Reconciliation - Allow credit notes to show and be selected on the find & match screen
Ability to show and can select credit notes on the find & match screen.
Purpose: To save time rather than having to go in and allocate the credit note against an invoice then going back to the bank reconciliation screen.

Hi community, first off thank you for the continued interest and feedback surrounding this idea. We’re continuing to build on the bank reconciliation experience in Xero and recognise the ways this feature will help improve the efficiency, flexibility and transparency of transactions in your business. Our team have done a lot of exploration into being able to surface and match Credit Notes when reconciling your bank account in Xero, and this is now in development.
We’ll shift the idea here into ‘Working on it’ and continue to update as there’s more detail of this to share.
John Greenwood commented
Come on Xero - its a pretty basic function!
Emma Noyce commented
Bank reconciliation to include credit notes and overpayments. To allow credit notes/overpayments to be shown and selected along side invoices when bank reconciling, rather than having to allocate credit notes/overpayments to individual invoices. This is a basic feature in other software packages and is causing additional unnecessary manual work.
Nicola Binks commented
Instead of having to allocate credit notes separately. Have the credit notes showing when you match the payment in the bank to bills and credits. This would save time as the payment doesn’t match the bills until the credit note has been allocated.
Sam Riley commented
Batch Payment Of Credit Notes
Essentially do exactly what is done, when making batch payments of Bills, but instead make a batch payment of credit notes.
There must be a way to do it, as opposed to having to do it via the banking app/website and then manually reconcile each credit note against the bank feed in XERO.
Thanks -
Tim Charles commented
I've just spent ages with a client trying to reconcile a payment based on a supplier statement with multiple invoice bills and credit notes. I'm shocked that this is not standard that you can find credit notes when doing a find & match. Very poor from Xero that this falling has not been resolved many years ago. Xero makes this is a high priority and the development team to fix it quick!!
Ashley Walker commented
I can’t believe Xero doesn’t allow you to pick a credit note when doing the bank reconciliation! This is basic stuff, the work around of refunding a credit note is not the correct accounting treatment.
Tania Elkerton commented
We need the ability to be able to find and match against AP Credit Notes when reconciling payments in the bank reconcile tab. We have a supplier that we pay at a group level for multiple third party suppliers. Like a credit card situation. When one third party supplier has a credit note we cannot select it in the bank reconciliation, therefore making it impossible to fully reconcile the payment to the main supplier.
Linda Bates commented
Ability to include credit notes when posting batch payments, and also to be able to select credit notes when using find & match in bank reconciliation, rather than having to manually allocate them to an invoice
Rob Winder commented
Come on Xero even Sage can do this. This is an absolute basic and will save potentially hours of time allocating credit notes individually. Forget all of your reporting tools and rubbish that wont get used but we have to watch every quarter to maintain accreditation.
Tim Hulme commented
Basic fundamental process within accounts bank reconciliation processes. Xero lacks another fundamental routine. Needs to be programmed as of yetserday.
Marie Riley commented
Agreed Valerie Hague! This is an essential yet basic level feature which I would assume as a given for any accounting software, not a request.
Valerie Hague commented
This is the most fundamental failing in Xero - the whole credit note functionality needs an overhaul. Allow credits to be selected in Bank Reconciliation, allow credits to be selected in Payment runs, allow credits to be listed in Remittance Advices so that you can show the supplier which credits you have deducted. These are all basic level functionality requirements which have been outstanding for many years. PLEASE GET ON WITH IT.
Marie Riley commented
Allocation / Inclusion of Supplier Credits whilst making a Bill Payment to a Supplier where there are netted invoices and credits.
When making bill payments to a supplier where credits are netted off the payment it is both inconvenient and time consuming to; sum the total of the credits manually, then manually work out the net payment; Partially pay off the net value against some invoices, whilst leaving the remaining invoices unpaid. To then have to separately allocate the remaining credits against the remaining invoices. To be able to do this in one transaction as part of one net payment would be an amazing time saver! -
Sally Williams commented
Allow allocation of Credit notes whilst allocating payments in Bank Rec - Both received and spend
Laura Murphy commented
Also to include when creating a batch payment so supplier can see invoices & credit notes that are in there payment on the remittance. A the moment I have to manually create this in excel
Tricia Drew commented
I can't believe this still hasn't happened, I've been asking for 10 years now.
Sonia Connon commented
This feature is urgently needed. Being unable to select credit notes in the bank reconciliation affects workflow. The ability to select credit notes would improve bank reconciliations.
Elaine McKilligan commented
Sage has had this feature for as long as I can remember (many years!!!) - the lack of this feature is one of the most annoying things about Xero!
Selorm Klaye commented
Invoice credit note is in dollars. Funds debited from bank account is in sterling. Have to add a payment to credit note before it appears in bank rec. When trying to add a payment, have to enter exchange rate, rather than GBP amount, which means have to calculate an exchange rate to get back to the GBP amount in bank. Better to just enter GBP straight away.
Ideal solution for this issue is for credit note to just appear in bank rec so can match irrespective of currency (have added a vote to that idea).
Amanda Smith commented
Honestly have raised this so many times over past ten years, seems such a simple option