Bills - Add Transaction date
For the bill want 2 dates: one is the bill date, and one is the transaction date. we normally received the bills in the next month...if one date will affect the cost (as construction, use WIP), will be confused....

Hi XinXiang, when you say 'transaction date' would this be the bills due date or the date it was created in Xero? Or would this possibly be the ability to set multiple due dates?
abdul Saathar commented
As finance method of posting bills required 2 date field. One for document date and other for Transactions date. Sometime transactions date and document dates are varied due to late submission/reaching the bills to finance team. For example. A bill issued date 15th Aug 2023, due to late reaching to Finance Dept. Period of Aug 2023 were closed. Also Aug 2023 VAT filed. The late reaching Aug 2023 bill contains an input VAT, unable to claim since Aug 2023 filed. If we could have transactions date field at least we can post the bill during Sep 2023 with document date of Aug 2023. Period closing will be considered transaction date. Can you please implement these method.
Jade Mackenzie commented
I second this.
I need both the bill/AR invoice date and the posted/transaction date.
If we received an invoice dated, for example, 1st June 2023 but the invoice is received after 30th June 2023. I have already closed and reported that period, therefore I would like to post the bill into the current period using a posted date, 1 July 2023, but still be able to record and report the correct bill date as shown on the AR invoice/bill.