used for payslips. I use a different email to log in to Xero than the one I want staff to reply to.

Annette Carruthers commented
I process payrolls for a number of Clients with Xero accounts and don't want my login email sent or used in any of these clients accounts, accept to identify my activity in their accounts.
Diane Scata commented
Is there an update to this request yet? If it is possible for invoices, not sure why it is any different for payroll?
Cate Gibb commented
This is a serious oversight!
Lia Dreher commented
This is critical, please change this.
Gemma Kerr commented
please change this, I don't want my clients staff contacting me directly
Paolo Coniglio commented
This is particularly important for bookkeepers. We DO NOT WANT our email address shared to our clients' employees' and yet that happens whenever we send them payslips!
Mandi Hilder commented
Please resolve this. It is inappropriate for users that are not the main Xero 'subscriber' (that was used to setup the account) and need to use their personal email address for their Xero user credentials, to potentially be replied to personally regarding pay processing. Our organisation is small and uses generic email addresses such as info@ sales@..... We have more users than email addresses and have no option but for users to use personal emails for login. What is the workaround for this?
Nicola Crawshaw commented
It seems like a bit miss that Xero have done when they have added in the field to "change email reply address" but not included Payroll in this. It needs to be fixed as I too work for various clients and any email queries around Payroll need to go to the company not me. And there are often Payroll queries - I would have thought NZ legislation would require this to be private and confidential to the company!
Cassandra Ferris commented
It would be best to have a reply to email so that bookkeepers don't get payroll questions directly, but rather than be filtered through the business first.
Paula Wyeth commented
Surprised this isn’t already an option.
Gregg Modlin commented
Yes, agree with these comments. Why can't the email set up under Organisational Settings > Email Settings >"Tailor the emails sent from this organisation" be utilised.
Natalin Thomson commented
1000% this needs to be changed. I also process payroll for multiple clients with hundreds of staff and do not wish for all of their staff to contact me directly, especially when their internal processes also dictate they are to go to their management. Their staff should not have my direct contact details.
Rennae Baker commented
Need to have the ability to reply to the cake ts email and not the user logged in.
Josephine White commented
Can't believe this is not already an option. Xero need to get this done asap.
Georgia Took commented
Yes, please. I also would like the ability to change the reply email for payslips to a company email address rather than the email used to login to Xero. Would love to see Xero add this function soon.
Michelle Houston commented
100% need the ability to be able to change the reply email for payslips
Payroll team, or in the case of bookkeepers using one email for several different businesses
This should already be an option -
Jennifer Brown commented
When you're doing payroll for different clients, THEIR employees shouldn't be emailing the bookkeeper directly. Similarly to why we set a Reply-to email address in the first place.
Rochelle Spencer commented
I process payroll for a lot of clients with a large number of employees.
It is my preference that they contact their manager with any queries, not myself, however a lot of them just reply to the payslip.
As it is possible to set the 'reply to' email address for other emails sent from Xero (eg; invoices or remittance advices), I don't understand why it can't be the same for payslips. -
Michael Palozzi commented
I too would like to have the ability to update the reply to email address in the payslip email sent to employees. Not sure why it would default to the email address of the organisation admin....