Invoicing - Design custom invoices
More advanced invoice design
This is to assist the customer receiving a Xero invoice... Xero invoices from multiple suppliers are beginning to look very uniform, which causes difficulty in differentiating when customers receive in paper format. Perhaps the option to change the background colour, or upload a watermark design rather than just the ability to add the logo, change the font etc.

Loretta Sutcliffe commented
I agree adding watermark more flexibility to move or change the format and how it looks would be great.
Can you also ensure that certain information is automatically included on sales invoices. A lot of businesses dont include email or phone number. These are critical for accounts staff when they want to contact the business and check details like bank accounts. It is an ATO requirement that certain information must be shown on invoices yet we are still receiving without some of this critical info.
Anna Stock commented
Please is there a way of changing the font size of the total amount due for our clients. I often see them strain to see the total amount due when we print out the invoice for them. It really only needs the total amount to be larger. Please can you help. Thanks
Geoff Schmidt commented
All the financial documents are Word templates that you can modify. There are paid services available that will make your invoices look how you want them to look but you can also do it yourself.
Although I agree that the standard is not great, but it makes it easy to tell which of your suppliers use Xero - all the invoice layouts are the same! :) -
Nicola Hastings commented
Just started with xero and can't believe how poor quality and unprofessional looking the PDF/print version of the invoices are. I had beautiful standard invoices in freshbooks and would love to be able to replicate that in xero. I feel very unprofessional sending the pdf invoices from xero.
- Needs more basic branding options, simply being able to add your brand colour that is applied to bold text headings and top table border lines would be better.
- More up to date layout of the logo, business address, and invoice details. Amount due should be at the top, due date should be at the top.
- Remove the HORRID giant INVOICE / STATEMENT word from the top that is a waste of space. Should at least be smaller and sit nicely in line with the rest of the invoice details.
- Easier option for editing and making custom templates that does not involve word docx. I do not have a copy of word, nor do I wish to purchase it in order to make simple changes to make an invoice look more professional and on-brand. I also do not wish to hire someone to make these changes on my behalf. -
Johnny George commented
I posted just a minute ago, but don't see where it has posted. So I'm reposting:
After looking around at other invoicing programs, I noticed that the Xero invoice is pretty dull in comparison to others out there. Please look at the comparison of Xero & another. The addition of color within the invoice makes it quite a bit more when seen with color. (see attached)
Is this a possibility within the next update?
Johnny George commented
Here is an example of a Xero invoice. (see attachment)
Thank you.
Johnny George commented
I have an idea for sprucing up the look of Xero invoices.
While I was off of Xero for a few months, I came across this look in another competitor's layout.
Look at attached screenshot. See how more attractive the invoice looks compared to Xero layout that has no color? Is this something you could offer in the future for of different templates?Look forward to your response or update. Thank you.