4651 results found
Bank Account Transactions - Ability to quickly Edit Reference from the list view
TIME SAVER: I would like to be able to quick edit the reference details in the transactions list view, instead of having to click on each transaction > edit > save.
12 votes -
Contacts - Optional average to invoiced amount auto-check
Auto-check of an invoice amount and compare it to the customer's maximum ever invoice amount. To avoid a typo eg entered £7000 instead of £700.
2 votesThanks for the interest in the idea here. As noted in my last update Contact Credit Limits might help some situations but we appreciate may not suit all needs. We don't have any direct change planned for this feature atm, but we'll continue to monitor the interest around this and share if there's any progress with you all, here.
Billing - Performing Arts Business Discount
Small emerging creatives in the performing arts fields, such as bands and musicians, currently are unable to afford accounting software such as Xero, and as a result, often struggle with managing their finances effectively. Especially given the devastating impact of COVID-19, I feel it would be incredibly useful to provide a Xero subscription discount to eligible small and micro businesses, such as the one currently offered to Football Clubs.
2 votes -
NZ Tax - Ability to have bounce back email when email address is invalid
When sending tax payment letters out via email it would be great to get an email if the address used is invalid. Like a bounce-back when you send an email from your usual email program. At the moment you have no idea if the client received the tax payment letter at all.
8 votes -
Projects Reporting - Show description and reflect payment on bills and invoices
Projects, should show full description of Bills & Invoice details, and include partial payments & credits allocated to the Bill or invoices in Projects..
1 vote -
Sales invoice | History - Show I.P. Address with date & time viewed
When a client opens an invoice or quote Xero shows the IP address of whom ever opened it and the time it was opened. This is especially helpful when multiple people have access to the invoices. It also shows that the client did in fact see the invoice especially when they claim they haven't. Handy tool for chasing payment
2 votesWe appreciate your feedback on how we could improve new invoicing, and the details that would help you track when a customers has viewed your invoice. While recording I.P. address of when a user opens an invoice or quote you’ve sent isn’t in the plans right now, we’re continuing development in this space and our product teams would like to engage you all here to get a deepened sense of our invoicing users, for future improvements. If you'd be interested in sharing further feedback we have a survey you can fill in. We'd love to get your input.
Invoice - Show Domestic Reverse Charge VAT on Invoices
Show the total amount of Domestic Reverse Charge VAT on an invoice, to make it clear to the customer what is due by them.
It is not necessary to show the VAT amount on each line, when it is the same for the whole invoice.
While Xero may be compliant with HMRC, it is not right for businesses who are being repeatedly asked for this information to be shown on invoices. It would be a simple fix for Xero as the functionality is already in place.This is on a discussion thread with plenty of users requesting the same thing.
9 votes -
Statement of cashflow - Multi currency
Be able to produce a cash flow report by currency. Also be helpful to do a cash P&L the same way. Used for forecasting expenses by currency
7 votesHi Dan, you can already run the new Profit & Loss in a foreign currency your org is using, as well as run on a cash basis. If you often find yourself wanting to run reports on a cash basis - we recently released Reporting preferences where you could set this as a default. 🙂
We'll keep tracking the interest around viewing the Statement of cashflow in a foreign currency and let you know if there's any plans made for this, here.
UK Payroll - Hide RTI User ID in payroll settings
When using Xero Payroll as an agent it would be better to be able to hide the agents Govt Gateway ID as well as the password. Could it be updated so that when you tick that you are submitting as an agent, both parts are hidden from the client?
2 votes -
Invoice Branding - Ability to map to specific currencies.
It would be great that it would be possible to set a default branding theme for a particular currency. This way the payment details added to a theme tailored for a Currency will match the invoice currency without manually having to set the correct theme in the invoice.
6 votesHi Thomas, while you can't match a specific branding theme based on the currency of the invoice, you can set this at a Contact level.
If you generally invoice a contact in a particular currency this means that you set this in the Contacts record within their Sales defaults section - see more in Xero central
Dashboard - Access Bank Rules
Shortcut for Bank Rules please - either through button placed on dashboard or via a keyboard shortcut.
3 votesHi Vijay, there is already an option to go straight to Bank Rules - if you click on the 3 dots in a bank widget on the Dashboard you'll see an option for Bank Rules like shown in my image below 🙂🙂
If this isn't quite what you're after it'd be good to get more detail to understand your needs here.
Email to bill - Enter a bill as already paid
It would be great to have the ability to mark a bill as already paid when being entered.
We use the bills email address for employees with company credit cards to submit receipts/invoices for purchases however, when these go into bills and before they can be reconciled, they get mixed up with bills actually needing to be paid. This is also the case for invoices we receive that are then direct debited, before the amount is deducted from our accounts, it's easy for these to be confused for bills that need to be batched and paid. If multiple people are…
20 votes -
Bill - Option to "Add another bill from same company"
After adding a bill to pay, there is an option to add another bill. I suggest another option, "Add another bill from this vendor". I often process more than one bill from the same company.
3 votes -
Contacts - Combine Add/Remove group options
When viewing a contact, the options to "add group" and "remove group" are two separate functions, making moving a contact from one group to another very clunky. This request is to combine the add/remove feature, so you can simply select/unselect which groups a contact is in. This would mean that to move a contact from one group to another, you would simply deselect the old group checkbox and check the new group checkbox.
3 votes -
NZ Payroll | Timesheet - drop down to switch employees
Add a drop-down menu in an employee's timesheet so you can easily flick between employee's timesheets.
11 votes -
CIS Return - Notification of change
Need a warning message when a CIS Return has changed from the original amount submitted, to enable the user to know that an amended return neds to be submitted.
17 votes -
Reporting - Ability to show/hide accounts based on balance
I have voted for the idea "Switch Rules - Notes to Financial Accounts" but would like to also propose an idea that may be of benefit if that one is too complex to implement.
Enable a rule that allows an account to be shown/hidden depending on the balance.
For example - if Accounts Receivable is a credit balance then it will display, if it has a negative balance it is hidden.
That means that the Accounts Receivable account could be added to two schedules in the report, but will only show in one, which should align with switch rules in…5 votesAppreciate you thinking of other ways to solve something, Jessica. With a lot of the reporting teams concentration on elements to redevelop the most vying features from older reports in the new before their removal later this year I want to be open that we don't have this in pour plans at this stage.
We'll start to get a sense of the interest for this here, and let you know if there are any changes.
Xero settings: Option to automatically insert decimal places
Ability to customise how data is entered - decimal places. To speed up data entry the user should be able to have a setting where they can opt to have the decimal place automatically entered. I.e. type in 12345 and the result is 123.45
4 votes -
Project - Automatically import individual time entries from projects to payroll timesheets
To import individual time entries from projects to payroll timesheets, at the moment this only comes through as a bulk time for the day, you then have to manually add the time to the particular pay item if you use more then one pay item. Very frustrating and time consuming, would be nice to have this automated.
13 votes -
Expenses - Ability to search and sort for submitter user
Expenses search and sort.
If you only have access as a user and not full access to the accounts, searching past expenses is a painful experience.
What a painful thing searching for expenses in Xero is.
Can't filter by date range, or search for a particular description, or search by account. And they're in some unfathomable order which you can't sort by date.
Suggestions: Sort by date option to help answer questions like 'did I remember to file that expense 3 months ago'
Filter on date range: 'Show only expenses between January and March last year'.
Search on description: List…
14 votes
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