Contact | Ability to add phone number for persons of a contact record
Have the option to add individual contact numbers as well s emails for each additional contact from separate departments

Hi community, we'd like to confirm that enabling phone numbers to be stored against additional people within a contact record is not something we have plans to develop at this time. This may be a function we look to explore in the long-term so we're still interested to get a clearer understanding of users that'd like to see this developed, and will continue to track this through the conversation here. If there's any change we will let you know on on this idea.
Jessica Peace commented
Having the option to have a clearer input of additional contacts under a supplier for example would be very helpful. I am Currently putting their whole name in first name box and phone number in the last name box as a work around.
Also a point of note along these lines would be when creating a contact xero requires you MUST enter an email to add any additional people. we still work with those who prefer paper, so adding my email or a fake email is less than ideal.
Any adjustments to this would be so great! It’s the little things in life :) -
Rivi Jinadasa commented
Now, when you edit a contact and select the option to add a person, we MUST have the capability to include their phone number and specify their position within the company or their role as the main contact. Why is this feature no yet included in XERO ??
It shouldn't be that hard!!!
Contact (1)
First Name, Last Name
Job Title
Email (1)
Email (2)
Work Phone #
Mobile # -
Lara-Jane Clarke commented
This is a basic necessity as you need to know who a mobile number belongs to in order to contact them. And as everyone has a mobile number these days, it is much more efficient to contact them directly rather than through a switchboard.
Working in Construction industry there is a great many people that are client contacts and all are important and need to be easily accessed knowing their name, phone, email and position, even a note for details on what to contact that specific person for would be a good idea.
I would even say that phone number is MORE important than email address.
Vince McKnight commented
When you edit a contact and click to add a person - you should be able to add their phone number and their position with the company or main contact.
Rupert Upton commented
Why on earth do we need a Fax number any more - could that not be altered to provide the ability to add more numbers?
Angela Forman commented
Need the ability to store position as well as phone number.
Our current work around is to enter phone number after the first name and their position after the last name.
First Name: Joe 025 555 5555
Last Name: Blogs (Accounts) -
Olivia King-Turner commented
This would be very helpful to me also as there are often multiple phone numbers for each contact and I need to know who each belongs to eg Accounts, Owner, Purchasing.
At the moment the only way I have found to do this is to click Add another person and store the phone number as part of the email address eg. This isn't ideal but at least I can then see a name next to the phone number
If a phone number field was added to the additional contact details this would be fantastic!
Lianne Wallace commented
For us we only store Finance relevant phone numbers, however in large organisations (and quite frankly even smaller ones) these days they are all on mobile direct numbers. The only way to assign them to a contact is to try and manually fit their name and mobile number into the phone field and scroll through them all. Phone numbers against a contact are just as relevant as the email. I can't understand why xero thinks this wouldn't be helpful?!
Sue Van Pelt commented
We are civil contractors, like Freya, we too need to have the accounts team, the (mulitple) project manager plus others for several large organisations we deal with. Even small businesses these days have separate email addresses for bills (we have two that have one for invoices and another for statements!!!), PLUS the sales person - what is the problem with having multiple contacts??
Freya Pieroz commented
So basically Xero is saying that the Sales department, the Accounts Payable department, and the CEO all have the same phone number? Different sales reps managing different contracts all have the same mobile phone?
I don't want to call Sales when I want to pay a bill, I want to call Accounts!
Joana Mendes commented
This is a must. I can't believe it has not been done. Just like you can have an email address for each contact name, you should have a contact number for each contact name within a Contact/company record.
Sue Van Pelt commented
We also deal with multiple people within larger organisations - being able to add their email as well as their phone number would be very useful.
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
We also deal with several people within a contact who are usually (but not always) from a different department.
Alison Shelton commented
We often deal with several people within a contact. We usually also deal with different people in client's accounts department.
Amanda Hubley commented
currently I have to put the first and last name into the first name field so that I can record their phone number in the last name field.
Scott Ellis commented
This would be extremely helpful. Currently I have to use another program to simply keep track of a phone number.
Freya Pieroz commented
I'd really like to know which phone number associated with a contact is for accounts, and which for sales (for example) - I contact both direct, but for different reasons, and my personal phone directory is not accessible to my coworkers. We can get around this with the Notes field for each contact, or by adding words to the phone number, but there's only so many phone number entries available and I'm not calling the switchboard and wasting their time when I can call direct!
Andrew Calver commented
this would be very useful. We have the email address for each contact but now everyone has direct numbers and mobile numbers so it's imperative to be able to be able to be able to assign those to each contact
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
It would also help to make specific contacts only available to receive certain emails. For example, if quotes were sent to Company X (main contact card in Xero) and Bob (sub-contact card) from Company X is in charge of approving quotes, then I don't want to send the quote to every contact that has the email check box ticked. Secondly, I only want to send invoices to John per se because he is the person from Company X who approves and processes payments.
Each header contact needs to be able to have sub-contacts who are in charge of different departments and therefore are linked to different areas such as POs, quotes, invoices, and bills - they need to receive what is only relevant to them and their role. This will especially help business-to-business operations.
I hope what I have said makes sense.
Joana Mendes commented
The people within a Contact/Business/Customer/Supplier each have their own email and also mobile number, so this information should be unique to each name and also searchable.
Also, at the moment additional contacts' names and emails are not searchable. This is a must.
See attached for a better understanding.