User Role - Invoice Only + View Reports
Ability to assign a user where they can only have Invoice only and view only reports.
Purpose: To make user permission easier to set up, rather than having to upgrade them into Standard. As this will allow a user having access to more confidential reports.

Linda De Beer commented
We also really need it I now have to print these reports myself - would be must easier if the creditors/debtors clerk/controller can print them themselves to recon? They cannot have access to confidential info?
Jo Hassett commented
Hi There,
We still require this as well. There is no other option bar myself to run these reports we require but it's not ideal due to me removing myself from the business.
If we could get this up & running, it would be a great contribution to my business and bookkeepers. Thanks -
Adely Garnett-Bennett commented
I have a client that needs this function, It is causing problems without it. Thank you
Clifford Vaux commented
I have another client that really needs this function on Xero. Second time I am posting. Thank you
Gary Lowe commented
Sorry XERO, but this needs to be resolved. I have moved from SAGE to XERO and I am now beginning to think that this was a big mistake.
I love the software, but as other users have commented, USER access is either all or nothing. This is not the real world and as a result we have need to change staff job roles.
I have an employee who raises invoices, quotes, orders and stock. For me to giving the user access to products and services means also giving them access to our bank accounts.
This is beyond crazy and needs to be addressed by XERO.I am asked on a regular basis if I would recommend XERO to other customers and at the moment my answer has to be unequivocally NO which is a shame as everything else about the software is excellent.
Gemma Dyer commented
We need users that have invoice only access to be able to run an AR or AP report
Kate Levy commented
We need accounts clerks to be able to run Aged Payables and Receivables!
Kimmie Teo commented
Agree there should be more flexibility in granting the invoice-only roles view access to reports (such as aged receivables and profit/loss, balance sheet).
Donna Ryan commented
We really need more ability to customize each users access. No business owner wants all their staff to be able to see their banking details. However we need them to access some reports so they can do their job.
Jasmin Cumming commented
Need more permission flexibility for invoice only users.
Our sales/purchases team needs access to sales reports and aged receivables, but not access to view our bank accounts and profit & loss.
It is also very important for these guys to be able to see history of customer/supplier - sales/purchases which is also not available in current invoice only provisions.
Sharon Bramley commented
This issue was raised in 2017 so please can we all keep ticking the security box so that we get one huge vote for this.
They only look at the items with the most votes, so please search for a suggestion rather than starting another one. thanks -
Clifford Vaux commented
My client needs this feature so that sales staff can access the inventory reports to know what stock is on hand at any given time. But this same staff should not be able to see the bank accounts. At the moment the only way to get access to reporting on Xero give access the bank by default.
Nathan Tichy commented
Need to have reports, eg items sale reports available to staff, sales staff, without access to bank accounts that is not needed for this level but quite a large number of reports are helpfull.
Gina Crowcroft commented
Xero's current user roles are way too extreme with the invoice role being too restrictive to be of any real use and the next step up to standard giving way too much access for most users.
It is crucial for a sales ledger clerk to be able to both raise invoices and chase the payment of them. They need access to the various sales ledger reports in order to do this but not the rest of the reports. It is crazy that it is all or nothing.
Additionally, it would be useful if users could be assigned access to specific bank accounts rather than all or nothing.
This could all be done if user roles were assigned on a menu select basis.
Xero is way behind much of the competition with their micky mouse approach to user roles which are only really fit for small owner managed companies.
Julie Latu commented
This really is crazy, this setting allows you to view the account and the balance and all the invoices but it wont let you view the aged trial balance? A junior admin person who is doing data entry should be able to run a report to check their work.
Jo Hassett commented
I have the same issue and as a Tax accountant I can see that smaller businesses would be trying to find more efficient ways to outsource their admin and accounting roles and focus on the tasks they build their businesses around.
I am having trouble trying to delegate work for my admin staff member who only handles accounts receivable & accounts payable in Xero. If they had the ability to run custom report's to reconcile their data entered then this would be one critical task. The other issue is they can't run certain reports to check cost of goods sold off to ensure we are billing out correctly.
These types of reports are critical for my admin however they are not required to have any access at all to the more confidential area within Xero and if I make their user access the next level, this is what they will have access to when not required.
If we can make the report setting function around user access more user friendly and defined then this would be the ideal outcome.
Maria McAdam commented
You can appreciate that as businesses get bigger (thanks in part to Xero) the inflexibility to allocate users to "siloed areas" within Xero becomes a limiting factor.
So an employee dealing with payables or receivables cannot run reports specific to their area (eg to chase up outstanding invoices)) without also having access to the bank accounts, which is unworkable for a business.
ITM Credit Control commented
Sale and Purchase ledger entry staff should have access to Payables & Receivable report functions - debtors and creditor ledger access - to perform credit control duties or reconcilations.
It also does not make sense that persons that capture invoices/bills cannot reconcile to the statements and see the Aged Payables/Receivables.
Please improve the functionality of the software so that it allows Users to segregate duties appropriately.
Alternatively why not allow customised reports to be shared - that way the user access remains restricted ..
Heidi Westraadt commented
The limitation in "tailoring" a user's accessibility / visibility is really a problem in the Business and Accounting sections.
The funciontality and accessibility gap between Invoice only and Standard roles is TOO big - it is almost all or nothing - and this structure does not work in a financial setup where one has to ensure segregation of duties to avoid junior staff from access to sensitive details or functionality on the system.
It also does not make sense that persons that capture invoices/bills cannot reconcile to the statements and see the Aged Payables/Receivables.
Come on XERO give us the FUNCTIONALITY that many other accouting systems give one as a standard function. -
Karen Eddy commented
totally agree with Geraldine.
sales ledger and purchase ledger staff should be able to run aged debtors and aged creditors reports without having full access to bank accounts. There will always be financially sensitive information in bank accounts which accounts ledger staff should not have access to.