New invoicing | Billable Expense - Reorder Columns & Horizontal Scroll
In the new invoicing version, when selecting the billable expenses, I can't see the date and the supplier in one view. In order to see the date, I need to scroll to the bottom of the pop-up screen, then scroll across to the right, then try to scroll up to find the line item. I then can't see the supplier to know if that is the correct line to add. Sometimes there are 30+ billable expenses for the one client and I can't see the dates to know if I'm selecting the correct ones.
Have the date as the first column and have the ability to horizontal scroll from any part of the pop-up window. or have all columns visible at once.
the layout of the old version was perfect, I could see all the information I needed at once. Now, I can only see two columns.

Hi everyone, we appreciate your feedback on the billable expenses window within new invoicing and trouble this can cause for currently assigning billable expenses. Our product team are exploring changes in this and we'll keep you updated of developments for this here.
As noted by some, you can currently scroll horizontally to view each column. If you have lots of items you may need to scroll to the bottom and then horizontally.
Charles Klvana commented
Surely it can auto-size so that we can actually see it all on the one screen. Just a coding issue.
Hayley Jenkins commented
This has slowed down our processing time. Please address.
Kielan Faria commented
I do not understand why the development team didn't notice this issue in testing. I use this function on the daily and it drives me mad having to drag across the text to scroll over, it needs to be fixed ASAP.
Pearl Engineering commented
There is a work around, but this is only critical if I want fully reimbursed on cost-reimbursable contracts.
Corme de Bruyn commented
We use the Billable Expense function on Xero. However, we find it impractical when it comes to allocating the billable expenses. This is because we are unable to see the full description of the expense in the allocation pop-up screen and this results in incorrect allocations.
If the description column can be dragged to resize it, or include a scroll function, then incorrect allocations can be avoided.