New Invoicing | Files - Drag & drop anywhere on the page
In old invoicing, you can just drag and drop the file into the window and it uploads. In new invoicing, you have to drop it in the box at the bottom of the page. Fair to say this is tedious!

Hi team, returning to confirm that the ability to drag & drop files anywhere on the page in new invoicing has now been released to everyone. We hope you find this enhancement helps speed up and make attaching your files more efficient as you invoice.
Just a reminder that you'll need to add a contact to the invoice first, and if you'd like to include files when sending to your customer, select the 'Attach files to email' checkbox once uploaded.
Thank you all for your engagement, votes and staying updated with us through this idea.
We understand some customers workflows mean they would like to attach files before adding contacts and while this isn't something that's available right now, I'd recommend making sure you've joined this idea for any updates.
Toni Thompson commented
Are there any updates on this one?
Sam Gray commented
Another "efficiency improvement" brought to you by Xero 😅
Xero: AI and machine learning will automate your work so you can shift your focus from compliance to advisory.
Also Xero: we added an extra click that wasn't necessary before.
Jim Morris commented
14 days and counting...Xero is gaslighting its own customers at the same time as charging them more for an inferior product. Time to get consumer affairs involved, start considering legal advice and maybe even speak to the media about this shambles...
If you haven't already seen this thread, jump on board and add your 2c to the ongoing discussion:
Gemma Lalor commented
Drag & Drop doesn't work straight from downloads to just anywhere on the page and also please reinstate .eml files dragged and/or uploaded. The old invoicing accepts .eml files dragged & dropped (downloaded emails containing payment permission). These 2 issues are essential in my daily role - please reinstate them in the new invoicing before switching off the old invoicing. Thank you.
Simon Bonelle commented
In the new invoicing screen the feature to attach source documents, usually delivery notes, to the invoice is VERY flaky. Before, I could simply drag the pdf delivery note over to the Xero invoice window and it would attach.
Now I have to click on "Files" to create the small area I have to drag the relevant file into but at least 50% of the time the file drop area disappears before I can drag the file into it. Sometimes it takes 3 or 4 attempts before I can accomplish what is a very simple task and what could be done previously in a fraction of a second. It is more time consuming and VERY annoying.
Can the ability to just drag the file onto the screen be restored for invoicing please? It still works this way in other areas of Xero e.g. bills and purchase orders.
Thank you.
Hazel Edwards commented
Its been nearly 3 months since Kelly Munro responded can we get an update please.
Martin Danger commented
Translation of Kelly's message:
"Hi community, we appreciate you engaging and letting us know the importance of drag and dropping files into your invoices."
"Hi, thanks for telling Xero how important this feature is to you.""Since the release of the attach files feature within new invoicing our teams have being paying close attention to feedback and understand the efficiency you need in this process."
"While we didn't realise before, after we removed the ability to drag and drop to attach a file, we now understand that attaching a file the old way was easier""This is something our team are looking to make improvements for and we'll shift the idea to working on it. As this develops I'll keep you updated of news and provide more detail through the idea, here."
"it's on our to do list, we don't like making any commitments, we won't give a deadline, we will give you updates." -
Yazz Bhatti commented
Any news on this?
Lorraine Swan commented
I agree - The current drag an drop is faulty - I click on the Attach Files button so the drag and drop box appears but then as I am grabbing the items to drop them in, the box disappears! I then have to dump the attachments, click on the box again and drag and drop... sometimes it disappears again!! In Classic Invoicing i could just drag and drop the attachment anywhere on the invoice screen. New invoicing is tedious, clunky and faulty.
Jolani Garner commented
This feature needs to come back, so many changes that are becoming frustrating and time-consuming. the old system was so much better to use.
The upload files button is not even working now so I cannot add any proof of purchases to my my reconciliation. -
Kristen Sassella commented
The current drag an drop is faulty - I click on the area so the drag and drop box appears but then as I am grabbing the items to drop them in, the box disappears..
I then have to dump the attachments, click on the box again and drag and drop... sometimes it disappears again!!
Elissa Reu commented
Hi team Any idea on when this will be resolved. I'm not looking forward to switching over to the new invoicing process. Not having drag and drop will create so much extra work and take a lot more time.
Appreciate -
Sandra Gallicchio commented
Yes please bring this feature back! We need to save time...not create more work even if it's a few extra clicks.
Marianne Nair commented
With the new invoicing, can you please make it that we can click and drag a document straight into the invoice (as we could previously in old version of invoicing). Instead, we have to click on Files then drag across.
Accounts IBAS commented
I'm having a couple of issues in Xero that weren't there before. First, when I create a bill invoice and assign items to a customer, the sales invoice then appears without an account or tax rate, meaning I have to manually check these. Second, with the new layout, I can no longer drag and drop documents directly into the page. I now have to open, attach files, and then ad the invoice. Can you please look into these issues and fix them. It's quite frustrating.
Ginette Thraves commented
On the new invoicing when you email the sales invoice the letter does not appear so how do we know its been sent to the client? I had to revert back to the classic invoicing to do this
Kirstin Cowden commented
Any update on when this will be fixed. This is so frustrating and adds so much more time onto processing an invoice when it use to be a 2 second job, adding an attachment, before
Claire Parker commented
Further... when you open the window to attach a file from library it also closes and takes two or three attempts. Please investigate as I think this must be a bug.
Erika Feuz commented
The drag and drop file feature on invoices is critical when using this function every day. Not only is this function no longer available, the window that needs to be opened to drop the files into closes immediately and it takes 2 - 3 attempts to keep it open long enough to drag and drop a file into the box. VERY frustrating. Very surprising that a very standard function in our paperless age is no longer available. Is there an update on time frame to sort this?
Roger Lloyd-Thompson commented
This change is a real downer. Very fiddly to have to open the box and attach. It takes two or three attempts. Why???