Settings and activity
14 results found
9 votes
Caitlin Ottley shared this idea ·
10 votes
Caitlin Ottley shared this idea ·
232 votes
Caitlin Ottley shared this idea ·
8 votes
Caitlin Ottley shared this idea ·
10 votes
Caitlin Ottley shared this idea ·
33 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
87 votes
Hi everyone, while we thank you all for your input on this idea here, with shifting priorities the planned work for formulas for % within reports has changed and this will not be picked up as soon as we originally hoped.
For now we'll move the status of this idea back to Submitted and share if there's any further progress. Please do keep feeding back and contributing to this idea if this is something you'd like to see.
An error occurred while saving the comment Caitlin Ottley commented
This is a basic function we usually include in both management and annual financial statements, please action this soon
Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
63 votes
Hi everyone, right now the only way to edit a cover page in Xero is when you're publishing the report template.
Then you can change the Title, Date and Prepared by options. To further change the cover page, you can export the report template to a PDF file and customise it using a PDF editor. This would also be an option for editing the page numbers
We made some changes in Report styles for our new reports in 2021, though this is only for practice users - They now have the option to choose from four font sizes, and can add a text watermark to exported draft and published reports.
We don't have plans to develop this functionality further in Xero atm, but we'll keep you updated if our plans change.
An error occurred while saving the comment Caitlin Ottley commented
Hi there
We are moving towards increasing the usage of report packs within accounting software to streamline and standardise reports exported for compliance work like GST's, monthlies and now annual accounts. We'd like to be able to customise both the cover page and table of contents for the following reasons:
1. The cover page is labelled based on the name we save the report pack as. This isn't super helpful when we need to create or save down variations of report packs for specific clients and want to put their name in the title to differentiate it. It would be great if we could overwrite the cover page to say what and how we'd like to show it.
2. Regrouping the table of contents i.e. in our financial statements we usually separate out the fixed asset schedule as a supplementary schedule and summarise supplementary schedules below the usual table of contents.
3. Whilst creating report packs we've had a number of instances where we've had to do a workaround to get the information we need. This has created for example multiple reports to create the multiple page notes to the financial statements section. However on the table of contents we just want one line and the page number reference to show the first page.
I'd like to reference Xero Support case CX0014005186 for a full example of what we are looking for.
Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
200 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Caitlin Ottley commented
I second Charlotte's comments, we have a number of clients that want to run the same reporting suite across all of their entities Xero files. Being able to create a report at the practice level and assign it to organisation/s so that anybody with say advisor access to that organisation could run the report would a) save us a lot of time creating the same report pack in multiple files and b) would also save clients $$ in their invoice from us.
Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
17 votes
For filter by action - would you be after similar to the idea here where you could filter by the date a change was made?
Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
12 votes
Hi everyone, appreciate the feedback on my last question. I've slightly amended the title of this idea. As a bit of an update from when I last posted we have actually made an update in History & Notes as I know some of you were interested in - You can now Export to PDF or Excel from this screen and you'll find there are filter options to help you zone into the items you're most interested in looking at.
Caitlin Ottley shared this idea ·
5 votes
Hi Adam, understand that there can be confusion for a customer if it is their first time making use of the link and not already having a Xero account.
The need for the user to create a Xero login to access and view their outstanding invoices with you if for yours and their security in the information that can be viewed.
Appreciate you may like a simpler sign up process for them and I have slightly adjusted the title of your idea here for this. It's not something we have intentions of developing at this time, but we will get a sense of the wider interest from your idea here.
Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
27 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Caitlin Ottley commented
The IRD requires businesses to keep a motor vehicle log book for at least 90 days, to determine how much a vehicle is used personally vs. for business purposes. The end result is a % that the business can claim of costs for the vehicle, for the next 3 years.
This is an arduous task that a lot of our clients have trouble with. If you don't keep a log book your claim for motor vehicle costs is just a per km rate which comes out a lot less than the actual costs would be, especially if the client travels over 14,000 km's per year. Or you file and pay fringe benefit tax to the IRD.
Your product Hubdocs has revolutionized record keeping and our clients that are using it have significantly improved their records, because it is just so easy.
For example, clients that I prepare GST for have the app on their phones and just take a picture of the receipt and send it through to Hubdocs for me to process. Invoices received on email are forwarded into Hubdocs (working on auto-forwarding as a standard, but having some teething issues).What I am proposing is that in keeping with your track record of streamlining and improving processing for businesses, you bring in a logbook feature to Xero. Clients would enter their odometer reading at the start of their 90 days, and then just the to and from addresses for business travel (powered by google maps perhaps, so this auto fills the full address for them), rather than the odometer readings i.e. home to accountant, office to xx supplier etc.
The app would pull today's date by default, but be editable if you had a hectic day and didn't stop to load your trips until the next day.
It would need to be able to potentially manage multiple log books, one for each user that has it ticked on (sort of like timesheets in payroll) but all of the businesses data be viewable by us as the accountant (with a tick box maybe?), so we can calculate the % at the end of the 90 days.
It would be great if they could 'favourite' recurring trips and quick add these to their log book.
It would also be great if it could give the user a heads up when a new log book is required, i.e. after 3 years, when a new vehicle is purchased etc etc.
For reference I have linked the IRD articles on their requirements for a log book, which the software would need to be able to meet.
CaitlinCaitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
278 votes
Caitlin Ottley supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Caitlin Ottley commented
Hi there
We would like to request that the GST Return, GST Reconciliation and general ledger reports are able to be included in the report packs at the practice level.
We are requesting this function to streamline reporting for periodic GST work. We would ideally have two report packs set up at the practice level that all staff can access when preparing clients GST.
The first report pack would be an internal review GST report pack which would include all of the reports our reviewers look at. Most of these reports we are able to add to a report pack currently, the exception being the GST Return report, the GST Reconciliation Report and the general ledger report.
The second report pack would be for out to client and would include the reports we provide every GST period. Again most of these reports we are able to add to a report pack currently, the exception being the GST Return report.MYOB Essentials currently allows us to create the above mentioned GST Report packs which all staff now use when preparing GST. This is a time saver and provides more professional looking reports as within the report pack we have loaded in our logo and disclaimer and we have also adjusted the colours used on the report to be out firm colours.
We would appreciate your consideration in bringing this function to Xero Report Packs.
It's not currently possible to copy schedules or the groups that you've prepared in a report to another report.
It would be great if we could either copy and paste the schedule and groups to a new report in a report pack and/or link it to the original report, so that any adjustments made to the original report could be quickly replicated. Example being grouping expenses in the P&L and then creating a separate Schedule of Expenses report to show some of the breakdown.