New invoicing - Add lines button
New invoicing - bring back 'add new line' button and dropdown +5/+10...
This is an existing feature on classic invoicing, why would you drop it!
Hi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
Jim Morris commented
If you can make 1 new blank line with a button, you can do 5 or 10, just like it works in classic.
I'm sick and tired of being told "not planned with this release", "not planned with this release"...
You've (supposedly) had 7 freaking years to get "new" invoicing up to scratch and able to do everything that "classic" does.
Stop making excuses and just get it working properly before you take away classic.
Ian Tompkins commented
Disappointed by Kelly's update. Adding lines to the invoice is crucial to our invoicing process and something we can't do without.
Please re-think this topic as I'm not the only one it affects.
Thanks -
Emily Aspden commented
The lines I add always have to be moved somewhere else on the invoice. In classic invoicing I could easily drag and drop a blank line from the bottom to where I needed it to be, then type what I needed to, usually copying from the line above. Now I have to type in the line before I can move it, which is really annoying when I'm trying to copy from a line halfway up the page, creating the need to scroll up and down and losing my place. Please allow the movement of blank lines.
Also, I've mentioned this elsewhere but it doesn't have it's own subject, the movement of every line as you drag your new line into place, is really distracting and not very 'accessible' - it actually causes eye ache! Again this wasn't an issue in classic invoicing.
Ian Tompkins commented
Adding a line to an invoice is important for us. We often have to add two sales orders together on one invoice - therefore having no provision to add a line, like the classic version does, is totally unacceptable to us. Additionally we often add delivery details on the invoice.
Please resolve this issue asap as it's so important to us...and no doubt to a good number of your other clients. -
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Anne Nyberg commented
I really need to be able to add a line to an invoice so that when i PDF an invoice if it is an extensive invoice it is spaced correctly.
Please dont retire classic before fixing this issue.
Praveeta Ram Turner commented
Related issues to the number of lines is the fact that when you do add a line and enter account details and figures, if you then want to add another line and move the account details and figures, you can't delete from the first line - a zero remains in the boxes. Previously you could delete the figure and account name. Very annoying as you then have to delete the original line, which is all good and well unless you want to keep the narration in the original line field.
And don't even get me started with the 4 decimal places when entering a number as GST inclusive! What is with that??? -
Julie Sladek commented
This function is still not showing and classic is supposedly being shut down in 20 days!! Completely useless only giving us 1 line
Angeline Chong commented
Please reinstate "Add new lines" - it is a basic function.
Greg Molan commented
Is feature returning? Any updates?
Greg Weedon commented
What was the point of the new invoicing? It has lost functionality with the switch and now takes more time to accomplish with more steps involved for no reason. Shouldn't the goal of software updates to make it easier for users not harder? Quicker not longer.
Luciana Ferrini commented
not good enough set up add lines as it was before
it was straight forward
you may not want to fill a whole new line
You might have multipe produces and services that need a new line
why should be space bar when all you need to do it use what was there before
not impressed -
Carlie Risk commented
I am utterly gobsmacked. How on earth is adding lines to an invoice not part of the standard functionality. Utter madness. Utter, utter madness. What are you thinking? How are we going to do this? Use the workaround of copying old invoices which leads to error. I was told by Support JUST NOW that I cannot even add one line. Truth. This just can't be real.
Utter. Madness.
The new invoicing system should not have made it past UAT. If going Live was the "UAT" (hope everyone has enjoyed testing it and expecting it to be glitch free) then at least don't retire the old functionality until this one is up to par. My goodness. "New functionality" What the???
I feel like Xero has been taken over by AI. I feel for the Support Team. They must absolutely cop it.
Carole Robinson commented
One step forward, two steps back. I'll never understand why you must meddle with something that isn't broken! Do you ever allow time to run your new ideas past the users and properly respond to their suggestions and problems before you put the new option in place. Even with this run out, you have released it before many of the requests have been addressed properly. You have partially addressed the Item list issue, but still only 50 lines show. Why couldn't we have a scroll option down the entire list?
Jim Morris commented
@SG.GS Billing - That is a really good suggestion!
SG.GS Billing commented
Must the lines be added to the bottom of the page?
What if I have a 80 line invoice and the line to be inserted is for example the 6th line? -
Andrea Hughes commented
Definitely agree. Please bring this entire feature back !!!
Samantha Klimecki commented
I like the way I can finish the first line and it automatically adds a new line for the next item.
But that is just the way I invoice - I can see how it would be annoying for others .
Why can't we have both features? -
Accounts Login commented
Reinstate "Add a new line" to the new version of invoicing. Without it, what used to be a single invoice with multiple lines turns into a series of duplicated invoices each with a single edited line.
Greg Molan commented
Definitely agree. Please bring this entire feature back !!!