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  1. In this forum, I'd like to see a list of my own ideas, so that I can see if there's been any updates since I was last here

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    Thanks for the feedback about our forums here themselves, Freya. 

    Appreciate wanting to get a view of the ideas you've started. 

    It's not possible on the platform itself currently, however if you select the option to 'Export my data' from your Settings and Activity page you'll receive a few files, one of which is a CSV of all the ideas you've started and the URL to be able to view these online 

  2. Pay Run Items should be into years.
    Eg. All payruns shows up when pay run is openned. Mixing all the years together.
    A screenshot is attached for your reference.

    If we can have it grouped by years, it will be great and easy to identify especially as the years go by.
    Thank you.

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  3. Hiding Voided Pay Run from showing on the Main Pay Run Page.

    It will be great to have a functionality that allows you hide payruns that have been voided from showing on the main payrun list.

    When approved payruns cannot be edited, the only option is to void and create a new one. If a functionality can allow editing approved pay run, then there will be no need. But now, we need to have a function to hide the voided payruns.

    A screenshot has been attached for clearer understanding for voting and implementation.

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  4. Please create a link between Quote >PO > Bill and Sales Invoice

    I would really like to have some traceability in few years time where I would be able to see from vendors' bill or sales invoice (by clicking on it) what was ordered, and received from the vendor or quoted and charged to a customer. This would be great for instances when items that had at the time of invoice, for example, 10 years warranty but now the vendor is offering only 6 years.
    Thank you

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  5. Add a "DUE" Column to The new "Customer Invoice Summary" report if it is to replace the "Customer Invoice Report". At the moment the proposed change will remove functionality. We rely on the current Customer Invoice Report to update our cashflow. The proposed "BALANCE" column is not the same as the "DUE" data. "BALANCE" only gives Invoices not paid at end of filtered period rather than what is left to be paid period.

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  6. The ability to have the payroll week number showing on the payslip if it is a weekly payroll, rather than just the tax month it falls into.

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  7. The gross to net report currently doesn't include reimbursed expenses, and possibly other things we haven't found yet so the net pay doesn't agree to the payslips! Please can we have a gross to net report that agrees to payslips? Failing that even a report that shows reimbursed expenses per employee would be better than nothing.

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  8. In addition to individual accounts, it would be great to select a group total from the Balance Sheet (or P & L) to put in the Account Watchlist, eg if you have a number of loans and you want to see what Total Loans are on the dashboard.

    Somewhat related to idea

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  9. When processing backpay for employees where they have a Termination Date currently involves either an Unscheduled Pay run for a period the employee was employed or undo the Termination date, and run a payrun, then Terminate again.
    Both of these are very time consuming, particularly when there are some 40 employees over an 18 month period that need to be included who have a Termination date.
    It would be useful to have a function in a payrun to "include terminated employees" which keeps all the previous data, but includes them for the backpay without having to manual update each, just…

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  10. Currently you can add a discount of any amount including 100% on an invoice. However if you have a 100% discount the nominal ledger account doesn't save - so you can't report on it. We would like to know all subsidies across all courses but can't currently do this as if we have a fully funded course the NL code won't save so is left blank.

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  11. We use debit cards for our business. This means I see the transaction posted into our bank account before the individual submits their expenses. With a lot of transactions there are expenses missed and it’s painful to match up lots of transactions.
    In the account reconciliation function I would like the ability to have a draft expense created and assigned to an individual for them to complete the expense process, which is then reconciled once approves

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  12. currently we put all of our mileage through as an expense claim and then make a bath payment once it is a certain amount, however when creating the batch payment, the report produced at the end just simply stated expense claim. this can be clicked to go in individually however it would be nice if the description for that expense could also be shown so that it produces a better overview of what is being paid. even if this is just an option to add different columns that it can be selected from, that would improve things.

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  13. Sales Tax Audit report is produced only on the organization's base currency.

    To be able to produce the Sales Tax Audit report in other currencies as well.

    Reason: to be able to extract the report for organisations registered in countries of which currency is other than the Company's base (if also required for the authorities.)

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  14. can you please increase the capacity for downloading general ledgers because at the moment it seems very limited. Often we have to send large files and the capacity at the moment is insufficient

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  15. Please can we have the option to opt an employee out before running a pay run? It is a bit annoying to have to then refund deductions the following month and employees question it as they think they have opted out!

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  16. In the employee card under pay template be able to organise the earnings rates in the order we prefer. For example have employees working overtime, saturday sunday and monday to friday. Being able to put the earnings in alpahbetical; order not how it is saved by Xero.

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  17. Managers who have the ability to approve leave in Xero Me should be able to view historical leave requests they've approved so they can anticipate when staff are away. Currently, they cannot do this unless they have Payroll Admin access and a Xero account on a web browser. Not all managers are finance people and need to have this access.

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  18. In Australia one of the criteria to classify as a "small buisiness" is to have 15 or less employees.

    Could this also be reflected in Xero's pricing which jumps from 10 employees on payroll to 20.

    It would be nice to have a meet half way mark with a fair price for 15 employess.

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  19. I have multiple clients for whom I perform varying tasks. I log in and work on their accounts with my practice email.

    When sending invoices on clients' behalf, or paying bills to clients' suppliers, the copy invoice or remittance advice goes to my practice email as I am the logged in user. The person/company who needs this copy is my client (whose email is the 'reply to').

    At present I have to then log into my emails and forward the copies to my clients manually, (as filters get confused) and ensuring it is the correct client if I have been…

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  20. It would be great to be able to select the account on a repeating bill as 'CIS Labour expense' (I don't understand why it won't let you in the first place when you can select all other accounts by the looks of it?..)

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