Invoices - Unapprove option
Ability to unapprove invoices once it’s already approved.
Purpose: it’s easier to have this feature if users approved the wrong invoices by mistake.

Alison Walker commented
Tim - you have a point, I still struggle to refer to bills as bills (too many years referring to them as invoices!) I suspect that most commentators are actually referring to bills even though they've said invoices.
Tim Sneller commented
ALISON - The original posting says "Invoices - Unapprove option" not BILLS.
I think we need to be consistent in terminology. Xero refers to BILLS in the purchase ledger, and Invoices in the sales ledger. If people actually mean BILLS, then perhaps it would be helpfull if they did not confuse the issue.
I completely understand where you are coming from with Bills, and can see much less of a problem unnaproving a bill. Tax fraud is a lot more difficult in the P/L. If you delete a bill, the supplier is still going to be chasing you for payment, and if you don't record bills correctly, your tax liability will be higher.
It would be relatively easy to allow bills to be unapproved, but a lot more difficult to do the same for invoices. Allowing an invoice which has EVER been approved for payment to be deleted would be a fraudsters delight.
Even the current situation of allowing approved invoices to CHANGE the customer details on an invoice leaves the system wide open for tax fraud.
Alison Walker commented
To reply to Tim Sneller I can see your point regarding sales ledger invoices but a lot of the commentators are referring to the invoices within the purchase ledger where approving an invoice for payment which subsequently needs to be unapproved is an issue. Copying the invoice in question and saving for approval before deleting the approved invoice is the current way that this issue has to be addressed but then you are losing the history attached to the invoice that was initially input plus it's ok if it's just one or two invoices but if you have a batch of invoices that need to be removed from approval this really is not an acceptable solution. Being able to unapprove the original invoice keeps all the history visible as well as showing that the invoice went from approved back to waiting approval which is also useful.
Considering all the changes (downgrades) that Xero has recently introduced it's amazing that this issue remains. -
Tim Sneller commented
I am just a user, and do not speak for Xero - But here is my view on this.
What do you want to do to the invoice that requires it to be unapproved first? Is it just that it needs to go back into the approval loop?
The system currently allows a DRAFT invoice (One that is NOT APPROVED) to be DELETED - No Trace in history or anywhere.
The current situation where the invoice has to be VOIDED, means that the invoice number cannot be re-used, and at the end of the year, your accountant and auditor can see all of the voided invoices, and what happened to them. Whether they were sent to clients by email etc etc. This reduces the opportunities for tax fraud. At the very least, the system would now have to retain the audit trail for the invoice, prevent the draft invoice from being deleted, and prevent the invoice number from being re-used.Allowing an invoice which has been approved, and potentially printed, and sent to a customer, to then be UNAPPROVED could be used to defraud HMRC etc.
Suppose you have invoiced a customer, and they then pay in cash. If you can UNAPPROVE it, and then DELETE it, you can pocket the cash and there is no trace of the transaction. The customer could produce an invoice, but you could claim it was a fake. XERO would have absolutely no trace of the invoice, and no audit entries, and you could re-use the invoice number.
This does of course raise the issue that XERO currently allows any
part of an approved invoice to be changed, including the Name, Terms, line items and totals. This is also open to fraud, -
Kevin Hurd commented
This is getting to the point, that if not implemented, we will be looking to off platform from Xero. What's the point in having an ideas forum.... if Xero never listen to their customers feedback for essential features?
Chris Gosnay commented
This is becoming more important to us as we grow. Please implement it!
Jason Weeks commented
I’m a bit with James this has been around as an obvious issue for ages. Lots of votes and comments.
James Booth commented
If does not appear anyone at Xero is actually paying any attention to these forums. Something as simple is this is just ignored, and this is just one example of many. This is a joke.
Time to find a new accounting solution.
Freeflow Drain Specialist Limited commented
After all the comments its hard to believe that your programme writers have no clue on how to implement such a crucial feature . It would be good if we your paying customers can get some results regarding this . Thanks
James Booth commented
That something so simple and so important has not been implemented beggars belief.
Alison Walker commented
Such a simple thing for you to introduce and certainly more important than the some of the upgrades (downgrades!) that you've introduced recently.
Kathy Skinner commented
Seems they only upgrade what they want, this along with adding additional reply to email addresses should be something that's done not dependant on the number of votes to get their attention and then to only consider doing.
It would also be nice to be able to attach copies of invoices to statements when sending instead of having to send two separate emails, currently I download and attach the statement to invoices and then send and that's a pain when you have multiple ones to send. -
Kimberley Heap commented
This really is an important feature to add. I have accidentally "approved" (rather than submitted for approval) on a number of occasions, and it either requires a complete invoice re-do, or an email to the approver to let them know that I accidentally approved it so they need to check it and send...
Antoinette Micallef commented
Why have Xero Developers not updated their program to enable this feature?
Do they even look at these comments?Is someone within Xero able to provide an update to everyone as to when/whether this feature will be enabled?
Maybe we should all contact support? -
Weronika Lis commented
Voiding an invoice leaves a trace in the audit and looks suspicious.
It really would be great to be able to reverse the approval without the need of making a mess in records. -
Gwyneth Carson commented
Come on Xero. This is getting silly. Give your clients the features they need.
Weronika Lis commented
Hello All
Please, make sure that you've clicked "vote" at the top of this page. More votes will highlight the idea to the Xero team. -
Richard Osborne commented
I have been requesting this for three years and still nothing. It’s such a basic but critical feature.
What is the reason for not having in the app? -
Kevin Hurd commented
this is critical - Sage has this feature!!!
Steph Wheldon commented
It would be extremely helpful to have this function. To have to void and re-enter bills mistakenly approved if messy and time-consuming.