Bills | Awaiting payment - Ability to overide maximum of 200 bills.
Awaiting payment - max 200 bills.
I have a supplier who I pay monthly and there are always over 200 bills. I want to make one batch payment for the whole amount, but currently I have to do it on two - the first 200 bills, and then the remaining. Please can this 200 limit be increased?

Mark Dowling commented
This is a must for larger size businesses :)
Heather Harvey commented
I also concur with all the users on this thread. This is a real issue for those of us with suppliers who have over 200 bills for the month. I am not sure why this is not being looked into or actioned as it appears Xero has been well aware of this for some time.
Charlotte Rix commented
Please can this be developed and actioned asap, I am in the same position with suppliers having over 200 invoices for payment, I have to split payments then it messes up the bank import feed as it will not find the matched payment and the remittance looks incredibly messy to our supplier.
Xero could widen it's customer base to support larger business's with this development.
Tony Marnham commented
As a new user to Xero & a MAT of schools, we now have in excess of 200 bills to pay in each weekly run. It seem that just increasing the numbers of bills viewable on the page, enabling more to be selected, may solve this? Definitely something that needs a fix going forward. Also when running the payment batch report, a summary by supplier would be (more) useful)
Annabel Pedersen commented
Is it possible to increase the size of the bill payments to add to a batch. currently the limit is 200, and this is very limiting. we are not a large business, we have just moved onto Xero as it was recommended to us as very suitable. however we have more than 200 bills that we are paying at the end of each month. when we went to do our payment batch it was very frustrating to find we were limited to 200 for a batch to upload to the bank
Claire Merson commented
We are constantly running up against the limit of 200 invoices on the bills to pay page where we need to make payments either through the open banking access or through a linked software. Can this limit be raised to 500 invoice to a page of 1000 invoices to a page? For large clients with monthly payment runs even the invoices for a single supplier can be over the 200 invoices limit which means we are having to make two payments for one supplier. Alternatively can the system remember which invoices have been selected for payment between pages on the list?
Roz Clark commented
I have several suppliers who frequently have more than 200 bills outstanding, sometimes over 400 therefore this will eradicate the need for multiple payment files
Nereda Pinker commented
Was told yesterday it's not changing and it's because of bank files. Over 200 then errors can occur.
Vander .T commented
Not knowing if this help.
After selecting say 60 bills, put the "payment plan date" say 31.10.2023.
Continue doing the selecting of bills to be paid, say another 80 bills put the same plan date 31.10.2023.
Once you have selected all the bills to be paid and have put the plan payment date, go to Business-bills to pay-filter the plan date 31.10.2023, you got the whole list of bills that you are going to pay, select all of them and do your payment run ? -
Margarita Kukleva commented
Awaiting payments: To Add an option to see 1000 items per page in Awaiting payments to able to make one batch.
Emma Nowak commented
I have the exact same problem and it is so annoying. Xero really need to rectify this problem. My old accounting program, which was ancient, had no problem with paying off any amount of bills.
Andrew J commented
Batchpay add-on may help with this... Extra cost might make sense for some businesses.
Nereda Pinker commented
Agreed! every month I am having to do multiple batches because of the 200 limit. Plus if bank charges you per transaction, then you are being charged twice because Xero can't do it in a single transaction.
Stephanie Youngberry commented
Agree this is an important part of a growing business. Limits like this make me wonder if our business has outgrown Xero. I don't want to move to another provider but may need to consider in the future if these limits remain.
Kate Thompson commented
Im not sure why there was a limit in the first place! This is important and wastes time for myself and the directors who will need to authorise payment release twice.
Hannah Otene commented
This is important - such a time waster having to do 2x uploads.