Cash coding - Filter and Search
Filter/Search in Cash coding screen.
Please create the ability to filter or search for names or words in the cash coding screen. When you have a big catch up client with 2000 entries this would save so much time.

Chanita Paulsen commented
cash coding , it would be nice if you can add search function at the cash coding tab also
Syaifullah . commented
Please to add this feature. This would help so much for companies that use cash basis. Ability to search and filter transactions in cash coding while we can select all for the results will be a game changer and excellent product feature of xero.
the dt group commented
Agreed please incorporate
Domenic Galluzzo commented
100% Agree this screen should have the ability to search as well as filter and sort by date.
Merv Joe commented
enabling the page to have different number of lines eg 20, 40,60 80 as when you have a big catchup like 2000 lines, it would assist greatly if when you sort by any of the columns you may only have 15 or 50 of that category it makes it so much faster to code rather than line by line
Amanda Saunders commented
Cash coding screen should be more functional with sort/filter options so that for example you can select 10 different lines that all have the same tax code but then can apply different accounts within that or different tracking categories, etc. This would improve functionality and efficiency as individual data entry would be reduced
Cath Lamb commented
Filter/ Search/ Anything to make it easier!
Emma Zhao commented
DATE RANGE is a must as we normally need to bulk coding transaction by sorting however may don't want to include later periods to save time. bear in mind we normally process transactions a couple of months after a quarter ends.
As to key words searching, we can actually do this by just doing a web page search by pressing Ctrl F so it;s not that critical.
Nicola Oldham commented
100% agree, this would be a massive time-saving option to clear large volumes of rule treated transactions. I also would like to see transfers included in cash coding so we could quickly reconcile these.
Ella Rigby commented
On the cash coding screen I think it would be helpful to be able to search within this, similar to on the 'bank statement' tab, where you can search for references, amounts and dates
Kahui Hurinui commented
Definitely agree the ability to filter/search by date range, name etc..... would save time!
Belinda Sherman commented
If you could also filter by date that would be great too :)
Audrey Connelly commented
By date also is a MUST
Audrey Connelly commented
would be a great time saver
Kris Durman commented
Tx all, I support this development fully. Let's hope that Xero Development can make this happen.
Monique Wolvekamp commented
I would like the search function to look for all field, for example including the notes of a contact, where you can then add something special that can help in queries
Kris Durman commented
Hi, where are we with this enhancement request?
Cheski Weinberger commented
Myob and Quickbooks have the search function and its truly amazing
Henrik Steppat commented
To have the ability to filter the cash coding screen by date would allow for the use of all cash coding functions (sort by description, amount, reference etc.) within a specific time period.
Lets say you haven't coded a clients Xero in over a year and there are thousands of transactions, to complete the job you only need to code for one financial year. Filter the cash coding screen by date and code the relevant transactions.
Sandra van Neste commented
Yes! Need it