New invoicing - Add lines button
New invoicing - bring back 'add new line' button and dropdown +5/+10...
This is an existing feature on classic invoicing, why would you drop it!

Hi everyone, to keep you updated on this idea work in this space will provide the ability to add a new blank row to your invoice one at a time. Once added you'll also have the ability to drag and drop the row to where you'd like it placed in your invoice, which we know some customers use to help format their invoices and space lines out.
I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release.
Being under development atm, we plan to have this to you all before classic invoicing is retired and I'll be back as soon as it's out to let you know, here.
Suzanne McDonald commented
I need to be able to add multiple lines to invoices and not having this feature is frustrating.
Would it not be easier just to provide the option of Classic invoicing as an alternative. It was far superior to the new version. -
Anne Nyberg commented
New invoicing is garbage ... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring back the old invoicing. It is critical that i add lines as the new invoicing does not look professional AT ALL.
Lisa Jenkinson commented
Please bring this back I invoice lots of invoicing with multiple lines and it is taking me forever to get the lines up to invoice it was much quicker with multiple lines.
please please bring this back!!! -
Paul Sievers commented
Why did you try to fix something thats not broken. New invoicing is horrible
Helen Schafer commented
Michelle - potential work around (not ideal but might save you time). Make up a draft invoice (or draft quote) that can be easily copied to create a new invoice. In this draft, make up your 42 lines but adding just 1 dot in the description field in each line. Keep this draft as your template. When it's time to make up an invoice, copy the template to create a new invoice - you can then paste in repeatedly into the lines you want to overwrite the dot you originally put in. If you're able to use a Produce or Service as your standard lines you put in repeatedly, even better.
Michelle Merrigan commented
Well.... classic invoicing has retired today and this feature has not been added, meanwhile I am currently having to raise an invoice with 42 lines in it, that has the same item 21 times on alternating lines.... so line 1 and 2 items are reapeated 21 times. The easiest way to way to do this on classic invoicing was to add as many lines as I needed then paste the item onto alternating lines for the first item and then repeat for the second item.
Now I have to either copy and paste lines one by one OR copy and paste all the lines required for one item, then all the lines required for the second item and then manually rearrange them into the correct order. What an absolute waste of time.
Ian Tompkins commented
Reply to ''I appreciate that some customers have mentioned wanting to add multiple blank rows at once, and want to be open that this isn't planned with this release''.
This has to be a priority as we're unable to raise invoices unless we are able to add several lines - this is crucial to our operation.
Please review this immediately, as I know we're not the only company.
If you had it in the Classic version, there is no reason why you can't add in the new version. -
Samantha Young commented
I added a comment back in November 2024 so I believe this is extremely important to get sorted before the old invoicing is off.
New Invoicing -Option to Add Multiple New Lines at once (5, 10, 15 or 20)
When using Classic version of invoicing, there was an option to Add a new line and then a drop down option to Add 5, Add 10, Add 20 lines.
In the New version of invoicing, this option seems to have disappeared?
Please provide this option if this has not already been provided. I can only seem to add a new line after entering the first line of information.
I found the Add 5 and Add 10 lines really helpful when I'm copying similar job items down a list than having to tab across to get to the next line when I was preparing sales invoices.
Ian Tompkins commented
As a critical point to this discussion we will require not just the ability to add 'one' line but as many lines as we require.
We cannot raise sales invoices without this change to the new invoicing process. Please make this a priority. -
Andrea Hughes commented
DITTO -- New invoicing - bring back 'add new line' button and dropdown +5/+10...
This is an existing feature on classic invoicing, why would you drop it! -
Jim Morris commented
If you can make 1 new blank line with a button, you can do 5 or 10, just like it works in classic.
I'm sick and tired of being told "not planned with this release", "not planned with this release"...
You've (supposedly) had 7 freaking years to get "new" invoicing up to scratch and able to do everything that "classic" does.
Stop making excuses and just get it working properly before you take away classic.
Ian Tompkins commented
Disappointed by Kelly's update. Adding lines to the invoice is crucial to our invoicing process and something we can't do without.
Please re-think this topic as I'm not the only one it affects.
Thanks -
Emily Aspden commented
The lines I add always have to be moved somewhere else on the invoice. In classic invoicing I could easily drag and drop a blank line from the bottom to where I needed it to be, then type what I needed to, usually copying from the line above. Now I have to type in the line before I can move it, which is really annoying when I'm trying to copy from a line halfway up the page, creating the need to scroll up and down and losing my place. Please allow the movement of blank lines.
Also, I've mentioned this elsewhere but it doesn't have it's own subject, the movement of every line as you drag your new line into place, is really distracting and not very 'accessible' - it actually causes eye ache! Again this wasn't an issue in classic invoicing.
Ian Tompkins commented
Adding a line to an invoice is important for us. We often have to add two sales orders together on one invoice - therefore having no provision to add a line, like the classic version does, is totally unacceptable to us. Additionally we often add delivery details on the invoice.
Please resolve this issue asap as it's so important to us...and no doubt to a good number of your other clients. -
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Anne Nyberg commented
I really need to be able to add a line to an invoice so that when i PDF an invoice if it is an extensive invoice it is spaced correctly.
Please dont retire classic before fixing this issue.
Praveeta Ram Turner commented
Related issues to the number of lines is the fact that when you do add a line and enter account details and figures, if you then want to add another line and move the account details and figures, you can't delete from the first line - a zero remains in the boxes. Previously you could delete the figure and account name. Very annoying as you then have to delete the original line, which is all good and well unless you want to keep the narration in the original line field.
And don't even get me started with the 4 decimal places when entering a number as GST inclusive! What is with that??? -
Julie Sladek commented
This function is still not showing and classic is supposedly being shut down in 20 days!! Completely useless only giving us 1 line
Angeline Chong commented
Please reinstate "Add new lines" - it is a basic function.
Greg Molan commented
Is feature returning? Any updates?