1361 results found
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Dropdown list when moving time in XPM
When moving time to another job in XPM and you start typing the client name that the time is to be transferred to, it appears at the very bottom of the list, So you always have to scroll down the screen to see the job that you want to transfer it to. Could it please appear at the top of the list on the screen?
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import chart of accounts
It would be nice when you import a custom chart of accounts to prepopulate the GIFI, similar to the report codes.
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View attached files from account transactions
It would be great if we could add a "files" column to account transactions to view attached files without the need to drill into each separate transaction. This feature is already available in VAT returns.
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Is it possible to have a record / copy of the statement email attached to the contact profile so you can see the history for debtors managem
Have a record / copy of the debtors statement email attached to the contact profile so you can see the history for debtors management.
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cash coding
cash coding , it would be nice if you can add search function at the cash coding tab also
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extract bankstatements
banking conversion option, it would be awesome if hubdoc can add feature to extract bankstatements to csv file
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Run report on all business structure/tax types to see who is payable
It would be great if there were the ability to run a report of all business structure type Tax returns (AU, CTR, PTR, SMSF, TRT) with who is tax payable and refundable.
At the moment, we can do this for some business structure types, but not all and when adding in these columns, it immediately removes all clients.
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AU Tax - Exclude Xero figures from worksheet when importing xero data
We 'import from xero' the data to preopolute the tax return. However, the P&L and Balance Sheet items appear in the tax return as a worksheet when printed. It would be great if this was excluded, but retained the other worksheets.
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HQ Search to auto include Organisation and Trading/Legal Names in search
When we search for a client in HQ, can it please also search Organisation (Display) Name and Trading/Legal Name. This would make it make easier when clients go by their trading names and we need to use legal name. Thank you
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show the % RWT/DWT/ICA rate in tax statement worksheet/ Use of money interest
It would be good to see the tax rate deducted for RWT/DWT/ICA for interest and dividends when printed on the tax statements worksheet/schedules. Then you can see that the information has been entered correctly (ie 33% for tax on dividends)
Also be better to have use of money interest adding into the terminal tax date in the tax payment summary showing total payable, rather than a sentence above it!1 vote -
FX column on aged receivables download
Aged Receivables / Payables Detail Report - once exported to Excel, can the FX columns just come out at the start of the columns before <1 month or have one currency column to note which currency the invoice is?
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write off/on
We have just been advised that we cannot allocate write off/on to jobs rather against individuals or apportioned across those who have charged time to the job. At times, jobs are short quoted for reasons and it's unfair to impact someone's recoverability due to business decisions. There has to be a way to record such write offs without impacting staff or teams time directly rather recoverability of the job.
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account transactions
It would be helpful to have a page arrow selection key at the top of the page as well as the bottom within the account transaction listing on the bank statement page, especially with the larger items per page to scroll through. Maybe an arrow which is fixed no matter where you are within the scroll of transactions?
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Bank Rule File/Folder
Could we attach the original document to the bank rule so others with access to the account can view the source document?
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Print an individual client's current year rental schedules with prior year comparative figures on the same report.
I have a client who holds 4 rental properties all of which had significant differences from the previous year creating a large increase in tax payable. They have asked for an explanation, and it would be more efficient and easier for them to understand, if the comparatives could be on the same report as the current years figures so they were only looking at 1 piece of paper for each property. You can see the 2 years information on the screen but it would be preferable for some meetings to be able to have a hard copy. Thanks
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Log into more than one company
It would be really useful to be able to log into more than one company on an reference basis only. I'm often in the middle of something when I am asked a question relating to another company by a colleague or client. I have to log out just to find one bit of information. I might have multiple windows open with different reports etc that I then lose. This is also very important when working on related companies to see intercompany loans in both companies at once. I can see why it would be a problem to post changes to…
2 votesHi Cath, when you say you have to log out and then into the other org, are you using 2 separate Xero account logins?
Appreciate not the ideal solution but you could use incognito mode atm, to open the organisation you need to reference?
AU Tax - Add a Next button to the Managed Fund distribution
Add a next button to the managed fund distribution page in xero tax.
When a client has 10 or 15 managed fund distributions that have imported from the pre-fill you have to go back and click on the next one and it is hard to keep track that you have reviewed every single one. (And deleted the 0's this is a separate idea)
If there was a next button so you can just start at the top and work your way through all the distributions to review them it would make this much easier.
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UK Tax | Company & self assessment - Access in advance of the year end
Allow us to access Xero Tax in advance of the year end - company and self assessment - as it stands we cannot even set up the details/schedules we know we will need. In other software you could load up the information before the year end date had passed to give the client an estimate of tax liability as the year progresses. Furthermore, this allows you to load information as you receive it - e.g. Company Director dividends to self assessments as you complete company accounts
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Notification of acceptance of a Xero subscription transfer
We occasionally have issues when transferring Xero subscriptions with the notification being missed by the other party. Is it possible for the subscriber to receive an email when the transfer period is due to expire and the other party has not accepted?
1 voteHi Jean, I see you've posted this under Xero HQ - Out of interest is this where you'd like to be able to see this sort of notification?
- Don't see your idea?