Batch Payments: UK org - Export to BACS with supplier's reference
To have the option to export BACS file type.
Purpose: To get BACS file type, so customer can import it directly to bank system

Hi everyone, appreciate this idea has been in a state of Under review fro some time. While it was something our teams we're looking into, this work has had to be put down with other priorities that have transcended.
For now, we'll shift back to 'submitted' where we can continue to track appetite. We'll be sure to let you know if there's any change in this space. Thanks
Jonathan Muir commented
Xero look to be refusing to allow a BACS export with a reference on, this is concerning as most other software systems can do this. This is a simple fix, allow Xero to export the reference column to the BACS file? Not sure what the issue is?
Rob Crabb commented
I can only assume Xero are deliberately not fixing this to drive demand towards their in-house payment system.
Xero already exports "our" reference (the batch ref) into each line of the BACs file in the section where the supplier reference is supposed to go. They literally just need to make it pull that field from the appropriate line of the batch payment screen.
I wonder how many thousands of hours are being wasted by Xero users manually editing payments refs in their bank, or by suppliers struggling to allocate payments due to this issue.
Accounts Department commented
In the batch payment screen in the Payee reference box it says 'this will appear on the payee's bank statement' but this is not the case and the info doesn't pull through to the BACS file. At the very least if Xero cannot be bothered to make this work correctly, they should correct the misleading copy on the site. For our business, unless this feature is added then the option to pay invoices directly from Xero is of no use at all where it could be a real time-saver if Xero fixed this issue.
Sarah Watkinson commented
It is a shame you so behind the times on this, we have had to set up single payments for engery/water suppliers in our bank to pay them as they never allocated our payments
Tom Burge commented
In the batch payment screen it says 'details to appear on contact's bank statement' but this doesn't pull through to the BACS file
Lisa Plucknett commented
And considering this was suggested in 2015 as needed and still its not done!!! nor even under review any more
Lisa Plucknett commented
Very disappointing to see you dont feel the need to prioritise this. I think its a crucial part of the process.
Brett Beardsley commented
I find it absolutely crazy that the BACS file export options are so limited in Xero!!
We have recently moved our small subsidiary business onto Xero, and had no idea of this issue until we went to make our first supplier payment run. I know you should never assume anything with new software, but this one seemed a given?!
Our VERY old accounts system allowed you to select the relevant relevant file format for a long list of banks, so that it could be exported and uploaded without any need to amend anything manually. And if your bank wasn't listed you could format your own bespoke template.
Fortunately our subsidiary only ever pays 4-5 suppliers once a month, so not a huge issue - although it is clearly annoying, a waste of time and a step backwards versus something that was automated on a system over 20 years old!!!
I do hope that Xero take a look at this soon, as we are now in the process of migrating our larger parent business onto Xero and the idea of manually amending details payment file which can have up to 40-50 lines each week is a worry.......
Luke Irving commented
I hope Xero are working on this feature, it's not much use having an exported file on which you have to amend every single line to re-enter data that is already in the Xero system!
Carol Conyers commented
Each bank has it's own BACS format. It would be useful if there was the ability to format the BACS file within Xero. Having to manually manipulate the data is not good or efficient. We need better connectivity between Xero and banks
Carol Conyers commented
Yes we need the supplier account reference on the BACS file
Jake Hutchinson commented
This would be a very important feature and save a lot of time and potential for error on the inputting of the supplier references.
Kate Richards commented
I desperately need the suppliers reference on the BACS export as currently having to amend the bacs file after is creating a huge risk of payments going missing with the wrong reference. I cannot believe that other companies are doing this as in the UK its standard practice for suppliers reference to be put on the payment. Please add this in as I am sure it must be a simple code as the bank details and other details appear correctly.
Gillian Jackson commented
The current Xero solution is to suggest users edit the system created BACS file and replace the Xero reference with the correct supplier reference.
For software that appears to be cutting edge, this Fraud risk is laughable. Very disappointed to see that this request is so old and it appears no action has been taken
Gail Ashton commented
I am having to amend BACS files to get a supplier's reference included so it is very important.
Sonia Hooper commented
The need for the supplier's reference to be included on the BACS is of very high importance to us.