Quotes - View Inventory Item Cost
See Inventory Item Cost when doing a Quote. I would find it helpful, when doing a quote to a customer, to see the cost of the inventory item I am quoting on. Of course, it should not appear in the final quote going to the client, but seeing it, would give me more confidence in doing my quote and make it a lot quicker. Thanks

Hi Mark, as cost price of items can change over time, if you often associate specific items you're selling to sales you make to your customers perhaps Billable expenses?
When you add the expenses to your customers invoice this will bring across the cost price of the items you've assigned.
Jo Adams commented
That is the dumbest solution ever - if they are stock items you arent going to go out and buy some just so you can make a billable expense on the OFF chance they go ahead... Have you any practical experience in a real office?
Mark Goldberg commented
I understand cost of items generally change (read increase) over time. But surely Xero could pick up the 'last entered' cost for each item from the last bill entered and use that number in the cost field of the quote? Obviously, that number/field doesn't appear in the quote that is sent.
Terri P commented
I got super excited that I would be able to use Xero for quotes, reasons I love it: is really easy to import the products, much more flexible than our ERP we use for sales, BUT I need to be able to see the cost pricing when generating the quote, or at least to be able to set/see the GP%/Margin. Without this I cannot use. Very sad. Seems that Xero is just not keeping up with how business works.
Gabriella Sanderson commented
Hi Kelly,
Although you make a good point Mark is asking for cost pricing in quotes. In our team our sales team are only allowed to Quote not invoice. So it would be beneficial to be able to see the cost price in the quotes for them as our price changes every three months or between suppliers who may or may not have the product in stock.