Email Settings - Set which users to receive Bank account change notification
Ability to select one or two users to receive the notifications when there’s some changes in a Bank account.
Purpose: Because some staff in Xero doesn’t need to know if there’s changes within the bank account.

Renee Auckram commented
Hi Xero - Has this functionality been added as yet? This thread began in 2022 and surely should be considered as critical as it pertains to financial security. As with many comments below, the ability to nominate who receives this notification is essential. Looking forward to receiving an update.
Samantha Davies commented
As the accountant and the administrator, I find it bizarre that the person changing the bank details gets the notification and not a nominated individual/Group.
There is no blocking on Xero for us to stop people editing just the bank details so anyone can change it and for me to verify the bank details we have to take this offline so we can make sure nothing has been amended. This functionality surely needs to be added.
Kate Callery commented
As an accountant with access to many Xero files - it would be good to have the option to unsubscribe to these emails
Annette McHattie commented
For transparency the notification should go to a second person, agree makes no sense to go to the user making the change. The ability to nominate who receives this notification is essential.
Susie Lourens commented
If you have delegated bank account detail changes or added new bank account details to an accounts payable member, their manager receiving the notification of the change or a new supplier (and not the user that made the change) makes a lot of sense for compliance/reviewing
Shadi Habash commented
I'm surprised that this isn't an available function already. There is a notificaiton that gets sent when the supplier's bank details are changed, but it goes to the person who made the change!!! Why not make it go to the subscriber or those who are Bank Admins? So as it is now someone can change the account details to be anything they want and it will go unnoticed unless we check the batch file against the bills to make sure they have the same details. We have many clients who process hundreds of bills per week so anything can pass through unnoticed unless we get a notification of this change getting to someone that is not the user who made it.
Katie Walters commented
We all do not need to know when a client's employee has changed their bank account details. As administrator of an accounting practice this is very annoying and we should be able to nominate who receives these emails.
Graeme Mcinteer commented
You do this for Payroll Employee bank accounts, why not Accounts Payable contacts?
Absolutely should be happening.
Elaine Farrell commented
Adding my agreement, that this should be standard.
Everyone needs this level of control in 2023.
Kiki Paul commented
Really important internal financial control!
Stephen Tulevski commented
Currently there is no secure link between our bank account and Xero. If our Xero account was compromised, the account details on the invoice could be altered to a fraudulent account. I would like to see if it is possible for clients to verify the authenticity of the account on the Xero invoice? Our business only uses one bank account and was hoping there is some capacity to verify the bank account linked to our Xero account.
Alicia Smith commented
Very frustrating receiving hundreds of these notifications because you are the person who administers Xero file access for an accounting firm. I don't need to know when a client's employee changes their bank account.
Leigh Fletcher commented
If I am the person who changes a bank account number, for my own security I need at least 1 other person in my organisation to be notified of the change. This would act as an internal control against fraud.
Les Harvey commented
Would be a very useful feature.
The issue for me is that clients would like a couple of nominated staff, eg the subscriber, to be made aware whenever a bank account is changed. This is an internal control process we need to introduce due to the prevalence of fraudulent bank account scams.
This facility is available in payroll, why isn't there something similar in Accounts Payable? -
SHARON HUNT commented
As CFO I want to know when a bank account, both supplier or payroll, is changed but I don't want to be the default email for remittances, invoices etc.
We need to be able to nominate who receives what notifications and who the default sender of emails is -
Jen Bethel commented
I am listed as an Administrator however, I DO NOT need to see when there has been changes within a clients a bank account. I received far too many of this type of email.