New Invoicing - Allow Item and Description-only lines, with no Qty or Unit Price
When choosing item code and description, I want the ability to leave the rest of the fields blank. Classic invoicing had no problems with it. The new invoicing wants to populate QTY, UNIT PRICE and AMOUNT. Makes the invoice look unappealing.
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Draft Invoice Copy.jpg 124 KB -
241111 New Invoicing 2025-031 Data Entry Draft Invoice.jpg 137 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Invoice Copy.jpg 99 KB -
241111 Classic Invoicing 2024-136 Data Entry Invoice.jpg 129 KB -
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Screenshot 2024-01-31 144249.png 23 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2756.pdf 90 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2754.pdf 92 KB -
Invoice INV-DJM2737.pdf 94 KB

Thanks for all your feedback here, everyone. The way you add description only lines in new invoicing is a little different to classic and we wanted to explain in hopes it'll help with how you're using new invoicing.
When entering a description only line, you can enter text in the description field of the line. If you add detail to any other field the line will be treated as a 'financial' line and you will need to include Qty, Unit price, Account and Tax rate.
When an inventory item is added this uses the item code field and the line is treated as 'financial', so it's not possible to use inventory items as description only lines in new invoicing atm.
We appreciate this is how many of you here have been making use of inventory and our product team are closely monitoring the feedback we're getting on this. Though we don't have any solid plans for changing this right now we will keep the idea under review, and share if there's any change planned.
Sam Farmer commented
Agree with those comments that Xero not being helpful here. Dictating to their own, rather than our (the paying clients'), needs. Many of my clients require individualised details on their invoices. It's now impossible to do this.
Megan Hale commented
We need the option of using products and service codes as a descriptive field. For me I use this for adding who the invoice is being emailed to where a very large customer has a number of staff that we invoice to. I can then also use this information to view when a particular staff member at the large client was last invoiced.
As this option is currently available in classic invoicing it needs to be available in new invoicing.
If Xero has restrictions due to coding that don't allow a product or service code to be used without quantity, unit price etc perhaps it might be possible for another option to be availabe in this area that does not require quantity, unit price and GST.
Eileen Hamilton commented
We need to have the option to have the description only - I enter over 150 invoices per week with up to 8 lines of description only on each invoice - if I am having to manually adjust each of these lines this is going to add alot of extra time to my workload and will create an issue where if a line is missed, invoices are going out looking ridiculous.
If this change isn't made then the option to continue using the classic invoicing should be made available beyond 20 November. I will continue using the classic invoicing until then
If it was possible to have this option on the classic then there is no reason why it cannot be implemented in the new one. -
Kathy Skinner commented
Seems this is typical of Xero now, don't like the negative feed back they are getting on this so called new invoicing so either "not planned", will keep the idea under review blah blah blah … all excuses as to why they don't do things asked for.
Don't see why they couldn't have just brought classic over to the new platform then asked or implemented changes from there that people have asked for.It is still horrible to work with and despite what little they have done to it it still is inefficient for users across multiple businesses.
They really don't seem to care anymore just want to up prices for a program that is going backwards in more ways than one.
Felicity Fitzgerald commented
All I want is the first line to have text/information only. It is generating quantity, price and tax amount automatically which makes our invoice look very unprofessional. Can this be fixed as soon as possible please.
Also why is the invoice link in some invoices and not in others?
I reiterate what Lee said - Please revise your "not having any solid plans for changing this" and get it fixed. It would be much appreciated.
Also, it would be good to know what the benefits are of the New Invoicing vs the Classic.
Please help us.
Yuko nakayama commented
We use Xero integration with Roll and create our invoices in Roll. The integration is usually quite seamless but the description only line doesn't seem to be possible if we try and create the invoice in Roll based on the Xero template. Can you help with this?
Ange Mason commented
Very disappointing how simple things are being over looked. We are NOT asking for anything major. It works in your other invoicing really well. Just fix it please!!
Liam Taylor commented
This is terrible, looks very unprofessional and like i am to lazy to delete
Esther Lawrence commented
Hi, thank you for looking into this for me, I just assumed it was an oversight in the new invoicing set up and therefore did not raise a case, it was just defaulting to the number I had just deleted. 0 is ok, which seems to be working now; I definitely would prefer it to remain blank, that being said, it is not as important as a lot of the other suggestions, especially a full history and notes, so you can close my suggestion as part of it is obsolete, thanks.
Carolyn Higgs commented
Here's how I get around it:
I have my descriptive text still saved in Products and Services. When I create an invoice, I still enter the item code to bring this text into the invoice.Once it is in the invoice, Ctrl-C the text, scroll down to the next empty line, and Ctrl-V it into an empty line. Delete the original line that came in from Products and Services (which will now have the quantity and tax rate etc). You now have just the text. It is less fiddly than retyping.
If necessary, I slide the text-only line back to the top or bottom of the invoice, depending on where I like it.
Another trick is to open the client's previous invoice, select "copy to draft invoice" from the top left three-dot menu, and update the new draft with the new invoice quantities. As Xero didn't seem to save the "financial" status of the line when it was only text, copying that invoice to a new draft doesn't bring any of that info over - just the text.
Esther Lawrence commented
It would even help if it automatically changed to xero if the amount was deleted, rather than just bringing back what you just deleted.
Esther Lawrence commented
New Invoicing - Allow blank quantity field while drafting
With new invoicing, when you copy from an old invoice and just want to change the quantity, you can't delete all the quantity column and leave the quantity fields blank temporarily, it will always automatically revert back to the copied quantity if you delete it, but don't put another quantity in straight away, this makes a lot of extra work, as I have to go through every quantity field and type 0 as a place holder until I can go through the quantity column updating and changing as necessary. Can you please allow quantity field to be left blank temporarily while editing. -
Lee Rushgrove commented
This is really important to my clients using Xero. They have invoices with multiple line items and having to type each description individually takes time that seems wasted when this worked with Classic Invoicing - not sure why you can't continue the same with the New Invoicing. Please revise your "not having any solid plans for changing this" and get it fixed. It would be much appreciated. Also, it would be good to know what the benefits are of the New Invoicing vs the Classic. Thanks, Lee.
Tropical Waste commented
Thanks for all your feedback but we're going to ignore you?
Lee Langridge commented
When adding an inventory item to an invoice, not updating invoice details such as description, account codes ect if these details have been left blank in the products and services tab
Helen Schafer commented
I should hope so. Considering there are no other custom fields available on invoices and Xero themselves in the past have recomnended using inventory items as a work around!
Kathy Ludlam commented
So far, I am failing to find any of the changes an improvement to the previous version - they just appear to be changes for the sake of change. The change to not being able to add description only lines from inventory items seems to be a problem for many and is going to make invoicing very time consuming if we have to manually enter everything. Cannot believe this is considered an improvement and there is no plan to update this. Seems very unprofessional Xero not to be listening to your customers.
Helen Schafer commented
Hi Barbara. I have voted for this functionality also. However, I think in your case you could solve the issue with a Custom Invoice Template which can only show the total on the invoice and not individual unit prices, quantities or individual line items. Happy to have a complimentary chat about it and point you in the right direction. Find me at Living Business in NZ.
Barbara Steele commented
I’m new to Xero, and can only repeat what the many other users have said already, and elegantly summarized by Michael Warwick 13 March PLEASE make the item code not financial.
I need item codes and descriptions on my invoices but only total owed on final line. I don’t use unit or quantity fields.
Atm my invoice tells my clients each of the items costs $0.00 then the last line comes with the invoice total, which is definitely not zero dollars.
Messy, unprofessional and very hard to believe this is an improvement.
Also X’eros attitude of “no plans to change it atm” and offering no other viable solution is very disappointing. -
Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
I am in the same position as Janet. We need site, partner, address, and client data on each invoice, and this does not require financial data to be entered. I've tried very hard to switch our procedure to "new invoicing," but it is so time-consuming and lacks basic required functionality that we have to revert to "Classic invoicing" every time. I am horrified that there are less than two months left before Classic invoicing is retired on Xero, and we will be left with only these ugly, dysfunctional "improvements."