Billable Expenses - Ability to add margin/mark-up
Ability to add a mark-up in the billable expense.
Purpose: Because some clients will ask additional expenses to users’, this will help them easily add mark-up price in their expenses.
Hi team, appreciate your interest of this idea. While we don't have direct development for this planned right now we wanted to share a workaround that may help you here.
When adding the billable expenses to an invoice, you can override the unit price. Using Xero's inbuilt calculator, you include margin/mark-up by multiplying the unit price by the percentage you wish to mark up.
We understand this doesn't cover all situations of needs expressed. We will continue to monitor this idea and share if there's any progress.
Jesse Cooper commented
This feature is needed because oftentimes, a billable expense is a product that is purchased for a customer and is sold with a markup.
Matt Vagg commented
This is really important!