4641 results found
Bank Reconciliation - Show cheque number for matching payments
Cheque payments should have the cheque number visible for matching in the bank feed. In the past, Xero cheque numbers were displayed with the payment informatio "suggested match" column of bank recs.
When you have 5+ outstanding cheques for the same amount, it was easy to verify that you were matching the correct one because you could see the cheque number on the bank feed as well as the payment. Now you have to drill down into "find match" and actually open the payment to verify. Very cumbersome.
5 votes -
Email templates - Ability to format date placeholders
Feature: I'd like to be able to format the [Due Date] field when it's included in email templates.
Use Case: My standard emails include a line which reads "This invoice will be due for payment by 09 Oct 2023". I have to reformat the date to a more readable style every time.
Basic Outcome: Using standard date formatting you should be able to express the date as "Monday 9 October, 2023" - note that the leading "0" on the date number has been omitted, and also the inclusion of a comma after the month.
Ideal Outcome: The due date would…
28 votes -
New invoicing - Allow invoices to be emailed when using einvoicing
Allow invoices to still be emailed when using e-invoicing
2 votes -
Short term cashflow to integrate with budget
It would be helpful if the short-term cash flow could be integrated with the budget. Since we operate on 30-day end-of-month payment terms, the cash flow is often inaccurate. The sales figures are the primary element we would like reading from the budget.
2 votes -
New Invoicing - Description Box Defined
New Invoicing - Description Box Defined
It would be great if the new invoice description field had a defined box around it like the rest of the row does. The old invoice does and it looks cleaner. I find myself second guessing if those descriptions are in the correct place because it looks like they all run together.
4 votesThanks for confirming, Nicki. I can confirm I've shared this back with the team. We are looking at further improvements to the invoicing grid, so I'll let you know here if there's any news for this.
Contacts - Ability to export/import additional notes
Ability to export and import Notes that are shown in the contact details section as a column in the exported file.
This would allow bulk update and review of notes that have been added across Contacts.
107 votes -
Workpapers - edit prepayments workpaper
Currently the prepayments page on workpapers is a permanent workpaper which brings forward all of the prior year entries every year. This means that historic prepayments carry through. Currently they can't be deleted which leads to a cluttered workpaper. It would be great if line items that are no longer needed could be deleted. As per the file attached - it would be ideal if the nil rows could all be deleted.
2 votes -
AU Payroll - Pay Day Superannuation
The ability to make pay day superannuation contributions (on a weekly basis) prior to the government mandated deadline of 2026.
5 votes -
Email Templates | Remittance - place holder for invoice number
Email Templates - Supplier remittance to include a place holder option for invoice number.
4 votes -
Reconciliation - Show Variable number of Statement Lines per page
Please in the Interests of response times, can you make the Reconciliation page size VARIABLE ?
With 50 LInes per page the screen response time is TOO SLOW, especially with a filter applied.Less lines shown per page would make the screen faster.
5 votes -
Payroll | Employees - Upload/attach files in notes section
Ability to attached files to a pay run and employees
866 votes -
AU Payroll - Upgrades to Xero me app for more customisation
We are long term users of Xero and find many aspects of its functionality make our accounting functions easy! This is not the case in terms of Payroll entry….The Xero Me App does not come close to meeting the needs of a small business like ours….and I am sure we are not entirely unique!
Our business is predominantly made up of casual employees who work different hours from day to day/week to week. Many of our employees also drive vehicles and require kilometre reimbursement.
The biggest challenge we have is the accurate recording of employee hours…unfortunately, we have issues around…
2 votes -
Reports - Adjust column width
Would be useful to be able to narrow column width, especially when decimals are removed and more months are required on 1 page. Similar to Excel, where we can change width and height of rows or columns.
91 votesHi team, to share your feedback with the right teams and individuals can you please explain the screens/pages in Xero you'd find this particularly useful?
Contacts - Ability to bulk Archive contacts (Export/Import)
The ability to bulk archive Contacts via exporting a CSV, deleting contacts and then re-importing those that should stay.
3 votes -
Chart of Accounts - Duplicate existing account
Being new to the business, new to finance and bookkeeping and even newer to Xero we are starting from scratch with our "Chart of Accounts". As we grow and want to create sub accounts for clearer reporting - having to manually 'add account' each time, and reselecting all the appropriate account settings is very time consuming, especially for a novice like me. Being able to right click and choose to duplicate an existing account and then be prompted to rename/renumber it would be so much quicker.
My work around is currently to open up the existing account - take a…
6 votes -
UK Payroll - Integrate Xero Payroll with NHS Pension Scheme
Integrate Xero Payroll with NHS Pension Scheme.
It will be really helpful if you have integration with NHS Pension Scheme. This may also help many GP Practices and NHS organisation use the software for both Accounting and Payroll
8 votes -
Can the VAT account be split into two, a method that Sage utilises?
A vat control account and a VAT suspense account.
The VAT suspense account will show the balance of the Dr or Cr of vat payable or owing from transactions included in the VAT return, this is where the Vat payments to/from HMRC are posted.
The VAT control account shows the balance of transactions where input/output VAT has been realised from invoices raised/received, but are not yet included in the VAT return typically because the the company is operating the VAT cash scheme.
These two accounts could be…
1 vote -
Dashboard - Tax & reporting to include when an activity statement is ready to prepare
For the existing Tax & reporting tile on the dashboard, it would be good if the Activity Statement included an indicator for when the next one is ready to be prepared and submitted.
2 votes -
Projects - See a list of spend money transactions not allocated to a project
It is possible to see a list of bills not assigned to a project.
However, I would like to be able to see a list of all transactions not assigned to a project including spend money and receive money.
2 votes -
UK Payroll - Add pay element nominal codes to employees records rather than at Company level
As we don't have the ability to turn off automatic posting of payroll, can you add nominal codes for ER NI & ER Pension, other analysis fields to employees records rather than at Company level to allow easier analysis and posting of payroll journal.
There is a field on the employee record to enter the nominal code for their wages cost so why can't there be more fields for different codes?2 votes
- Don't see your idea?